80s Taoism

Chapter 119: Medicine


   oh oh...

   Meiziao’s morning starts with the first crow of the rooster. A new day begins, and the day opens a new page. The shock of last night seems to have been overturned. It's just that Liu Qiaoye wouldn't think so, because Zhang's appearance still worries her. The yellow hen last night did not make up for Zhang's loss.

   Zhang Youping walked in the direction of Yidushui Commune early in the morning, and from time to time he touched the dozens of dollars in his trouser pocket. Zhang Youping couldn't get so much money with him, and he was always worried that the money would fall out of his trouser pocket.

   In the autumn morning, the fog filled the sky. After a few steps, my hair was covered with countless tiny drops of water, and my hair seemed to turn white instantly.

   When Zhang asked Huahua to get up, Dad had already returned from the commune, with a piece of loin (pork rib meat with a rib attached to it) in his hand. I also bought a pig belly. This is already a very extravagant behavior for Zhang Jiahua's family. It's not every New Year's Day and no one lives. Buying so much meat is a luxury for any family in Meizi'ao.

   Liu Qiaoye sharpened his knife early in the morning, and tried every means to make some supplements. Let Zai Zai recover as soon as possible.

   Zhang was awakened by the smell of the kitchen. The smell of meat made him unable to stay in bed anymore. When I got up, I ran into the kitchen. Before I rinsed my mouth and washed my face, I wanted to grab a piece of fried pork with red pepper just out of the pot. Liu Qiaoye patted him when he reached the middle of his hand.

   "Go rinse your mouth and wash your face." Liu Qiaoye just patted gently, but there was a smile on his face that could melt snow.

   Zhang Biaohua hurried to wash up in twos or twos, but when he came back, there was still a little toothpaste left on the corner of his mouth.

   "Smelly boy, didn't you wet your hands?" Liu Qiaoye gave the cub angrily.

   "Why didn't you get your hands wet? The sleeves were all wet." Zhang Jiaohua didn't lie. One of his sleeves was wet. That's because he didn't bother to roll up the sleeves when he was washing his face.

   At that time, the pigs raised by the people in Meizi'ao were all pigs. After a few years or so, these pigs would be replaced by improved pigs. People at that time could no longer taste the smell of this kind of pork.

   Don’t look at the fat of the flower pig. The fat of more than two hundred catties is **** thick. But the judgment of people in this era of meat is completely different from that of a few decades later. In this era, thick fat is the first choice. The fat is thick, the meat is more fragrant. Although lean meat is not greasy, it is rougher. When Zhang Biaohua was eating, the gaps between his teeth were stuffed with lean meat. Fatty meat tastes sweet.

  The pig belly is used to make soup, and one pig belly is used as the boss and a bowl. This time, neither Zhang Youping nor Liu Qiaoye thought of sharing a little with Zhang's grandparents. They just wanted to put all the meat into the cub's belly, and then it became the cub's meat. They didn't know what Yuanyang was, and they didn't know that eating meat alone could not effectively restore Zhang's begging Yuanyang.

   Zhang asked the flower to feast, and stopped the chopsticks until he was bulging. At this time, he noticed a detail.

   "Father, mother, how do you support chili? Is chili more delicious than meat?" Zhang Jiaohua found that his father and mother hadn't touched the **** pig's belly today, so she asked strangely.

   "Chili is delicious. Stir-fried pork with red chili is the best." Liu Qiaoye smiled.

   "Father, let's go to the mountains to collect medicine later, okay? My old Taoist master said that he has lost Yuanyang and he can't make up for it by eating meat. You have to make up Qi Tang." Zhang Jiaohua suddenly remembered something.

   "Invigorating Qi Tang? You don't understand medicine. The herbs in the mountains are the same as thatch. Where can you find medicinal materials?" Zhang Youping chuckled.

   "Master taught me last night. I remembered those medicinal materials and suffered a lot of slabs." Zhang Jiaohua couldn't help but look at her hands. In her dream, her hands were beaten and swollen. Fortunately, they are all right now. But it still seems to feel the spicy feeling.

   "You go with Zai Zai." Liu Qiaoye said as she put the dishes into the dishwashing dish.

   "If you want it, dad accompany you. If you lie to me, see how I hit your ass." Zhang Youping took the cub into his arms and pinched the little **** of the ass.

   "I know each other clearly. I still don't believe it." The kid was a little unhappy, his mouth cocked and Gao Gao.

   The diamond mountain leopard is in a good mood today, and Zhang has meat to eat, and it is indispensable. Zhang Youping and Liu Qiaoye spoiled the children a little bit on it, and they didn't want to move their chopsticks. Zhang asked Huajiarou to feed the diamond mountain leopard, but they didn't stop them.

   Meishan stretches for hundreds of miles, among which there are many inaccessible deep mountains and old forests. It's like a huge treasure house, waiting for someone with the key to discover it. Various medicinal materials are also distributed in the mountains near Meizi'ao. But for the people of Meizi'ao, these medicinal materials are not much different from the firewood used for cooking.

   Zhang Biaohua walked into Meishan, and he was excited to find surprises in every corner of the forest.

   "This is Fuling, this is Hopu..."

   Zhang Youping was very surprised. He did not expect that Zhang Jiaohua really suddenly knew so many herbs~lightnovelpub.net~No one in Meizitang knew these herbs. There has never been a book on medicinal materials at home. Where did Zizai learn this? Is there really a **** in his dream who teaches him skills? Zhang Youping has always been unacceptable to this point. But things just appeared in front of him in such a weird form. Zai Zai learned the Meishan spell without a teacher, and now he knows medicinal materials again.

   When Zhang Biaohua found a medicinal material, he called Zhang Youping to dig out the medicinal material. Some medicinal materials use stems and leaves, some medicinal materials use rhizomes, and some medicinal materials use fruits...

When    went home, Zhang Youping’s bamboo basket was already full of local herbs. The only regret is that Zhang Biaohua did not find a wild ginseng. However, Zhang Youping resolutely did not allow Zhang to call flowers to the deeper forest. Zhang had to give up the bidding.

   But when the two returned home, Liu Zongtai came. He brought courtesy and a wild ginseng.

"I went to the town early in the morning, but unfortunately I didn't find the wild ginseng of the previous year in the drug store. Just such a wild ginseng should be less than ten years old." Liu Zongtai did not say, in fact, even if there is wild ginseng from the previous year. , He can't afford it either.

   "How much is this wild ginseng, we will give you the money." Zhang Youping said.

   "Youping, you deliberately slapped me in the face when you said this. Your cub saved our three lives in the Liu family. If I can't bear even a wild ginseng, am I still a human?" Liu Zong was too excited.

   "Then your cow, what are you going to do?" Zhang Youping asked again.

"What else can I do? The beast is so powerful, I dare to **** food from his mouth?" Liu Zongtai smiled bitterly~lightnovelpub.net~ Welcome to read the latest, fastest and hottest. The serialized works are all at ~lightnovelpub.net~ For mobile phone users, please go to read.