Captive King [ABO]
Captive King [ABO]
Novel Summary
In short, this is the story of the beloved princess omega attacking the scum prince alpha and raising him in captivity… [Hey, something weird seems to be coming in] You are right! This is an ABO’s house fighting essay! Please be cautious when entering the pit. There are dog blood, sky thunder, house fighting, huge brain holes and all kinds of joy~ guest official~ let’s take a look at the first chapter and try~ hunting is also very love Don’t enter the Shuangjie Party if you are unclean It may be the scumbag in the mouth of some relatives, so enter it carefully. If you don’t like it, please click the fork right away! ps: This is a history of the death and growth of the prince! This is also a history of the growth of Omega, a heart-to-heart! This is a newspaper article appraisal finished! Those who are not pleased are better off early! The original name was “The Merry Prince’s Iceberg Princess”, which terrified many girls, so I changed my name to =口=. The change was a bit sudden, so sorry _(:3∠)_.