80s Taoism

Chapter 376: Crossing the Street Mouse

"Liu Guocai, you are terrible. After a few years of hard work, you have become a big boss now." Zhang Qianlong wanted to contract the construction of the house to someone else.

When Liu Guocai saw Zhang Qianlong, his smile was a little uncomfortable. He hehe smiled, "Who doesn’t know if you Zhang Qianlong went to Guangzhou~Dong to do big business, those of us who are incapable can only eat in our hometown. Boss Zhang, What are you?"

"Naturally come over to discuss business with Boss Liu." Zhang Qianlong smiled, dragged a chair to his side and sat in front of Liu Guocai.

"Oh. How dare I discuss business with Boss Zhang." Liu Guocai didn't care about Zhang Qianlong.

"The last time my house was not built because something happened. This time I want to contract out the house. I heard from the villagers that Boss Liu’s construction team is now well-known in Gezhuping Town, so I want to hand over the house. Boss Liu." Zhang Qianlong explained his intentions, but Liu Guocai's attitude made him a little unhappy.

"I'm sorry. Boss Zhang, I just discussed a small project, and I am afraid that there will be no time to do other business in a short time. You should go find someone else." Liu Guocai refused.

"No. You don't want to send money to your door? I asked you clearly whether your construction team has no business recently?" Zhang Qianlong was surprised.

"I can't help it, I only have such a great skill, how great a skill I can do so much." Liu Guocai said vaguely.

"Is there another reason for this?" Zhang Qianlong stared at Liu Guocai.

Liu Guocai was stared at by Zhang Qianlong for a long time, and he smiled awkwardly, "To be honest, the site of your house has just begun to be built, and something has almost happened. Who knows if it’s a problem with the house’s site? In addition, even if the house’s site is not there. Question, I don’t dare to take your job. If you make a little money, you will spend a little less, but I’m afraid that the whole village will be pierced in the backbone. Not only me, no one in Meizi'ao will pick up your job.”

"Did Shicai come to threaten you?" Zhang Qianlong heard Liu Guocai's words, and immediately burst into flames.

"Zhang Shicai is not an immortal, knowing you are going to come to me to build a house? What you did a few years ago is really not authentic. If I were Zhang Shicai, I wouldn't work hard with you. I really admire Zhang Shicai for being able to be so generous. "Liu Guocai smiled disdainfully. He did not hide his aversion to Zhang Qianlong at all.

Zhang Qianlong was not reconciled yet, so he went to the village to find another contractor. As a result, other people looked like Zhang Qianlong and didn't talk nonsense with Zhang Qianlong. Even if Zhang Qianlong offered a high price, no one paid any attention to him.

It is even more impossible to invite people to build a house by yourself. Except for Zhang Qianlong's parents, no one in Meizitang wants to talk to their family.

Zhang Jiujin happily went to play with teenagers of the same age, but after a short while, he ran back crying.

"People in the village bully me, none of them will talk to me."

Li Yuju had planned to give Zhang Qianlong more time, but now her baby cub was at a loss, she couldn't bear it anymore. "Zhang Qianlong, enough! I have had enough! I live like a pigsty and eat the same food as pigs. I can bear all of this. But Jiujin can't suffer like this with us. Now the civil defense in the village is with our family. It’s the same as anti-thief. Even if you invite someone to build the house, what can you do? I won’t stay here anymore today. Nine catties, go with my mother to meet the Hakka family!"

"Ok, we're going back!" Zhang Jiujin jumped up with joy. Retired Savior

Zhang Qianlong was helpless, so he had to follow his wife to Shayang Village.

Zhang Qianlong's family left in a dingy manner, and Meizitang's family was almost celebrating.

"Call the flower, Jiu Jin and his parents ran away with their tails sandwiched between them!" The mute immediately ran to Zhang Jiaohua's house and told Zhang Jiaohua the good news.

"If you leave, you will leave. It's impossible for this kind of person to stay in Meizitang." Zhang Jiaohua has no affection for Zhang Qianlong's family at all, but he doesn't care much about this kind of person. Originally, he wanted to give Zhang Qianlong a bit of hardship, but when he thought about it, Zhang Shicai didn't take any action himself, and he didn't bother to do something. Now let Zhang Qianlong's family leave Meizitang griefly, and the result is not bad.

"Call the flower, I think their family came back suddenly, it must be uneasy and kind. Maybe they have some idea again." The dumb said.

"What are they going to make?" Zhang Jonghua felt that the dumb words seemed to make sense. Zhang Qianlong hadn't heard from him for so many years. He suddenly ran back and apologized to Zhang Shicai with a dead face. Zhang Biaohua would never believe that Zhang Qianlong's family was just to return to Meizitang.

"If you want me to see, he must have seen our Meizitang family have made a fortune, so he wanted to come back and follow to make money. Asking flowers, you must make it clear to your parents when you turn around. You must not give Zhang Qianlong's family any chance. This person It's so bad, maybe he's still thinking about making tea." The dumb didn't expect that a word he said casually would actually say it.

