80s: Daughter-in-law Is Sweet and Sassy (My 80's Wife Is Sweet And Cool)

Chapter 931: it's not over

"As for the punishment, I have already investigated it. The reason I punished my son is because my son did not solve the problem you gave, but you know very well that the problem is very difficult, and some math scores in the class are good. My classmates can't do it, my son can't do it 100%, the question is just an excuse, you just want to find a reason to punish my son."

Tian Tian stopped, said so much in one breath, his throat was very dry, and a small hand handed over the water bottle, it was a roll, which he took from his brother's schoolbag.

Juanjuan looked at his mother admiringly, her mother was amazing, the math teacher was so fierce, and she was stunned by her words. From now on, her mother would be his most admired idol.

Tian Tian glanced at the eldest son with praise. Although the eldest is not good at mathematics, he is attentive and considerate, and has literary talent. Poor mathematics does not mean that the child is not smart. Every child is a flower, but some children bloom in spring, some Children bloom in summer, and some bloom in winter. No matter when they bloom, they are all beautiful and beautiful flowers.

She thinks that the eldest son will definitely produce the most beautiful flowers. It doesn't matter if he is not good at mathematics. He can learn to draw, learn music, and learn to write novels. There are so many careers in this world, why should you be entangled in mathematics?

After drinking a pot of water, Tian Tian regained his fighting power, and continued: "If you can't solve the problem, you will be punished for standing, but because the child's back is a little hunched when standing, you should let the child go outside after class and punish him for standing. In the math class in the afternoon, because the child did not sit up straight, the child was punished to stand again, and he was also punished to clean the hygiene for a week, what is the reason for this? Isn't the teacher venting his anger?"

"I don't. I treat every child the same. I punished Chu Kunlin because he was not serious in class."

The math teacher hurriedly explained that she would never admit that she was avenging her personal revenge. Anyway, the teacher punished the students just and right. Even if she said it clearly, she was not afraid.

Tian Tian sneered and sneered: "A 45-minute class is not military training. It's normal for a child to bend down a little bit. Bending down is a bad attitude in class. The teacher should find some decent excuses. You are dereliction of duty, and when you grow up, you are abusing students and threatening parents afterwards, I will not end this matter!"

The math teacher looked flustered. She wanted to say a few soft words, but she couldn't say it. She had always been arrogant in front of her parents. Now she can't do it if she is soft.

Just punishing a student, she did nothing wrong, the parents were too hypocritical.

The principal came in a hurry. He was a middle-aged man in his forties, Mediterranean, with a general belly. He looked a little greasy.

"I don't need to sit down anymore. I want to call the monitoring of the classroom today. I don't want to hear the reply that the monitoring is broken." Tian Tian did not give face to the principal.

She didn't leave any way out for the school today. As for her son, she didn't worry about it. It was a big deal to go to her niece's private school. The tuition fee of 200,000 yuan a year was not expensive. She wanted her child to go to a private school. It was Chu Peng's iron rooster who said that after paying so much tax, the public school would lose money if he didn't go to school.

At that time, she didn't think much about it. She only thought about the primary school. It didn't matter whether it was public or private, but she never thought that the current teacher is no longer the previous teacher.

The principal's chubby face turned pale, and his heart froze for a moment. He glared angrily at the math teacher, who bit her lip, her face a little pale, and she regretted it very much.

Knowing that Chu Kunlin's parents were so difficult, she didn't care about the student, and it didn't matter to her with a zero score in the test, and it wasn't her child anyway.

She is too serious and responsible for her work, so she can cause such trouble.

"Mother Chu Kunlin, we have something to talk about. Go to my office and talk slowly. You can rest assured that I will never appease the teacher. The punishment will definitely be severe." It's better to keep it private.

"Principal, you don't have to delay, it doesn't matter if you don't have to monitor, I have a recording."

Tian Tian took out her mobile phone and pressed it. The previous conversations she had had with the math teacher were all released. The headmaster and all the teachers changed their faces. This was the real deal.

"Mother Chu Kunlin, I don't know much about this right now. You can rest assured. I will definitely investigate it clearly and give you an explanation."

The principal wiped the sweat from his forehead and complained in his heart. How could he meet such a serious parent?

"It's very clear now that your school's teacher neglected her duties, did not correct her homework, and shared her work with her parents. Is this your school's school rules?" Tian Tian asked bluntly.

"Of course not. It's natural for teachers to mark homework. How can parents be allowed to mark it? It's outrageous!"

The principal reprimanded ~lightnovelpub.net~ and glared at the math teacher. In fact, the principal has a clear mind. Now many teachers ask parents to correct their homework, and he is too lazy to care. The environment is like this. Why be Qu Yuan?

Qu Yuan didn't have a good result, he still wanted to retire smoothly.

The math teacher's face was pale, her lips were trembling, and her bowels were blue with regret. She knew very well that she was hated by the principal, and she might become the scapegoat to dispel the parents' anger.

Tian Tian smiled sarcastically, stopped entanglement with the principal, and walked out with the two sons, and said, "Principal, teachers, this matter is not over yet."

The principal's heart was tense, sweat poured down his face, sweat poured into his eyes, stabbing pain, and when Tian Tianniang and three were gone, the principal regained his senses and scolded the math teacher angrily, "Look what you are doing. these things!"

"It's not that I don't change my homework alone. How can I correct so many homework? All other teachers are like this. It's because Chu Kunlin's parents are too difficult to deal with." The math teacher only felt wronged. Wrong, feel wronged to death.

The principal left angrily. He had to check the contact information of Chu Kunlin's parents. This matter must be private and must not be a big deal.

Parents who can afford their school district room are definitely not ordinary working-class people, and looking at Chu Kunlin's mother's aura, she is not ordinary people. The principal thinks about these things and wants to slap the math teacher a few times.

On the way home, Juanjuan apologized in a low voice, "Mom, I'm sorry."

Tian Tian was driving, and the two children were sitting in the back. She smiled and said softly, "Why do you say sorry? Juanjuan did nothing wrong, so you don't need to say sorry."

"But my homework was all wrong, and the teacher's questions didn't come up." Juanjuan still blamed himself.

If he was smarter, Mom wouldn't be arguing with the teacher.