4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

v5 Chapter 281: The path of growth

The things in the dream are still going on, but Lin woke up...

Looking at the dark caves around, and looking at the captain who was lying on the ground, Lin is now connected with a pom-pom ball.

Lin let the pompom stick out of the extra fluff and inject some micro-arms into the body of the instructor.

In the end, Lin has never seen the structure of the instructor. If the creator originally mixed a part of the body into the body of the instructor, then it should be...

Is it this? Is this?

Lin quickly found something special in the brain of the Master.

This thing is tightly bonded to the memory area near the memory area. Other brain worms like Muktu and Maya do not have this thing, and most importantly, this thing is not a cellular structure at all.

It is better to say that it is a wonderful structure, not an alloy or a crystal. It is a structural composition that Lind has never seen before. Some are like the structure of atmospheric organisms, but not exactly the same...

But its characteristics seem to be very similar to the brain structure, it can perfectly blend with the brain of the Master, and deal with the brain waves that carry it.

Is this part of the creator? The whole creator is made up of this strange thing?

If this is the case, then it feels really a wonderful creature.

Thinking, Lin continued to return to the dream and watch everything the Master had spent.

Lynn feels that the 'creator' always wants to control these brainworms, but it may have been tested on Mktu before and found that adult brainworms are difficult to control, so they think of controlling the primate head of the godfather. insect……

And its control method is also relatively easy to understand, that is, the original genetic memory is squeezed out, and then add their own memory into it.

But now I don't know what the paste material that is stuffed in is playing.

What can be confirmed is that it does not require the Master to use the subconscious mind to control in the sleep like Maya and Mktu, but to be able to move in a state of complete awakening.

Though, look at what the Master is like now. The creator seems to be not very successful.

In the dream, Lin continues to observe the life of the Master...

After hatching from the egg, it quickly left the liquid jar, and it seemed to have no chance of rest and was placed in the next jar...

Those synthetics have always accompanied the Master.

"The fusion is perfect and successful. Now you are conducting a command test. You should know what you have to do." Before a synthetic body floats in the jar, it sends a brainwave message saying: "Command on those things."

It took a look at some of the golden structures on the side of the ground, and the Master also understood them and controlled them...

At the moment of control, the Master also gained the vision of those structures. It seems quite exciting, and the instructor seems to be quite happy about being able to direct these things.

"Then is this." The test compound did not have any special reaction. It dragged the canister's jar and flew into another room.

This time, it was also for the Master to control some golden structures, and the Master also followed suit.

In the next dream, Lin found that the process of this paragraph was quite long... those composites always took them to control this one. This has been the case for dozens of days and nights.

There is nothing to do with the proliferation of the headmaster and the brainworm population, the creation of troops, the development of territories, etc. It has been doing this, as if it were created specifically to control the alloy.

Initially, it was just a matter of controlling the structure to move around, and the latter became more and more complicated. Later, the instructor was responsible for controlling these things.

And the type of structure. From the very beginning, only a few limbs have become a lot of complicated functions... There are not only structures, but also many other things.

Although these are very simple for the Master, in the process of its growth, its own character has begun to slowly generate.

Later, it was not willing to control these things.

"Why do I have to control them to fight?" Two years after I was born, the instructor asked this sentence for the first time, and the two golden structures that were fighting in front of it also stopped. Come down. At the same time, I looked at this direction.

The compound did not answer it, but looked at the instructor with a very surprised mood.

"There is an error, the target has doubts about the current behavior, and must be verified. The answer must be found." The two composites seem to flee from here very flustered.

"What are they doing?" The Master could not understand the behavior of this group of composites.

Seeing this, Lin felt that the creator seemed to have made a mistake.

The genetic memory of the brain worms is only a 'cue', it can not control the life of the brain worms, and it will not have a special impact on them.

Although the memory of the 'creator' for the godfather does not know how to do what the brainworm should do, the instructor still doubts the current situation, and it does not act in full accordance with memory. Have your own personality.

After that, it was no longer called to control those things to fight.

Moreover, a group of new composites appeared in front of the Master. This group of compositions is different from the previous ones, and their character... is much richer than before.

They will ask the food that the Master likes to eat, and talk to him about all sorts of things.

But their main thing is to teach the patriarch, educate it to worship the creator, and obey its commands.

Here, Lynn discovered that the creator did not give up, but did not give up, but changed it into an educational way to let the teachers join them...

It seems that the creator itself seems to be a huge brain, but it does not know exactly what to do.

The cult is not interested in what to worship, but it is very interested in understanding the 'creator', so he has been chatting with these composites. At this time, it is not always in the cell house, it is Take it to a distance - on a huge ship.

In this ship, Lin found in the dream that it is still in the process of construction, a large number of structures are constantly transporting a variety of crystalline materials.

The sergeant boarded the ship under the leadership of the composite body. It seems that the knowledge of the ship was also learned at this time, but it only knows the general structure. The patriarch actually did not directly control it. This ship...

After that, the instructor went to a place where Lin was familiar.