80s Taoism

Chapter 397: What a **** bear

Zhang Jiahua had never heard this sound, and he didn't know what kind of beast it was. Although it was on the edge of Meishan Mountain, it was difficult for the people of Meiziao to see the beast. The beast has gone deeper and deeper into the virgin forest. For the people of Meizi'ao, that winter a few years ago may have been their latest encounter with the beasts of Meishan. But that group of big green wolves hadn't appeared on the mountains near Meizi'ao for several years.

"Roar! Roar!..."

The grumpy roar and the swaying momentum of the earth and mountains, it was obvious that the mysterious beast had been angered by the Twenty-Four Sweeping Mountain Dog.


The big dog barking suddenly sounded, the group of dogs should have been frightened just now, and now they have recovered suddenly. They were not timid at all, but were furious. On the first day of hunting today, they were given by a guy who didn’t know the background. Frightened, and lose face in front of the owner, why do they feel embarrassed?

"These little boys!" Zhang Jiaohua smiled bitterly, really lawless. Zhang Biaohua had no choice but to let the Diamond Mountain Leopard and a few fat cats hurried over and chased after him quickly.


Twenty-four Sweeping Mountain Dogs surrounded a black behemoth. From the look, that big guy should be a **** bear. However, this **** bear is not so big. The average black bear is about three hundred catties, with a body length of 1.5 to 1.7 meters. It stands upright and is about the same height as a human being. But the black bear stood upright, more than two meters high, every step it took, it seemed as if a huge hammer was hitting the ground, and the mountain seemed to tremble. The **** bear is tall and slow.


The **** bear was angered by the twenty-four mountain-sweeping dogs circling around it. Under its power, it did not immediately choose to escape. Instead, it still teased its nerves around it. How many years hasn't been provoked? The **** bear has long forgotten. But this group of puppies is really hateful. Even dared to provoke it non-stop.

Although the Twenty-Four Sweeping Mountain Dog dare not approach this big man, the big man is too big and powerful, as long as it slightly touches the small dog, it can also turn the Sweeping Dog into a Flying Sweeping Dog.

Every time the **** bear takes a step closer to them, they will quickly switch positions. They are always distributed around the **** bear, without fear, and the dog barks constantly.

The **** bear jumped out suddenly, it wanted to tear the guy who had been arguing its ears to pieces.


Suddenly facing the most dangerous attack in his life, it was just a white mountain sweeping dog, and the white dog let out a mournful cry. It was really scared. But it didn't stand in place and waited to die, instinctively swooped to the side, quickly avoiding the huge figure that swooped in. Escaped an attack very dangerously.

After the white mountain-sweeping dog got out of danger, he suddenly felt that the **** bear was nothing but this. Although it was terrifying, its attack was very easy to dodge.


The white mountain dog barked at the **** bear in demonstration. The **** bear made it so embarrassed just now and made it very angry.

With the experience of this white mountain sweeping dog, all the mountain sweeping dogs suddenly had a magic weapon to deal with the **** bear. They are even more handy when confronting the **** bear.

Suddenly, a black figure quickly rushed out of the shade of the tree, pounced on the grizzly bear, took a bite, and then ran away quickly. It was a black mountain-sweeping dog, it even launched an attack on the **** bear. Fairy Undercover


Although the black mountain dog's attack was far from harming the **** bear, it just made it hurt, as if a mosquito had stung. But this feeling of being provoked made the black bear rage.

Zhang Biaohua hadn't arrived yet, but when he heard the violent cry of the beast from a distance, he knew that the beast was completely enraged. A crazy beast, no matter what kind it is, is very scary. Just like the irritated wild boar he had encountered before, even now, he did not dare to face such an irritated wild boar casually.

But now, the Mountain Dogs are facing a beast that is far more terrifying than a wild boar. These puppies actually angered the beast. Zhang Jiaohua was very worried, afraid that when he arrived, he would see the corpses of Mountain Sweeping Dogs all over the floor.

"Now we can only see if the leopard can deal with the beast. Otherwise, I really don't know what the result will be!" Zhang Biaohua also speeded up, but the plants here are too dense. No one has been here before, and there is no easy way to go. Every step forward requires Zhang to cut open the thorns with a hatchet in his hand.


The Twenty-Four Sweeping Mountain Dog is like a part of a machine, the more you cooperate, the more flexible and tacit understanding, the Twenty-Four Sweeping Mountain Dog is like a whole.

The black bear is getting more and more violent, but its IQ is getting lower and lower. Although it tries its best, it can't touch the twenty-four dogs. Physical strength is being consumed quickly. Not only did he not encounter the mountain-sweeping dog, but he was bitten a lot. Some parts of his body had been bitten by the mountain-sweeping dog, and scarlet blood was scattered everywhere.

