80s Taoism

Chapter 638: rescue

   all at once captured seven people from Yingpan Village and rescued seven abducted women. The youngest is in their teens, and the oldest is in their forties. It has been ten years since the earliest abducted and trafficked in the village, and has given birth to three or four children. The family is too poor to open the pot, but the man is worried that the woman will run away and stay at home all the time, relying on picking some mountain products for food from the mountains. But with so many mouths in the family, how can there be enough food in exchange for that little mountain food?

   The worst woman was broken in a leg just to prevent her from escaping. When he was rescued, people were no longer like ghosts or humans. When Zhang Jiaohua and the police from Tianbaqiao Town Police Station found her in the cellar, they thought she was a corpse. If it is not for timely rescue, I am afraid that I will not live long.

   As soon as Zhang Jiaohua and others entered, the woman did not call for help, but shivered and curled up in the corner. His hair is disheveled and his face is covered with black dirt. I don't know how long it has been since I washed my face.

   "Beast!" Zhang Jiaohua couldn't help cursing.

   The police from Tianbaqiao Police Station handcuffed Gu Chenghe who bought the woman.

   "What are you doing? What are you doing? Didn't you say that if you let people go, you won't be held accountable?" Gu Chenghe said in a panic.

   "You are not only buying and selling women, but also suspected of torturing and deliberately hurting. You made a good person like this, are you still a human?" Tianbaqiao police officer Zhang Jianyong said.

"I bought her for 50,000 yuan. She ran many times. How could I persuade her not to listen. Can you blame me? Could I throw 50,000 yuan into the water?" Gu Chenghe Said.

   "You can tell the judge when you go to court." Zhang Jianyong pushed Gu Chenghe hard and staggered Gu Chenghe.

   "What is your name? Where is your home?" Zhang Jiaohua asked the abducted woman.

"My name is Lei Jingshu from Xintian County. A van driving me asked for directions, and when I was not paying attention, he pushed me into the car. When I got into the car, I was blindfolded by them. Turn around. In a few places, I finally sold me here. Um... I have two children in my family. I just quarreled with a man that day and walked out alone. Who knew I was caught by these damned human traffickers Trafficked. When I got here, I missed my two children every day and I missed my man. So I wanted to run. Even if I die, I have to go back and see my two children." Lei Jingshu cried. stand up.

   "When was your foot hurt?" Zhang Jiaohua asked.

"It was not long ago. I heard that there was a cadre in the village. I wanted to run out for help. This **** broke my leg. In fact, he resented me for not giving him a baby. I had a second child and I was killed. The township government arrested the ligation. Where can I give birth to a baby? I just don’t tell them. Even if I can be pregnant with a baby, I will beat the baby in my stomach to death. I will not give birth to this animal!" Lei Jingshu Hearing Zhang Jiaohua talking to her in Xintian dialect, it was as if he had seen her relatives, talking and crying.

   "Don't worry, your leg should still be healed. The police station will also contact your family as soon as possible. Send you back. No one else will know about the things here." Zhang Jiaohua said.

   "Chairman Zhang. Can I ask you something?" Lei Jingshu asked.

   "You said." Zhang begged and nodded.

"I'm already like this now. Even if I go back, I don't have the face to see my children and men. I want to go to the coastal area to work after my legs are better. I just can't let go of my children. Otherwise, I Long gone." Lei Jingshu said.

Zhang Jiaohua quickly persuaded: "Sister Lei. It's not your fault. Maybe your family is still looking for you. Think about it, how pitiful your child will be in the future? Now that you are away now Hukou, why don't you cherish the days to come? No matter what happens in your family, your two children are your own flesh and blood after all. I think you might as well go back to Xintian County. Let's see how your family is going. Make plans for the next step. If you need to find a job, I will introduce you to a job in Xintian County. What do you think?"

   "I think about it." Lei Jingshu hesitated.

   "Well, I will treat your legs first. The town will temporarily settle you in the town. After your legs are well, make plans." Zhang Jiaohua said.

  Lei Jingshu nodded. Although she has escaped from her mouth, the encounter in Yingpan Village may become a shadow in her life.

   The paper could not contain the fire, and the case of trafficking in women in Yingpan Village eventually spread. The media from all over the country swarmed in and suddenly turned a small Yingpan Village into the focus of national attention.

  Bijiang City is very passive, Daihua County is also very passive, and Tianbaqiao Town, which is in the whirlpool, is even more battered.

   Zhu Qing Dongtou, who was expecting a huge achievement from the transformation of salt and alkali, was too big. As soon as he goes out every day, various media will block his way and ask for an interview. In the past, Zhu Qingdong would be willing to show up in the limelight, but now ~lightnovelpub.net~ Zhu Qingdong can't wait to hide at home. But it won't work if you don't go out. The top leader, Yang Yongqiang, is still in the hospital, but escaped the storm. Zhu Qingdong wished that it was not Yang Yongqiang who was lying on the hospital bed at this time, but himself.

"You said you, how did you poke such a big basket? Why bother? We can save people, and we can catch people who sell and sell women. But why do you have such a big battle? The project in Yingpan Village is so difficult. It was only approved, and now it’s hard to say whether it can be implemented." Zhu Qingdong complained.

"Mayor Mayor, in fact, this issue can be viewed from another angle. The wife-buying case happened in our village. But we handled it very decisively. Moreover, we eliminated all the suspects all at once because we provided timely and accurate information. This was a major trans-provincial crime syndicate. The other is the problem of saline-alkali reformation in Yingpan Village. Although the news is not good for our Tianbaqiao Town, it is actually beneficial. The poverty of Yingpan Village is used by more people. After knowing it, do you say that the above will not allocate funds?" Zhang Biaohua said.

   "That's right. I think it's more anxious than us, right?" Zhu Qingdong showed a smile on his face.

"Mayor Mayor, I think these abducted women should be properly arranged in the town. We can't let them go back in this state. I will ask some psychological doctors to give them psychological counseling. Reduce their psychological pressure. Otherwise, Tianbaqiao Town really has to become the focus of everyone's attention." Zhang Jiaohua said.


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