80s Taoism

Chapter 485: You are going to be sick

"The temperature over there is lower than that outside. So the growing season of trees over there has been postponed." Zhang Jiaohua said.

Zeng Lei looked inside, then looked outside, still unbelievable, "How is it possible? It's not a confined space over there, how can the temperature be lower than outside?"

"If you don't believe me, you can take a thermometer to measure it. The temperature there is at least a few degrees lower than outside." Zhang Jiaohua said.

"Where can I find a thermometer for you now?" Zeng Lei shook his head.

"I have it at home, I'll get it back." An onlooker ran away quickly. Before long, the man ran back out of breath, holding a thermometer in his hand, and handing it to Zhang Jiahua, "First, take a look at the temperature here and wait ten minutes."

Zhang Jiaohua took the thermometer and handed it to Zeng Lei, "It's up to you to test, otherwise you won't believe it later."

Zeng Lei placed the thermometer in an open area, waited for the reading on the thermometer to stabilize, and checked the temperature. The temperature was about 23 degrees (degrees Celsius). The weather is nice and sunny. It just happened to be a slight breeze.

"You are in the past, just put it in the open space in front of the house, also basking in the sun. I'm sure the temperature there will not exceed 20 degrees (degrees Celsius)." Zhang Jiaohua glanced at the thermometer in Zeng Lei's hand.

Zeng Lei hesitated, walked in, put the thermometer in place, and walked out again.

"If the temperature over there is lower than the outside, what can it mean? It's gloomy inside, and it's not surprising that the temperature is lower than outside?" When Zeng Lei passed by, he felt that there was indeed a lot cooler than outside. In this broad daylight, there is a feeling of chills on the back when walking over.

"No, when you get inside, you should know that there is no difference between it and the outside. In a cool place, the temperature difference is not so great, right? What's more, there is no problem with the light there. The reason for the low temperature is not the place itself. It's shady, but because of that house. That haunted house is really problematic. Those people must have disappeared in that house." Zhang Jiaohua pointed to the haunted house and said.

"Doctor Zhang, don't talk nonsense about unfounded things," Zeng Lei said quickly.

"Comrade Public Security, the time is coming. You can go and take a look at the thermometer." The middle-aged onlooker who had brought the thermometer from home reminded him.

Zeng Lei had to walk over and took a look at the thermometer, with an incredible expression on his face. No wonder it feels a bit cold here, because the temperature difference between here and outside is almost 6 degrees. It turned out to be only about 17 degrees inside. And Zeng Lei accidentally noticed another piece of data, that is humidity. The humidity inside is also half higher than outside. The humidity outside is only 20%, and the humidity inside is almost 50%.

Zeng Lei didn't want to stay here for too long, because he already felt a chill, and it was going to penetrate into his body. Zeng Lei quickly ran out of it.

Zhang Biaohua seemed to know, "Did you feel it? In your situation, if you don't do anything, I'm afraid you will have a cold for a while."

"Huh?" Just when Zeng Lei was still not believing, a sneeze came in unexpectedly, "See!"

Zhang Biaohua had prepared well and hid aside.

"How's the temperature?" the crowd who went back to get the thermometer hurriedly asked.

"See it for yourself." Zeng Lei rubbed his nose and said angrily.

"17 degrees, ah? It's six degrees!" The onlookers didn't notice the difference in humidity.

Zeng Lei pulled Zhang Jiahua aside, "Can you tell me what is going on? Where are the missing people?"

"I didn't go in, how did I know?" Zhang Jiaohua glanced inside, meaning that if you don't let me in, don't think I will tell you the real reason. Although Zhang Jiahua doesn't know where the missing people have gone. But I probably know the possible reasons. However, if he gets close to the haunted house, he will be more certain to find the cause.

Zeng Lei shook his head resolutely, "Don't think about it. I'm just a little policeman. If I can't solve the case, the board won't fall on my ass, and the reward won't hit me on the head. But if you hurt Haoyue must kill me with a chill. She cares more about you than her brother. I'm almost jealous."

"Not promising." Zhang Biaohua rolled his eyes and said grimly. Zhang Jiahua turned around and was about to go outside.

"Where are you going?" Zhang's bidding was completely beyond Zeng Lei's expectations. He thought Zhang Jiahua would definitely be stalking. Unexpectedly, Zhang Biaohua wouldn't do that at all.

"Of course you are going back! If you don't let me in, am I still staying here to stand guard with you?" Zhang Jiaotou didn't go back and walked outside.

"Hey, didn't you say that I would have a bad cold? You are a doctor, Ahee! Can't you give me a treatment?" Zeng Lei chased after him. This kind of cold is not at all uncomfortable.

"You figure it out for yourself. If you stand here for an hour of horse stance, you might be able to force out the cold that has invaded your body." Zhang Jiaohua turned her head and smiled at Zeng Lei.