After raging for a long time, the black bear finally sat on the ground exhausted, panting heavily, ignoring the mountain-sweeping dog that kept shuttling in front of him. Although there were many wounds on the black bear, there was not a single fatal injury. It just kept stimulating the black bear's nerves. But it was a little at a loss. These little things came over to disturb it to sleep today, and didn't know what was going on. But the current situation makes it very annoying, but helpless.


The black bear let out a roar, scared away the mountain-sweeping dog that was just about to sneak attack on it, and then quickly hugged a big tree and quickly climbed up the tree. It chose to escape!

The mountain-sweeping dogs rushed up, but they could only watch the black bear's chubby figure constantly crawling up the tree under the tree, and the muscles of his body shook from time to time as the black bear crawled.


The Mountain Dogs expressed serious contempt, but the black bear has thick skin and never knew how to blush, and if it can live to this day, it never knew the meaning of the skin.

From time to time, I looked down at the group of angry puppies, crawling around, and they were still singing leisurely. One more skill, one more chance of survival.

When the mountain leopard, the black cat, and the fat monkey arrived, they all only saw such a funny scene. Such a behemoth was chased by a group of dogs to climb a tree. The mountain leopard raised his head and glanced at the black bear that was crawling halfway through. It didn't dare to provoke this thing casually, but now, it saw this big guy crawling up the tree desperately chased by the group of little calves. Oops, the world is changing so fast that I can't understand it. The mountain leopard seemed to feel that he had grown old.

The fat cat also opened his mouth wide and panted constantly. This scene made him bewildered. Although the group of mountain dogs were very powerful at the beginning, they haven't reached this point yet. It felt that if it had encountered these little calves, it would have lost even worse. What is going on here? Infinite Journey of Mecha

The fat monkey hung on a pine tree not far away. Although he was not afraid of the big guy on the tree, he did not dare to provoke him. It didn't expect that this group of puppies would be able to drive the big guy to the tree.

Mountain Sweepers raised their heads proudly, and they were not humble at all in front of the predecessor of Diamond Mountain Leopard. In fact, there are a few mountain-sweeping dogs with the blood of the mountain leopard flowing in their blood.

These bastards! The mountain leopard walked over and arched these little cubs with his head, expressing his appreciation for their performance.

Suddenly, it calmed down, making Zhang Biaohua a little nervous. He had no idea what happened before.

"Could it be..." Zhang Jiaohua was very worried.

"Not so!" Zhang Jiaohua quickly overthrew her worry, no matter how powerful the thing is, it is impossible for the twenty-four mountain-sweeping dogs to lose their combat effectiveness in an instant. Even if they can't fight a strong opponent, they should be able to escape part of it. But can the mountain-sweeping dog that escaped grow into a real mountain-sweeping dog? The true mountain-sweeping dog has never hesitated and pursued its prey endlessly. A true mountain dog will never be afraid of any powerful beasts.

Therefore, Zhang Jiaohua's heart is very contradictory. Courage is very important for mountain-sweeping dogs. Without courage, these mountain-sweeping dogs will lose the opportunity to become real mountain-sweeping dogs. But against a powerful beast, if they don't run away, they will lose their lives.

Zhang Jiaohua hurriedly read the spell, "I would like to ask Taomeng Saburo... not afraid of the weight of the knife, or the weight of the big knife. I only hope that the ancestor of Tie Niu will come in person, and the old man will come in person, in a hurry."

The skin and flesh on his body seemed to be made of iron and copper. The thorns in the mountains seemed to be unable to cut his skin. Before, he had to walk slowly with a hatchet, but now he rushed straight into the virgin forest. Like a beast.

Those thorns entangled Zhang Jiaohua's body from time to time, piercing Zhang Jiaohua's clothes, but when they touched Zhang Jiaohua's skin, they seemed to have pierced the iron skin, leaving no trace.

Zhang Jiaohua seems to have the strength to do it all over ~lightnovelpub.net~ The feet are getting faster and faster. Although the mountain roads are difficult to navigate, Zhang's bidding is flat on the ground.

It didn't take long for Zhang Biaohua to smell a faint **** smell, and his heart suddenly became cold. He thought the blood he smelled was blood from the mountain-sweeping dog, but he didn't expect the blood to come from the black bear.

"Leopard!" Zhang Biaohua shouted loudly.

The Mountain Leopard ran out quickly, wagging its tail at Zhang Biaohua.

"Where are they?" Zhang Jiaohua asked.

The mountain leopard looked back.

Elf-like heads came out of the bushes.

"Are you all okay?" Zhang Biaohua couldn't count whether the Sweeping Mountain Dog was right. But looking at them, there should be no problem.

A white mountain-sweeping dog barked twice at the tree. Zhang Biaohua looked up, oops, what a **** bear! (.)