80s Taoism

Chapter 714: Attract big shots

"You must tell us today how you cheated." Ji Jiaxin stopped the car and checked Zhang Jiahua's car, and drove his car for a lap, but there was nothing unusual. Just pestering Zhang Biaohua to quit.

Zhang Yuanbao smiled and said, "The trick is to tell us that we can't beat him. He must be a ghost with Taoism."

Kong Fangzhou quickly understood the reason: "Imperial Wind Technique! Indeed, even if we know it, there is no way to win the sect master. We can't use the Royal Wind Technique to control this car."

Mei Qing asked: "Then is this considered cheating?"

"It must be cheating. We are comparing racing, not Dao skills. Secretly using Dao skills is naturally cheating. His grades cannot be counted. Zero points. I am the first. Teacher Mei is second. "Ji Jiaxin said with a smile.

"If we add an imperial wind rune to the front of the car, it will be automatically activated when the car is running, and the resistance of the car will be reduced a lot, the car will be more stable in the driving process, and the noise will be further improved. "Kong Fangzhou said.

Ji Jiaxin shook her head and did not support Kong Fangzhou’s suggestion: “I don’t think it makes much sense. Battery life and power are not the issues we need to worry about now. The current new energy vehicles are already compatible with other vehicles. Generation difference. Enough to defeat any opponent. Even if this feature is added, consumers may not be able to feel it. Adding it is meaningless. We should still have reservations about our advanced technology and reserve a room for improvement. ."

Nie Tong smiled and said: "Yes, Jiaxin is right. We also have to learn from the profiteers abroad, and we have to use good technology bit by bit. So this new energy has already crossed the age. The technology, as well as the intelligent system, is even more advanced technology. Such a technology is already shocking the world. Taking too much at one time is indeed not cost-effective. If it weren’t for this new energy technology and this intelligence The control system is a perfect match, and even these two should be taken out one after the other."

Kong Fangzhou only considers the technical aspects, but Ji Jiaxin must consider not only the technical aspects, but also the market ones, and must make the most profit for the Meishan Group. There is no contradiction between the two.

"Hey, you must not forget the purpose of this time. We are here for a test drive. If you have any questions, you have to ask them." Mei Qing smiled.

"Then need to say, first of all, in this racing mode, you have a speed limit. What do you mean?" Qi Xia asked.

Kong Fangzhou quickly said: "The reason for the maximum speed limit is that our materials cannot reach the limitless speed requirement. If there is no speed limit and the speed is higher than 500 or even higher, the safety of the passengers in the car cannot be guaranteed. We produce After all, this new energy vehicle is not a racing car, so the personal safety of passengers must be given priority. In addition, domestic roads cannot be like winding roads, only our dozen cars are running. In a complex road environment, although we There is a very complete safety control system, but there may still be various unpredictable dangers."

Mei Qing was very supportive of Kong Fangzhou’s words: “Hall Master Kong is right. The new energy vehicles we produce cannot be the culprit of frequent traffic accidents. This racing mode is best not to appear in external sales styles. In addition, effective speed limit should be imposed on ordinary family cars. If the safety range is exceeded, it will automatically enter the safe mode to drive. Some special conditions can also be preset, such as the driver losing effective control of the vehicle, and the intelligent system can forcibly take over the control of the vehicle. In these respects, we can preset more scenarios to avoid damage to passengers under special circumstances."

The results of these test drivers, who are not at all professional, naturally make Mei Qing very dissatisfied. There is no professional level at all. What are these opinions? There is no constructiveness at all. However, new energy vehicles are indeed superior in performance. Although not all the dozens of people who came were old drivers who had been driving for many years, none of them were novices. The technology is still very good. Several old drivers who have been driving for more than ten years have not been able to single out any faults.

The approval of the car was passed quickly, but this time the approval has attracted big shots. Bioenergy batteries are small in size, high in energy storage efficiency, and even more amazing in conversion efficiency. It can also convert solar energy into biological energy through photosynthesis mode to supplement energy loss. As a result, the battery life of the bio-energy battery is amazing. This makes bio-energy batteries play an important role in many aspects. For example, if the bioenergy battery is installed on an airplane. It can reduce the huge weight of the aircraft, and also save the weight of the fuel tank and jet fuel, and even save a lot of unnecessary trouble~lightnovelpub.net~ And if it is on a fighter jet, the endurance of biological energy can make The fighter's combat radius suddenly increased. And because of the weight reduction, the bomb-carrying capacity has been increased several times at once. Naturally, the combat effectiveness suddenly improved. If installed on a submarine, the effect will be greater, the bioenergy power will hardly produce too much noise, and will not release a lot of heat. In this way, the stealth ability of the submarine will be greatly improved...

The use of such new energy in the military is too extensive. This time, Li Zhuocheng, Li Zhuocheng, deputy director of the Science and Technology Committee of the General Armament Department, came here.

"Dr. Zhang, Dr. Mei, the bioenergy battery you have developed is too versatile. I don’t want you to use advanced technology for civilian purposes. But a country cannot be powerful by military technology alone. Get up. Maybe this new energy goes to the market and it can promote the development of bioenergy technology. I have a question. Once your new energy vehicle goes on the market, how long can foreign energy companies copy your technology? ?" Li Zhuocheng asked.

"This technology is based on in vitro embryo culture technology. So far, there have been no reports of successful in vitro embryo culture in foreign countries. That is to say, this kind of bioenergy technology will not be replicated in a short time." Zhang Jiaohua said.

Li Zhuocheng nodded with satisfaction: "That's good. Dr. Zhang, I hope you can control the bioenergy technology in your own hands. We do not restrict your civilian development, but we hope that you will not transfer this technology to foreign companies. This This technology is of great significance to national defense."

Zhang Jiaohua smiled and said: "In the short term, our products will only be supplied to the domestic market. Just like cancer specific drugs. Our production capacity is limited, and the domestic market is enough for us."