"Ah? Standing on a horse stance?" Zeng Lei was crying, and the horse stance for an hour was nothing. But standing in front of the crowds really made Zeng Lei a little bit tormented.

"Whatever you want. Anyway, a bad cold is a matter of lying down for a few days. Maybe you can let Sister Haoyue take care of you for a few days." Zhang Jiaohua smiled and walked away.

"Let's let it, let's." Just when Zhang Jiaohua was about to go away, a black car stopped on the highway and a few people walked down. Several police officers ran over immediately and opened a passage through the street surrounded by crowds of onlookers. Zhang Biaohua also healed and stood aside.

But when Zhang Jiaohua's correspondent took a look, he was surprised to find that there was an acquaintance among them. Zhang Yichen! Unexpectedly, I would meet Zhang Yichen here.

When Zhang Biaohua was watching Zhang Yichen, Zhang Yichen actually felt Zhang Biaohua's gaze.

"Xiao Zhang, Xiao Zhang. You are here too." Zhang Yichen squeezed the crowd and came to Zhang Jiaohua's body, putting his hand directly on Zhang Jiaohua's shoulder.

"Come over with a friend. It's a pity that you are not allowed inside." Zhang Jiaohua smiled.

"Let's go in and take a look?" Zhang Yichen asked.

"Okay." Zhang Jiaohua was about to go in and see what was going on. Now there are a few more fellows, and the safety factor is even higher. Naturally I want to go in and see what's going on.

"Then let's go together. Just a few colleagues came here together." Zhang Yichen didn't wear a robes this time, obviously because of the situation. Some changes were also made when calling each other. For example, when you call Zhang Huahua, you don't call Daoyou Zhang, but Xiao Zhang. Calling those who are in the same way will become peers.

Zhang Jiaohua quickly understood, and walked over to say hello to those in the same way.

"Zhang Yichen, which kid is this? He has such a talent for cultivation at a young age." A man with short white hair, vigorous spirit, and bronze skin, who seemed to be in his 50s or 60s, looked at Zhang Jiahua.

"I've known each other not long too. I talked to my peers." Zhang Yichen smiled.

"It's not easy, it's not easy! The hero was born a teenager, and such a small baby has become so good. It seems that I am really old, so I should close the mountain early." The white short-haired man shook his head helplessly. Zhang Yichen's words have been expressed very clearly. Since he is a peer relationship, it is naturally because Zhang Jiahua's Taoism is not lower than Zhang Yichen's.

"Doctor Zhang, why did you run back again? You are so bold that you still got into these leaders?" Naturally, people like Zhang Yichen cannot be contacted at the level of Zeng Lei. The notice they got was to cooperate with these experts to investigate the situation of the haunted house. He saw Zhang Jiaohua mixed with Zhang Yichen and the others, and thought it was Zhang Jiaohua sneaking in.

"This comrade, don't talk nonsense. I invited him." Zhang Yichen quickly kicked Zhang Jiaohua to relieve him. Zhang Yichen knows that with Zhang's age when bidding, there are always many inconveniences in his actions.

Zeng Lei was dumbfounded. He didn't know who these people were. The above notice says that the opinions of these experts must be followed unconditionally. I originally thought that Zhang Biaohua was only among the experts, but he didn't expect Zhang Biaohua to be invited in by these experts.

"It's over. If Haoyue knew that I brought Dr. Zhang here, I would be miserable. Ah Xi!" Zeng Lei's cold became more and more serious, and his nose kept running, and he was in a trash can not far from him. Inside, it was filled with toilet paper that Zeng Lei wiped his nose.

Zeng Lei felt a little dizzy, but he was afraid that he had already started to have a fever. If you don't take action, I'm afraid it will be difficult to continue. Illness comes like a mountain, and the symptoms come really fast!

Zeng Lei quickly found a slightly remote place~lightnovelpub.net~ and took a step forward. After standing for a short time, I immediately felt that there was a kind of power in my body, slowly removing the cold air from the body.

Zhang Jiaohua looked at Zeng Lei's embarrassed look and smiled, "Brother Zeng, take your time. I will see you again later. I hope that when I come out, the cold in your body has been driven out by you."

The main reason why Zhang Jiaohua didn't choose to drive the cold out of Zeng Lei's body directly was because it was helpful for Zeng Lei to let Zeng Lei get rid of the cold. Because to drive out the cold air, it is necessary to form an air current in the body. This step is actually the beginning of refined gas. Zeng Lei has a foundation after all, and Zhang Jiaohua just allows him to enter the world of cultivation faster.

"You are really good to your friend." Zhang Yichen smiled.

"Others are nice." Zhang Biaohua answered very simply.

Zhang Yichen nodded, "Dao does not pass lightly. Some people are talented but not necessarily destined, and some people are destined but not necessarily talented. You may not help him if you pass it to someone who shouldn’t, but hurt him. ." (To be continued.)