13 Mink Street

Chapter 249: Cthulhu pattern

It worked!

Karen looked at the child Pique lying in the wheat field, and said:

"Follow the rules of order."

"Yes, boss."

The next moment, Karen opened his eyes. Instead of showing fatigue, there was a strange radiance in his eyes.

For a long time, he has been using practice to verify a guess, that is, the relationship between order and the **** of order. He has gone through it himself, this time, it is equivalent to changing the object and starting again.

That means, order is really order, the **** of order, he is just the **** of order.

Anyone can walk this path, but the God of Order monopolized it early on, and now, he himself can participate in it.

Although Pique, whom he guided, is not worth mentioning compared to the vast ocean of order believers, but this is a beginning.

The most difficult thing is to go from zero to one, but this step, he has come out.

This is the scenery that Karen pursues, this is the scenery he wants to appreciate, and it is also the hope that Diss pinned on him.

Karen believes that there will be a day when he will return home full of the harvest and insights from the journey, cook a meal, wake up Diss, and the grandpa and grandson will tell their grandpa what they have seen on the road while eating.

Pique also opened his eyes. He looked at Karen and put his hands on his chest:

"Praise order, praise the boss."

Karen also put his hands on his chest and said:

"Praise the great God of Order."

This method is different from brainwashing, because Karen did not change Pique's cognition. He believed in order. In Pique's original cognition, order is the **** of order. He has no concept of distinction at all, but now , he has the concept.

If you want to make an analogy, it is equivalent to Karen creating a new sect in the Cult of Kosmos. The beliefs are the same, but there are new understandings and elaborations on the doctrine.

Dingcomb looked at this scene, and he felt that something seemed wrong, but he couldn't come out specifically.

Alfred gently bumped Dingcomb's arm with his elbow, saying:

"The gap has been widened from now on."

Hearing this sentence, Dingcomm immediately felt a huge sense of crisis in his heart, as if he had foreseen the miserable scene where Pique, whom he thought was a bit stupid, would leave him far behind.

"You just finished enlightenment, go to rest, Alfred will prepare for you the spells that you can try to learn at this stage, if you don't understand anything, you can ask him directly."

"Yes, boss."

Peake stood up and turned to bow to Alfred.

When he looked at Dingcomb again, he still had a simple and honest smile on his face, and said, "The next one is you, Dingcomb."

"Well..." Dingcombe nodded, he felt that after Pique's revelation, his temperament was really different.

Finally, before going out, Pique couldn't help turning around and looking at Karen again:

"That, boss..."

"Alfred, starting next month, Pique will increase his salary by five times."

Originally, Pique's basic salary was 100 Order Tickets per month, which was issued by the Order God. After Karen became the owner of the Funeral Society, Pique and Dingcomb could get an extra bonus of 300 Order Tickets every month. , and that’s not even counting the special allowance for sometimes having to stay up late at work.

500 plus 300 plus 100, that's 900 order coupons, and the judge's one-month allowance is only 1,000 order coupons.

"Okay, master."

"Thank you boss, thank you boss, I will work hard."


Both Pique and Dincombe are out.

Pu'er immediately asked, "Successful?"

"Well, it worked."

"So, strictly speaking, whose believer is Pique now?"

"He is still a believer in order."

"But you're not a believer in the God of Order, are you?"


"It's really done... Oh my God." Pu'er's eyes widened.


Karen looked at Alfred, and Alfred translated: "It's just a pure 'woof'."


Karen smiled and shook his head, stood up from the chair, and subconsciously reached out to stroke his forehead.

Pu'er looked at Karen and asked, "Are you tired?"


"Then next time we won't choose Pique. It's good to start with one, and we'll find more refined ones in the future."

"There is no way to do this. It can only be effective on people around you before the revelation. Strangers cannot achieve this effect, because they will definitely choose the God of Order instead of me in front of me and the God of Order. "

Pu'er said: "Then the price/performance ratio is so low. Could it be possible to open an orphanage to cultivate relationships from childhood?"

Alfred said: "Perhaps, this is the price of missionary work. Every new church will face this kind of problem when it first rises. The initial stage is always the most difficult. Only after a certain basic scale can be entered. A virtuous circle begins to snowball.

But please rest assured, young master, it is the responsibility and mission of the subordinates to help the young master preach and let the light of the young master's thoughts shine to more places. The subordinates can undertake this task, and even if the conditions are sufficient, the subordinates can open a school. orphanage. "

Pu'er glanced at Alfred, and said: "Radio goblin, you think things too simply, do you think you can preach if you want?"

Alfred smiled and said, "What we believe in is order."

"Oh, that's right, that's okay, you're promoting the idea of ​​order, and then adding private goods to it, but Karen still has to show his face there from time to time.

Oh, it's so annoying, now it seems that the family belief system is better, as long as you keep having children. "

"Woof! Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah!"

It was rare for Kevin to "Wow" so many times.

