80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 892: The heart that wants to eat earthworms

After returning from Hong Kong City, Chu Qiao has been very busy. Now she has four properties: Pearl Company, Tongde Hall, Beauty Salon and Gallery. In fact, there is also a hair salon on Amei's side. She also invested money, and every year she can Divide a lot of money.

Amei is very business-minded. Some time ago, she opened a fifth branch. She also planned to open in other big cities, but was persuaded by Chu Qiao. Stable is safer.

In addition to the film company he opened for Xiaobao, as well as the rental properties and shops, Chu Qiao has a lot of industries in her hands, and she has a lot of work to do every day. Fortunately, she doesn't have to manage these industries herself, as long as she cares about it occasionally. But, otherwise, she might not even have time to sleep.

During this time, Chu Qiao was busy arranging An Ming's visit to the Pearl Company. The formalities for An Ming's return to the mainland had been completed. He also brought several senior executives of the company, adding up to a dozen people. Chu Qiao asked Jun Haiyan to make arrangements. , No matter whether the business can be done or not, there is still a way of hospitality.

It would take An Ming half a month to arrive, and Chu Qiao didn't care about the Pearl Company's business anymore. Jun Haiyan and his wife were very safe, and they would definitely be able to receive them well, so she didn't need to worry too much.

It has been more than half a month since she came back from Hong Kong City, and it is almost the end of the year. It is still Lin Yulan who is preparing the New Year's goods, and Chu Qiao is also happy to eat the adult dinner easily. Originally, she still wanted to pay living expenses. She lived there, but Lin Yulan didn't want it. She also said that she and the old man's retirement wages could not be spent, so Chu Qiao would save it for her granddaughter's dowry.

It was the weekend and the whole family went back to the compound for dinner. Xinxin kindergarten was picked up by the old man after school. Dabao and Xiaobao took the bus by themselves. After Chu Qiao was done, he drove back to the compound. Gu Ye was still outside. Busy, the community is almost completed, he has to run a lot of places, firefighting, greening, water and electricity, etc., Gu Ye has to come forward, and he is very busy.

"Where's Dad?"

Xinxin and the old man were hoeing a piece of land. In order to let her granddaughter eat green and organic vegetables, Lin Yulan ruthlessly pulled out all the flowers, leaving only a small piece of rose planting. Eggs are self-sufficient.

"It's going to be a while, you'll be a cat with a face!"

Chu Qiao reluctantly looked at her daughter's big face, her clothes and pants were covered with mud, and she was holding a twisting earthen yin in her hand, which made her feel a chill. Qiao is still very responsive to this footless mollusk.

"Eiyin is going to be caught by you, let it go!"

Chu Qiao stayed away from this girl, for fear of getting caught on earthworms. She really didn't understand why a pink and tender little girl would like caterpillars and earthworms.

Can't you just love cute gadgets like the Flowery Dolls?

"Grandpa is going fishing!"

Xinxin just don't let it go, she is catching fish bait for grandpa.

The old man looked at it with a smile, and it was even better than eating hundreds of ginseng fruits. Whose granddaughter in the whole compound has his family's filial piety?


Old man Liu's precious granddaughter cried when he saw Woyin, and even shed tears. He still doesn't like to eat fish. Old man Liu caught the fish, but his granddaughter didn't eat a single bite of the fish. After eating two bowls of rice, he is very active in fishing now, and he is fishing for his granddaughter.

"Xinxin, here's one!"

The old man screamed, and ran back like a heartbeat. The grandfather and grandson were holding their heads, catching earthworms in the soil, and they were so excited that it was as if they had discovered a treasure.

Chu Qiao was speechless, she was very skeptical that her heart had become what it is now, and the old man had contributed to it. This is completely the way of raising a wild boy.

"Dad, Earthy Yin can loosen the soil, so you can't grow vegetables even after you catch them!" Chu Qiao reminded.

"It's okay, there's a lot of soil in the soil. I buried a lot of chicken excrement, and it's very fat. Earthyin loves to eat this!"

The old man didn't lift his head, and together with his granddaughter, he put earthworms in a glass bottle. This kind of bug grows very fast. He buried chicken excrement and fish intestines in the soil. The soil is full of earthworms.

"Grandpa, can people eat earthworms?"

Xinxin looked at the wormwood that was twisting in her hand with interest. The little girl thought so, since the fish likes to eat, it means that the wormhole must taste very good, and the curious Xinxin wants to cook the wormhole. Taste it.

"Eat is edible. Earthyin is called Dilong. It is a medicinal material for clearing heat and detoxifying. It is used medicinally, but I have never heard of earthyin for cooking." The old man thought about it for a long time, but he didn't think there was a place to eat earthyin. He said, "It shouldn't be delicious, so no one eats this stuff."

The Chinese are the most researched about eating. All the delicious ingredients have been researched into recipes. Even poisonous insects like centipedes and scorpions have special recipes. cooking.

I was a little disappointed. It turned out that the mouths of humans and fish are different. What fish like to eat, people may not like it, and if people like it, fish may not like it either. The little girl wanted to understand this problem, so she continued to dig earthworms.

Chu Qiao breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately the old man didn't say that the wormwood was delicious, otherwise her kitchen would suffer. As long as she thought of using the wormwood to process it in the kitchen, Chu Qiao felt disgusted. She had never entered the wormhole's kitchen. .

When Gu Ye came back, the company gave him a Santana. When he parked the car, he jumped over happily and jumped onto Gu Ye's body, still holding a piece of earthy guide in his hand, and he was about to slap Gu Ye's face.

"Catch earthworms with grandpa?"

Gu Ye asked ~lightnovelpub.net~ while patting off the soil on his daughter's body, and holding a newspaper in the other hand, he smiled at Chu Qiao and said, "Wu Yuyan is in jail!"

"Jail? What's going on?"

Chu Qiao was taken aback, grabbed the newspaper and read it. It was the newspaper in Hong Kong City. The headline was the news of Wu yuyan's arrest, as well as the photo of her when she was arrested. It was different from the radiance in the past. In the photo, Wu yuyan was disheveled. , described as haggard and old-fashioned, no different from those ordinary aunts on the street.

The news reported in detail the reason and history of Wu yuyan's arrest. This woman was involved in many cases, but the most deadly thing was that she did a contraband business. This kind of business is illegal no matter what country it is in, except for some individual cases. Outside the country, but Hong Kong City is definitely cracked down.

All of Wu yuyan's property was confiscated, and the company under her name was closed. Wu yuyan, who used to be brilliant in the past, has now become a down-and-out prisoner, only half a month later.

"Isn't there a backer behind her? Why didn't she protect her?" Chu Qiao couldn't understand, Wu Yuyan was also unlucky in her previous life, but what happened several years later, how could this life be so fast?

Gu Ye sneered: "The backer can't take care of himself now, so he can only cast Wu Yuyan as a scapegoat. Wu Yuyan is afraid that this time he will be in prison."