80s Taoism

Chapter 687: New medicine

The accidental observation in the last experiment aroused Mei Qing's interest. Optimizing reagents can not only cause some mutations in the human body. It will also cause some changes in the virus.

Through this period of experimentation, Mei Qing found that the aura contained in the Lingquan had an inhibitory effect on many viruses. At the same time, Mei Qing returned to the present, using appropriate drug combination, combined with Reiki, can repair some lesions. It even has a good repair effect on malignant tumor tissues. Turning cancerous cells into normal cells is a very surprising phenomenon.

"If we have enough Lingquan to produce this drug, we will be able to save the lives of countless tumor patients. This is of great significance to mankind." Mei Qing said to Zhang Jiaohua excitedly.

"Now all the spiritual springs on the earth are on the verge of exhaustion. However, I can provide you with a certain amount of spiritual springs to produce this medicine. But you should not expect that the number will not be too much, so you'd better be able to use more. Less Lingquan can do more things. Use Lingquan as a catalyst, not as a actor." Zhang Jiaohua said.

Mei Qing nodded: "I know, my latest experiment is trying to minimize the amount of Lingquan and find the most effective formula combination."

Zhang Biaohua’s biggest worry is not that Lingquan’s supply is not enough, and Mei Qing’s demand will not be too great. For Zhang's bidding, there will not be too much pressure on supply. What Zhang Jiaohua is really worried about is that once this kind of medicine containing Lingquan appears on the market, it is very likely to cause some unnecessary troubles. Especially coveted by some Taoist schools.

The Meishan faction does not yet have the strength to contend with a giant like the Kunlun faction. Once they are targeted, the good days of the Meishan faction will never be there again. However, Zhang Biaohua also feels that what Mei Qing is doing now is very meaningful. As a monk, even though he escaped from ordinary people. But Zhang Jiahua felt that even a monk could not survive on this planet alone. If ordinary people are extinct, can monks really survive? It seems that the monk has a long life and possesses various great abilities. Able to regard the people of the world as ants. However, in front of heaven, is the monk not an ant? If a monk wants to continue to grow, he must hold a group to make fire, and human beings are the foundation of the monk. The foundation was shaken, and the monks couldn't survive forever.

Mei Qing will soon enter drug clinical trials. This time, she submitted an application to the official organization. It didn't take long for this application to be approved. Because Mei Qingyan's drugs are unique. Special approvals for critically ill specific drugs and drugs that are in short supply can be specially approved, and the period for entering the clinic and approving drug certificates will be greatly shortened.

The patient Li Hao who participated in this clinical trial was a freshman at National Tsing Hua University. Not long after entering school, he was diagnosed with leukemia. The bone marrow of both my parents and my sister were unsuccessful, and they could only maintain life through chemotherapy. But time after time of chemotherapy, Li Hao's physical condition dropped sharply. The matching is nowhere in sight.

This time, Mei Qing’s new drug clinical trial contacted Li Hao. Li Hao's family situation is not very good. Not to mention that the bone marrow is not matched, even if it is matched, the situation of Li Hao's family can't afford such high medical expenses. Even the usual cost of chemotherapy is also thanks to the school's many fundraising activities.

Although he was not sure about the danger of the new drug, Li Hao immediately agreed to participate when he heard of such an opportunity.

Li Hao's parents are very worried about this. When Li Hao entered the clinical trial ward, Li Hao's family hugged and cried.

"Parents, sister, don't worry. I will come back safely. I should also end up following the illness!" Li Hao was very calm.

"Children, parents are incapable of letting you take such a big risk." Li Hao's father Li Jiangyan was very guilty.

Li Hao quickly said: "Dad raised me and sent me to college. When I was seriously ill, he never gave up. I can't repay it for the rest of my life. If there is something I can't get out of, you must do well. Live. Jingwen, you must be filial to my parents for me in the future."

"My child, don't say such things. The doctor said that although this is a new drug clinical trial, the safety will not be a problem. The effect of this drug is very good, you must come back alive!" Li Hao's mother Pang Jiahui said.

Mei Qing and Zhang Biaohua stood aside to see clearly the difference between life and death.

"Ms. Mei, is there any pressure?" Zhang Jiaohua asked.

Mei Qing nodded: "There is indeed one thing. If these drugs have problems, I really don't know how to deal with their families. Although these drugs work very well in animal experiments, what will be the effect of clinical trials, I really can't affim."

Seeing that Mei Qing was so nervous, Zhang Jiaohua quickly relieved a few words: "Teacher Mei, don't stress. You will definitely succeed. There is no good way for this disease abroad. Although monoclonal antibodies are expensive, their effects are still very limited. Our country is even more backward in this regard. Uukanshu www.uukanshu.com foreign drugs are extremely expensive, even so, many drugs are priceless. If you succeed this time, it will be truly worthless."

"Being a flower, in fact, if you come to develop it, you will definitely do better than me. I don't believe that when you are studying in vitro embryo culture, you never thought of applying active reagents to cancer treatment and so on." Mei Looking at Zhang Biaohua, he seemed to want to get the answer from Zhang Biaohua.

"No, I really haven't thought about it." Zhang Biaohua shook his head with certainty.

In the ward, the medical staff is ready to start injecting drugs into patients.

"Your name is Xu Gao? A liver cancer patient." The medical staff wanted to confirm the identity of the patient again.

On the hospital bed, Xu Gao nodded with a sallow face, listless. He is young, only in his fifties. I once suffered from hepatitis B, but later because he didn't pay attention to it, hepatitis B recovered, and I didn't care very much. The condition worsened. It was in the late stage, and in the big hospital, the doctor told him that there was less than a year left.

Xu Gao nodded, he had prepared for the worst. At this time, he felt relaxed.

"We are now starting to inject the new medicine for you. If you have any uncomfortable reactions, please tell us immediately. We will be here to observe you at any time." The medical staff said patiently.

The medicine was slowly entered into Xu Gao's body, and he suddenly calmed down completely without any fear. After the liquid medicine enters the body, it gives him an unprecedented comfort. This is the feeling he has never felt since he fell ill. He felt a little strange.

Xu Gao's son Xu Minglun and his wife Guo Yulan are waiting outside anxiously. Xu Minglun is the backbone of this family, and once the backbone falls, the family is completely scattered.

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