Both Alfred and Pu'er showed astonishment on their faces.

Karen, who had been waiting for the translation, couldn't help reminding, "Or just 'woof'?"

Alfred opened the mouth and said: "Kevin means that although there have been rumors that the gods will come out, it is still unknown whether the gods will come again. Even if the gods will come, it may be a long time later. On this basis, things can become simpler.

That is, the young master worked hard to climb up to the position of the high priest, and used his meritorious deeds to establish his position and influence in the God of Order, binding himself to the existence of the God of Order, just like the church revising the mythological narrative Modify it like that.

For example, define yourself as the son of the **** of order, the human incarnation of the **** of order, and the spokesperson of the **** of order.

In this way, when the **** servants of the God of Order pass through the stage of divine enlightenment, they will be able to enter your place in large numbers, young master.

One hundred years, two hundred years later, when the old guys are gone, the Cult of Kosmos is actually complete... Evacuate the cage and change the bird. "

After listening to "Kevin"'s suggestion, Karen also pursed his lips, because he was also shocked.

Perhaps, this is the vision and pattern of the evil god.

When I and others were still thinking about starting from the "orphanage", the evil **** was thinking about "exchanging blood" from the top to the bottom, allowing myself to steal the home of the God of Order.

If this is the case, maybe hundreds of years later, the gods will wake up and the **** of order will return again. Will he feel very strange when he looks at the religion of order at that time?

"Wow! Wow!"

Pu'er translated: "Stupid dog, if this plan succeeds, can the God of Order continue to be the God of Order?"

"Wow! Wow!"

Alfred translated: "The disappearance of the God of Light led to the fall of the Light God Sect. The existence of the gods can affect the existence of the church, but any influence is mutual, and the existence of the church will inevitably affect the foundation of God. "

Pu'er sat on the desk, looked at Karen, and said, "In this way, the real God of Order will become a fake, and you, Karen, will become..."

"The young master will become the real God of Order."

Kevin immediately followed up: "Woof! Woah! Woah!"

Karen raised his hand, stopped Pu'er and Alfred's translator first, and asked:

"Did Kevin just now give the God of Order a judgment, and if he is judged to be an evil god, then he is an evil god?"

"Yes, sir."

Kevin frantically shook the dog's tail. Obviously, this idea made him extremely excited, because it was judged as an evil **** by the order.

Karen picked up the water that was no longer so cold on the table and took a sip.


Karen smiled and waved:

"It's not time for a nap yet, we started dreaming together, ha ha."


"Hehe meow."


Everyone laughed.

Calm returned to Karen's face, and he asked, "But the question is, if this dream really goes on in this way, then what is the difference between me and the God of Order?"

Kevin scratched the dog's head, showing pain on his face.

Pu'er said, "We really can't answer this question..."

Alfred showed reverence on his face, and said: "This is the difference between the young master and those gods. I believe that the young master will walk a completely different path from those gods, just like the feeling of that song. Same."

"Which song?" Pu'er asked.

"I still can't understand the lyrics of the song that conquered me, but I can feel its connotation and power."

"Okay, I'm tired. I'll take a shower, rest, and go to bed early. You don't have to wake me up for lunch. By the way, Alfred pays attention to the phone, the task will start at any time."

"Yes, master."

Karen went into the bathroom and took a bath.

The mental and physical soreness gradually subsided in the hot bath, and he was trying to digest this exhaustion.

Unknowingly, nearly two hours had passed, and Karen felt that it was almost done. She walked out of the bathtub, wiped her body, changed into her pajamas, and lay down on the bed.

Pu'er entered the bedroom at this time, went to the bathroom to check first, then ran out, and said to Karen, "Well, I'll call Dora Doline over to soak your bathtub."

When Karen takes a bath, the light attribute power in the body will spontaneously flow out, bless the temperature in the bathtub, and the light power is the best way to relieve the influence of negative attribute power, of course, the premise is that the amount should not be too large, otherwise it will It becomes "erased".

The bath water is just right for the two girls.

"Now?" Karen frowned slightly.

"Well, I soaked them last time, and the effect is very good. Combined with the application of new medicine, it can last for a long time. Although there is still no way to get rid of the root cause of the disease, it can improve their physical fitness. If it is cold, The effect is not good, which means that the power of light in the water is lost."

"All right."

Pu'er jumped onto the bedside table and rang the bed bell.

Soon, Shili walked outside the door and knocked on the door:

"Master, what are your orders?"

Pu'er shouted: "Go and call Dora Doline in for a bath."

"Is it the bathroom in the young master's bedroom?"

"Yes, go quickly, don't dawdle."


On the bed in the master bedroom, Pu'er lay on Karen's chest and said, "Actually, the best way is to let the two of them sleep with you in the same bed every day."

Karen reached out and flicked Pu'er on the head.

"Oh, what are you doing? I'm not happy if you like it, hum!"

"That means you have enough savings in your body, and those who believe in light will not be so extravagant as to use the power in your body to heat the bathtub."

