80s Taoism

Chapter 689: Bad comer

The drug experiment of Mei Qing's team has aroused great repercussions across the country.

"Chinese scientists have overcome the medical problems of the century. Cancer is no longer an incurable disease."

"The gospel of millions of cancer patients, Dr. Mei Qing's team has developed specific cancer drugs. It fills the gap in cancer treatment drugs in my country."


Various media rushed to report. Regarding this news, the people believed it, but also doubted it. After all, the world's helpless diseases were completely solved at once, which is really incredible. But such accurate news and so many media reports make people cannot help but believe it.

News with such a wide range of influence will naturally not fail to arouse the idea of ​​foreign forces. Especially those foreign forces who have been eyeing Huang Zhongfang's team.

The American Super Soldier Secret Research Institute is analyzing the results of Mei Qing’s team this time.

"One thing, we don’t need to doubt, that is that Mei Qing’s team has mastered more advanced genetic technology. Their drug is actually a genetic drug. It can make cancer cells return to normal and become normal cells, which is actually Control gene mutation. They can control cancer cells to return to normal, and naturally they have the ability to control normal cells to mutate in a certain direction. Moreover, this team, we did not find the name of another person. That is the founder of in vitro embryo culture. , Dr. Zhang Jiaohua. He did not participate in this research again, which means that he is engaged in the research and development of a more advanced technology." Intelligence analysis expert Liveston said with a serious look.

"In other words, the genetic technology of this experimental team is far beyond ours. I said before that no matter what the price is paid, we should seize the key technology of this team, even if it cannot be seized, we must also It was destroyed. As a result, after our two groups of agents missed, the plan was shelved. Now, what can we say?" Taylor said angrily.

"Taylor, there is no benefit in complaining at this time. In fact, after the two batches of agents lost their hands, we have no better way. None of our most powerful super fighters have been able to get any benefits in the hands of our opponents, do you think we Is there a better way? You can never let me order Mr. President to start a war, right?" Downey was a little dissatisfied with Taylor's complaint.

"Gentlemen, stop the meaningless quarrel. If we continue to quarrel and do not take any action, then we will only be pushed farther apart by the opponent. We have no time to spend it." Ston quickly persuaded the quarrel between Taylor and Downey to stop.

"I think it's time to report this situation to Mr. President. This is beyond our ability to cope. Once the Chinese apply this technology to military purposes, it will bring great challenges to our country. Future genetic technology What it means, everyone here won’t be ignorant. A genetically optimized fighter will be several times higher in response sensitivity and physical strength than an ordinary fighter. They can drive faster airplanes and can withstand high speeds. The huge pressure during acceleration. It can also withstand all kinds of bad weather. We have personally seen the power of this super soldier." Saitel said.

"I agree with Settle." Frank stood up and said.

Hughes also stood up and said: "Only the presence of Mr. President can we mobilize America's most powerful and mysterious force."

In the political center of the United States, President Bush convened an emergency meeting with Mortimer, director of the United States Intelligence Agency, and many high-level figures.

"Someone told me that we must send our ultimate force to China for an extremely important mission. Director Mortimer, can you tell me if it is necessary?" Bush was a little dissatisfied with the slow response of Mortimer's department.

"Mr. President, to analyze all the intelligence I have now, there is no such urgent need. As far as I know, the Chinese military's genetic weapons research department is not doing any genetic technology research and development that can endanger our country. As for the rumors that Chinese scientists have developed new cancer drugs, it does not seem to indicate that the Chinese have surpassed the militarization of genetic technology." Mortimer said.

"Director Mortimer, I hope you can listen to the professional opinions of experts and scholars. Mr. Reeveston has such a professional level." Bush gestured to Reeveston in dissatisfaction.

Reeveston sorted out the data he collected and professional information: "According to the information we got from China, this Chinese gene technology research and development team has made a key breakthrough in human gene control. This The research of cancer treatment drugs is just a by-product of their genetic technology research process ~lightnovelpub.net~ Because once they master the mutation and reversal of genes, in fact, they have completely mastered the regulation of genes in any direction The technology. And this team itself has extremely close ties with the Chinese Military Biochemical Weapons Research Center, and even they themselves are scientists at the Biochemical Weapons Research Center."

"What does this mean?" Mortimer said dissatisfied.

"I think no matter which step the Chinese have achieved, we should send forces to investigate the situation clearly. It is best to get their technology in hand. In view of our first two terrible failures, this time we must send more powerful forces. "Riveston said.

Mortimer immediately objected: "Such an approach is very risky. China is different from countries or regions such as Afghanistan. Our control in this country is extremely limited. Even if we send our most mysterious force, it is still very dangerous."

"You don't need to make a decision. Here, you only need to say your suggestion. Perhaps you have lacked courage. This time, someone else will be responsible." Bush has decided to send a strong force to this Technology that may endanger the safety of the United States is seized.

The clinical trial has not yet been completed, but Zhang Jiaohua has already felt something wrong with the breath of Beijing. Hastened Mei Qing and others to withdraw to the secret realm.

"Some people still don't give up." Zhang Jiaohua got news from the secret guards arranged in the capital. Recently, Huang Zhongfang's team has experienced many inexplicable changes, and some inexplicable academic teams have also come to the school. These teams are basically uninvited, and there are some strange characters mixed in these teams. Where does Zhang Jiahua still know that these people are unkind?

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