80s Taoism

Chapter 276: Fat cat fishing

Zhang Wenrong has been very upset these days. They used water to fill the cisterns of the gardening farm. Let the bidder release some fry. But today they inadvertently saw a scene in the cistern, which made them completely gross. The fat cat went fishing in the pond. This fat cat is really evil too. I don't know what it got on its tail. The fish in the pond bit its tail one by one, and was caught by it from the pond. The fat cat has such a big belly, how can the fish fry be enough for it to eat?

"Brother Rong, this fat cat child is very evil!" Zhang Jiagen shook his head as he saw.

"Yeah, Brother Rong, what can I do? If the fat cat eats up all the fry. At that time, I won't even be able to get back the cost. This idea is ours, and it's a bit of a bad face." Zhang Hengao Also said.

Zhang Wenrong picked up a stone from the ground and slammed it directly at the fat cat. The fat cat's mouth was still chewing, and suddenly he saw a stone flying towards the ground, and hurriedly rolled to the ground, just avoiding the stone. Knowing that the fish stealing incident had happened, he ran away.

"This can't be done, let's go and talk to the beggar. But it can't be like this. It's just a curse to keep a cat like this." Zhang Wenrong walked back angrily.

After finally waiting for Zhang Biaohua to come back from school, Zhang Wenrong immediately reported today's affairs to Zhang Biaohua.

"Where is the fat cat?" Zhang Jiaohua asked. He didn't expect the fat cat to have this ability.

"Who knows where it is hiding?" Zhang Wenrong said grimly.

"This thing is actually easy to handle. This fat cat is so good at fishing, so let it go fishing in the river. Eat game every day and it gets sore on the mouth, and it's time to change the taste." Zhang Jiaohua's idea is to follow Zhang Wenrong and others are different.

Zhang Wenrong also brightened his eyes, "Yes. Why didn't I expect this one?"

Zhang Wenrong scratched his head and quickly said to Zhang Hengao and Zhang Jiagen, "What are you doing in a daze? Go look for that fat cat. While it's still early, go fishing in the river."

The mountain leopard was much faster than them, and it didn't take long before the fat cat was escorted back. When the fat cat entered the door, his head was always bowed, as if he was deeply reflecting on its crime. This thing is very evil, and if you do bad things, you will pretend to be pitiful. Zhang has become accustomed to this pattern of bidding.

"Fat cat, don't say I didn't give you a chance. You have eaten so many fry from me. If you don't make up for it today, we will stew the cat and eat it tonight." Zhang Wenrong said.

The fat cat curled up on the ground and shivered, seeming to be very scared.

"Fat cat, don't pretend to be dead. Otherwise, I will let the leopard clean you up. Hurry up and go fishing in the river, and you will lose your merits. Otherwise, you will be killed and thrown into the latrine." Zhang Jiaohua said angrily.

The fat cat turned over and jumped directly outside.

"This sick cat is always coaxed not to go and beaten away." Zhang Wenrong hurriedly chased him out, and heard him yelling from far away, "Hurry up and bring an iron bucket."

Zhang Biaohua also chased it out. The fat cat was fishing. What a new thing he had never seen before!

There is a river called Meizixi not far away. The creek is not very wide, the widest place is six or seven meters wide. The narrowest place is only two to three meters wide. Using the topography on both sides of the strait, you can jump over it directly. The water is not very deep, the deepest place is one or two heads deep (about three or four meters deep).

There are no fishermen in Meizi'ao, and one or two households in the village go to the river when the water is rising. Usually, there are many children who go to the river to fish with small nets. The small net is so simple that it is made of that kind of mosquito net cloth, with two thin bamboo strips forming a cross, and the four corners of the square gauze netting are fixed at both ends. Put some bait in it and sink into the water. When the little fish comes to eat the bait, slowly pull up the net. Some dumb fish with poor vigilance will be brought online. Naturally, many alert people escaped.

There are evildoers like fat cats, so naturally they want to catch big fish. You have to find a place with deep water. It’s just that the fat cat’s tail is not long enough, and only the dock near Meizitang is more suitable. This pier is not for mooring ships. There is no boat in a stream like Meizixi. The dock is mainly used for washing clothes. In the evening, this pier is the venue of the Meizitang Women’s Conference. The wives and daughters of every household came here to wash their clothes. Of course, in the summer evening, it became a bathing house for the men of the village.

"Henkel, what are you doing with a cat to the dock?" Zhang Enzhong asked, who was washing the retort by the river.

"Fishing." Zhang Hengao panted after chasing.

"Why didn't you see you with a fishing rod when fishing?" Zhang Enzhong was a little strange.

"I will tie this fat cat's head with a rope later, and throw it into the river, and then it will be able to fish." Zhang Hangao smiled.

"Hey, your fishing method is good. But with such a big bait, how big is a fish to bite?" Zhang Enzhong smiled, who would take such a word seriously.

The Fat Cat became a little unhappy, and meowed at Zhang Hengao.

Zhang Wenrong pointed to a stone next to the pier, "Just that place. The fat cat goes quickly. If you can't catch the fish today, just throw you into the river to feed the fish."

The fat cat boss reluctantly walked over and lay on the stone, his four paws gripped the stone tightly, and then hung his tail into the river.

Zhang Jiaohua came over slowly, "Have you caught a fish?"

Zhang Enzhong chuckled, "Call the flower, isn't this your idea?"

"What is my idea?" Zhang Jiao stared at the fat cat lying on the stone.

"Just let the cat go fishing. I've lived for dozens of years. I haven't met a cat to fish with its tail. Begging, if you let the cat catch the fish, I will fry an egg in the palm of my hand. Sip." Zhang Enzhong smiled.

"You don't need fried eggs in the palm of your hand. You can bring me two pieces of tofu later when you go home. It just so happens that there are a few pieces of tofu in the fish soup, which are very fresh." Zhang Jiaohua said.

"Then if you didn't catch it, what should you do?" Zhang Enzhong asked ~lightnovelpub.net~ what do you want? "Zhang Jiaohua asked.

Zhang Enzhong thought for a while, "How about you give me a box of black tea? That tea tastes good."

"Uncle Enzhong, you really know how to do business. Two pieces of tofu are used for a box of black tea. The wholesale of black tea is more than one hundred boxes. You are so embarrassed." Zhang Wenrong turned his head and said.

"Whatever him, if you want to spend 10,000 yuan, he will cost less than a cent. Anyway, he is defeated." Zhang Jiagen smiled.

"That's true." Zhang Wenrong stopped talking.

"To get it. Uncle Enzhong, is there any tofu in your house ready?" Zhang Hangao asked.

"Is there any? Go to the house and ask your aunt." Zhang Enzhong said.

"Look at what you said. Where can I eat Auntie's tofu?" Zhang Hangao smiled.

"Smelly boy, no big or small." Zhang Enzhong said angrily. (To be continued.)