Shirley went to convey the order, and Dora and Doreen immediately packed up their things, preparing their own clean clothes and toiletries, even mops and dry rags.

This is not the first time they have taken a bath in Karen's bathroom, they have experienced it before, and they will not be ashamed of going to bathe in a man's bath water, not because Karen is good-looking and elegant , but because they have experienced the torture of being polluted.

Because I have experienced pain, I can let go of unnecessary hypocrisy.

As for the mops and rags, of course they are for scrubbing Mr. Cullen's bathroom after the bath.

Seeing this, teacher Dai Shan frowned. In her perception, it was more like these two twin sisters were going to bathe with that person?

She has been attending classes here for a while, and although she hasn't met Karen much, she can also tell that in this funeral club, that young man has the highest status.

But if this is the case, it is too absurd.

"Teacher, let's go first."

"Teacher, you rest."

Dora carried the clothes basket of the two sisters, and Doreen walked out of the house with a rag and a broom and walked to Karen's bedroom.

Mrs. Lake walked over with a smile. Seeing Teacher Dai Shan's expression, she immediately realized that the teacher had misunderstood, and immediately explained:

"The illnesses on Dora and Doreen need medicated baths to relieve them. Mr. Karen is good at making medicated baths."

"Oh, that's right, I see." Teacher Dai Shan immediately nodded to indicate that she understood.

"You can always trust Mr. Cullen's character, really," Mrs. Lake added.

"It can be felt that everyone here respects Mr. Karen, including Dora and Doreen."

"Yes, without him, I don't know what my life would be like now."

"Does Mr. Cullen have no girlfriend?" Dai Shan asked.

"Teacher, you are late, Mr. Cullen is already engaged."

"Ma'am, you have misunderstood."

"Yes, yes, it was my slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, I'm going to prepare lunch, you rest first."


Seeing the back of Mrs. Lake walking towards the kitchen, Mrs. Daishan blinked, regurgitating what Mrs. Lake said earlier: Without him, I don't know what life would be like.

What about your husband, madam? Isn't your husband still there?

this word,

It doesn't sound like something a wife would say when a husband is still around, it sounds like...

Karen was lying on the bed, Dora and Doreen knocked on the door, and Pu'er yelled for help:


Dora and Doreen walked in. They were no strangers to Pu'er conversations. After all, their father was a judge, and they themselves had experienced the torture of pollution. If you have prepared a new drug, how can you ask about your condition?

Karen, who was sitting on the bed in pajamas and holding a newspaper, put down the newspaper and nodded to them.

Dora and Doreen bowed to Karen together and said in unison:

"Thank you, Mr. Cullen."

"You're welcome."

The two girls went into the bathroom and closed the door. Dora hesitated and left the door open.

It's not that they want to expect something, but they simply feel that the sound of the locked door is a kind of disrespect to Mr. Karen.

The two girls put down their things, took off their clothes, and sat in the bathtub together, with expressions of comfort immediately showing on their faces.

Although there were two girls taking a bath in the bathroom of his master bedroom, Karen didn't have the slightest idea in his heart. The two girls were very clean, and if he had any dirty thoughts, he would appear very low-level.

Pu'er lay on Karen's chest, and said, "I won't push the door for you, I know you don't like skinny ones, you like plump ones, hehe."

Karen found that Pu'er likes to tease himself in this regard, and probably everyone who thinks he is an elder but does not look like an elder likes to do this kind of thing.

"Yeah, I like plump ones, like the one I saw lying on a white bed last time."

"Is it Eunice? The bed in her bedroom seems to be white."

"Wearing a hood, boots, thighs showing, a bit of baby fat on her face..."

"Hmm..." Pu'er raised his head abruptly, then stretched out his paws to cover Karen's mouth, "Damn, damn, oh my god, damn! I'm not fat, I'm not round!"

Karen stretched out his hand and gently pushed Pu'er away, saying: "It seems that someone has been a cat for too long, and he has forgotten what he looked like before."

"You pay it back! You pay it back!"

At this time, Alfred came to the door of the bedroom and knocked on the door:

"Master, there is a call. The task notification. In two hours, Fanny will drive to pick you up at the gate of the funeral home."

"Okay, I know."

Karen sat up from the bed and said, "We're going to Darkmoon Island."

Pu'er didn't talk about Miss Ophelia anymore, but looked at Karen and said:

"It's a long trip, UU reading www.uukanshu.com should pay attention to safety."

"I know."

"If you feel homesick for a while, Alfred can drive you back to the manor to live in."

"No, I'll wait for you at home."

Pu'er also seemed to realize that his words were a bit too much for the atmosphere, and immediately added:

"After all, I still have to wait for my puppet body, I'm going to go shopping, go shopping!"

"Okay, as long as you are happy."

"By the way, that matter must never be forgotten, it must be done, and it must not be forgotten!"


[The end of this volume. 】


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