80 Years Of Signing-In At The Cold Palace, I Am Unrivalled

Chapter 86: Draw the sword into the gods

The earth shrouded in the dark, white snow was sprinkled, as if the gods sprinkled a touch of snow, covering the filth of this world.

In such a snowy night, the wolf dwelling tens of thousands of miles near Xushan Mountain was completely uninhabited.

Including the people who lived in the wolf mountain, they also surrounded the furnace, chatting, and wondering whether they would be able to plunder from the feathered gods in the future.

But no one thought that suddenly a sword gas shot from a distance.

It passed through the sky like thunder.

Sen Leng's sword aura illuminates the night and makes countless people's eyes shine.

They seem to have seen the purest things in the world, so beautiful that they can’t believe it

The whiteness of the snowflakes is not as bright as the sword aura.

I don't know how many Xianbei people saw this 30,000-mile sword aura at this moment.

Long lasting.

The Langjuxu Mountain was instantly brightly lit, shining all around, and countless people ran out, watching in surprise.

"Sword God!"

The Xianbei people bowed down under this sword aura.

But some masters, their complexion changed drastically, they noticed something bad, and hurried on their way.

Thirty thousand miles, for the gods of the world, the distance is not too far.

They arrived in less than a quarter of an hour.

But what caught the eye, made Master Xianbei's body tremble.

The largest mountain in front of the wolf dwelling in Xuxu Mountain was cut off at this moment and hit it directly. The cut was extremely smooth and flat.

The heavy snow whistling, under the background of this sword aura, it also looked so terrifying and frightening.

Tonight's snow, howling fiercely, exceptionally noisy, and extraordinarily cold.

A human **** found the cave and saw the extinguished bonfire.

With a faint look, he saw the position where Princess Yulin had just sat down.

Here, the lingering rhyme of Jian Qi still remains, making his body cold, very cold.

The storm outside is still continuing.

He couldn't help but look up, his eyes condensed, and he saw the position of Princess Yulin, just in time to see the sword aura rising, beautiful and flawless.

"Dead." The **** of the world...Chapter 86 Pulling the Sword into the Spirit (page 1/4),. Ling said bitterly.

He found the three human gods who were surrounding him.

Just in the void, the sword qi evaporated directly, and no corpse was left behind.

It just left their breath.

As the wind and snow swept? It became fainter? After a while, it disappeared.

The few human gods who came here looked at each other.

"How powerful is this princess?" a human **** swallowed and asked in shock.

"Why do I feel that something big will happen next?" Another human **** said worriedly.

Everyone else shook their heads? Can't answer.

In this snowy night? Some people are speechless, some are shocked, some are angry, and some are puzzled.

Princess Yulin saw the three human gods melt into the void after Lin Jiufeng smashed that sword.

She knew that Lin Jiufeng had cut the sword just now for her to see.

The murder of the gods is just easy.

The gods of the world are already like ants in front of Lin Jiufeng.

"Master... how old are you?"

"Also, why are you so similar to Brother Huang?"

Princess Yulin is not stupid. After seeing Lin Jiufeng, it is easy to think of them.

Lin Jiufeng is very similar to Emperor Yuan.

Yuan Emperor’s son Lin Tianyuan and Lin Jiufeng are not so alike.

Unexpectedly, the grandson of Emperor Yuan was very similar to Lin Jiufeng.

"But think about these things later, this time with Master's help, I can definitely solve this matter." Princess Yulin said firmly.

Starlight doesn't ask travellers? Time pays off.

She headed towards Langjuxu Mountain.

While walking? While comprehending the sword cut by Lin Jiufeng.

Brilliant? Unmatched? People tremble from the heart.

Princess Yulin took it all down without blinking.

Cut up the sky, cut down the gods.

Slashing the sky and drawing the sword is worthy of the strongest swordsmanship.

Because while walking, I felt that the cold snowflakes didn’t even feel. In her body...Chapter 86 Pulling the Sword into the Gods (Page 2/4),. Sen Leng Jian Qi shoots out? Terrible sword auras? To protect her from the cold.

"From now on? You continue to draw swords, beheaded, and accumulate momentum in your heart. If you can draw 10,000 swords before you set foot on the Wolf Juxu Mountain, you will be a beginner." Lin Jiufeng gave the direction of practice.

Princess Yulin's eyes lit up and her head lit: "I know Master."

Draw the sword, beheaded.

Draw the sword, beheaded.

Draw the sword, beheaded.

Princess Yulin was walking in the snow. She did not fly, nor did she step on the snow without a trace, one step at a time.

She took most of her thoughts to draw the sword.

Every sword requires her to deal with it wholeheartedly, and she can't make a mistake in order to cut it out.

Sword after sword, never stop.

Princess Yulin worked very hard. She hurried all night. Originally, the road to Langjuxu Mountain only took a short time.

But she walked all night and never came.

Trekking in the snow, practicing swords in your heart.

Carrying a sword box on his back, the white and clean princess Yulin is still very stubborn in her bones.

She went on.

The outside world was completely boiling because of the sword last night.

That sword aura was 30,000 miles long, blowing up the wind and snow, shocked the grassland, and at the same time shocked the world.

Overnight, the news spread everywhere like wings.

In the imperial capital of the Yuhuashen Dynasty, in the Forbidden City, after receiving the news, the German Emperor was shocked and laughed.

His sister is really amazing.

The Manchu civil and military were also shocked by this news.

Entering the grassland during the day, cut a human spirit.

Three more human gods were killed in the night.

He also cut out the sword smoothly, and the sword energy ran across the void, spreading for 30,000 miles.

Is this still the princess Yulin who smiles so cute?

Da Luo Dao, the instructor Luo Yu and the old Taoist priests were silent.

Two news came in one day, one more shocking than the other.

The Yulin princess, who was regarded as overwhelming by everyone, used her own performance to amaze the world~lightnovelpub.net~Chapter 86 Pulling the Sword into the Gods (page 3/4),. r# "There must be someone behind her pointing, otherwise she can't do this step!" Master Luo Yu gritted his teeth.

The old Taoist nodded and said, "Who do you think it is?"

"The hidden old guy in the imperial capital, the Hundred Ghosts of Yexing five years ago, the group of demons danced wildly, he was the one who managed it, and he must have done it this time." Master Luo Yu said firmly.

"It seems that he is very powerful." The old Taoist said coldly: "He must be found out. The existence of this kind of person is a great obstacle to us wanting to swallow the feathered gods."

Master Luo Yu nodded and said, "I will find out."


This is a time when the world is talking about Princess Yulin.

She has come to the foot of Langjuxu Mountain.

"Since ancient times, several generals have fought here, shocking Xianbei, and fighting them so that they can't hold their heads up and seal the wolf Juxu."

"But no woman has ever done this."

"Today, I am Lin Yulin first!"

Princess Yulin's face was flushed, she was still lovely, a sixteen-year-old girl, not sexy, but an elf from heaven and earth.

Her words are so sonorous and powerful.

The wolf resides at the foot of the Xu Mountain, and Princess Yulin carries the sword box on her back, and then takes out her long sword from her waist.

The eyes are firm.

Draw the sword!

Raise eyebrows!


I drew the sword ten thousand times in my heart, and the accumulated momentum rushed out directly at this moment. .


The wolf lives at the foot of Xu Mountain, and Princess Yulin steps into the realm of the gods on earth.