"It doesn't need to be said at all." Zhang Jiaohua said.

After Zhang Qianlong saw that Lai's road was unworkable in the village, he immediately turned his goal to Xintian County.

Zhang Youping is the president of the Tea Industry Association. Now that the tea industry in Xintian County is developing better and better, the work of Zhang Youping, the president of the Tea Industry Association, is getting busier. Having just received the delegation from other provinces, Zhang Youping was too tired to walk. Zhang Youping walked to the door when someone suddenly shouted, "Youping."

Zhang Youping looked back and found that it was Zhang Qianlong who was calling, "You guys are all the same!"

Zhang Youping rushed up and gave Zhang Qianlong an uppercut, staggering Zhang Qianlong, and immediately beat Zhang Qianlong to the corners of his mouth with blood. Zhang Youping would not feel sorry for Zhang Qianlong. He followed up with a few more kicks, which made Zhang Qianlong keep kicking on the ground. Roll around.

The people in the Tea Association thought that Zhang Youping was fighting with Erliuzi, and they were going to help. After rushing over, they saw that Zhang Youping was in an absolute advantage and stood aside watching the excitement.

"Chairman Zhang, do you want to call the Public Security Bureau?" A colleague from the Tea Association asked Zhang Youping when he stopped his hand.

"No. You go back first. I have a personal matter to deal with." Zhang Youping's eyes have been waiting for Zhang Qianlong.

"Youping, you can fight. As long as you can vent your anger, I won't fight back no matter how you hit me!" Zhang Qianlong's mouth was bloodshot, and his clothes and trousers were worn out in several places, but his face still showed a smile.

"Zhang Qianlong, don't think that if you make such a pitiful appearance in front of me, I will let you go. Since you ran away regardless of me and Shicai's life and death, I made up my mind to see you once and beat you once in my life. But I don't want to beat you anymore, because I'm afraid of getting my hands dirty!" Zhang Youping picked up his briefcase and walked directly to the tea factory. The first chief: Hao pet cool to drag the baby

"Youping, I have always regretted what happened back then. In fact, I have been thinking about waiting for me to make money, and I must come back to make up for you and Shicai. But I was wrong, I shouldn’t leave indifferently, I should follow you Make it clear." Zhang Qianlong slapped himself a few times, slapped very loudly, and then cried and said, "I am not a human! How can I leave?"

"Zhang Qianlong, you haven't changed at all for so many years. But now no one in Meizitang will believe your words. I am not the Zhang Youping of the year. No matter how good you act, you can't fool my eyes. You still don't want to be in vain. I have strength. I don’t want to pursue the things in the past. You go, the farther away you are, the better, because when I see you, I can’t help but want to beat you." Zhang Youping pushed Zhang Qianlong away and walked quickly. Leave.

Zhang Qianlong quickly got up from the ground and ran after him.

But seeing Zhang Youping walking into the tea factory, Zhang Qianlong wanted to follow up, but was immediately stopped by the guard of the tea factory.

"I am a fellow of your boss. I followed him." Zhang Qianlong said quickly.

The guard looked at Zhang Qianlong suspiciously, and said quickly, "You wait outside first, I'll ask."

"Forget it, I also happened to see your boss on the street. I still have something to do. I will come back when I finish the business." Zhang Qianlong knew that even if the guard asked Zhang Youping, Zhang Youping would not be able to let him in. He felt that everything was still in his plan. Therefore, I am not in a hurry to send myself to Zhang Youping's fist again.

Zhang Youping and Liu Qiaoye live in the staff dormitory building of the tea factory. When he returned home, Zhang Youping's expression still did not relax completely.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to the Tea Industry Association? I told you, you are not an official, so why do you manage so many? Can we manage our own tea factory?" Liu Qiaoye told Zhang Youping The tea association is not very supportive.

"It's not a business association. It's a person who just met." Zhang Youping said.

"Who?" Liu Qiaoye is very strange, who can make a man so angry?

"Zhang Qianlong!" These three words were squeezed out from between Zhang Youping's teeth~lightnovelpub.net~Zhang Youping has hated this person to his bones.

"Zhang Qianlong? Does this short-lived ghost dare to come to you?" Liu Qiaoye hated this man who almost killed his own man.

"This person is very scheming. This time I was sent to the door to give me a beating. There must be some other conspiracy. However, I don't understand. Does he think I am so foolish? I was almost killed by him. If you die, can you still be deceived by him?" Zhang Youping scratched his head.

"That's hard to say." Liu Qiaoye smiled, "You are a knife mouth tofu heart. If Zhang Qianlong said a few soft words in front of you, he might really be able to confuse you. However, I can tell you clearly, usually I will do whatever you want. This is Zhang Qianlong alone. Our family must not have anything to do with him anymore. You and Shicai almost died in his hands."

"Know, you think I'm really that stupid?" Zhang Youping smiled. (.)

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