A Big Adventure

Chapter 187: Dragon Battle

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Regarding how to understand the theory of relativity, it is said that Einstein once had such a quip: a man and a beauty sitting for an hour will feel like it has only been a minute, but if you let him sit on the hot stove for a minute, it will feel like It took more than an hour.

Cheng Peng felt that this sentence could be interpreted as follows: when they were looking for treasure in the treasury of Bern, time passed very quickly, and they passed unconsciously in a few hours; and when they were in front of the Longmian Temple and the Dragon Race When the fiery dragons fought, the time passed very slowly. In ten minutes, he heard at least twenty inquiries about why the reinforcements had not arrived.

To be honest, he also felt that the time was too slow to be outrageously slow.

Because ... the situation is getting worse and worse.

The strength of the twenty-five dragon human races on that step has been improved one after another!

Although the dragons in the first row and the second row have no qualitative change in the strength of the field, there are obvious differences in basic attributes such as attack and defense speed. When they finally defeated the dragons in the second row, He Ran discovered that the third row of dragons turned into fire dragons and turned out to be no more instinctive crazy beasts, but violent beasts with human wisdom.

If the attribute gap is just a little trouble, the wisdom is the big trouble. Under the same conditions, enemies with wisdom are at least twice as powerful as enemies without wisdom!

Cheng Peng's own feeling is very obvious. For example, he just shot a flying shovel that was almost against the ground, and stabbed a deadly blue spear from a zero angle direction. If it is those enemies without wisdom, this move is almost called. It's a lore, because he has completely rushed into the dead corner of the enemy's vision, but in the face of a wise enemy, his record is to pierce the strong feet of the dragon, leaving only a sad wound, but It has nothing to do with fatality.

Similar situations are staged everywhere, except that the brave and powerful Roy brandished a sword without a magical seal and cut down the fourth fire dragon, which has already reached the last level of the temple steps. Fight hard against the enemy on the third floor.

It ’s not that no one has thought of bypassing the frontal battlefield and attacking the dragons who have n’t had time to become fire dragons. But on the turn-based, latticed battlefield, those **** fire dragons have completely blocked the direction that everyone can go. Only Roy used his extraordinary combat power to kill a way, and the rest of them were blocked in the third stage of the battlefield.

Only five fire dragons withstood everyone except Roy!

Yes, not four fire dragons, but five fire dragons. When Roy first rushed into the enemy formation, a fire dragon stone flew out of the Dragon Sleeping Temple and fell to the dragon in front of him.

In other words, there are six fire dragons on the battlefield.

The designer of the game did not leave a flaw like "Because the formation was breached, players can follow behind Roy to kill the dragon without transformation". I certainly have to fight the dragon alone, and the gap he made It was also made up by other dragons, which did not give players any opportunities to take advantage of.

"I have a question." While busy, Chu Fengge suddenly said, "In the third row of dragons ... one of them was killed by Roy? That is to say, there is actually only one of these inside that we are dealing with. Four rows, why can't you feel it at all? "

After a cold moment, Bai Yu sighed: "It's better to concentrate on fighting if you have time to think of these useless things!"

"I think there may be an opportunity for victory."

"Where is the opportunity! I think it's just a pure game setting. Every time you defeat a batch of fire dragons, the next batch is stronger. There are five rows standing on the steps, just to remind us." Cheng Peng leaned down. Avoiding the dragon's sweep, followed by a few consecutive rollovers and quickly left the place, thrilling with the giant tail that crashed down, "I now only hope that Roy can take the last few of the row. Kill it, otherwise we will probably lose more than half of the staff before playing BOSS. "

Indeed, as he said, the situation is increasingly becoming unfavorable to them.

Although with their hard work, they still have an advantage on the field. It is foreseeable that the five fire dragons in this batch will be knocked down sooner or later, but the next batch is difficult to say.

What's more, even if the next batch is eliminated, the system will not refresh a few dragons to make up five batches? Even if Toroi's blessing, there is no need to fight that may be the most terrifying fifth wave of dragons, but there is a dragon king behind it!

These truths are very simple, anyone can think of it, everyone just doesn't think about it.

Cheng Peng shouted, and everything around him suddenly slowed down, the fire dragon blasted the giant tail like a mountain collapse, the sulfur smoke that filled the air, the flames and black smoke everywhere on the ground, the flying dust, the broken grass, The splattered blood and Xuan Bing really condensed into frosting ... everything slowed down.

The only thing that didn't slow down was the pale thunderstorm rising around him. The thunderlights stirred each other in the air and turned into flakes of snow. Among the thunderstorms, countless guns spread out like a blooming pear flower.

The essence of this pear flower is hundreds of stabs in a row, each of which has the power equivalent to his 80% attack.

It is he who has been using the nirvana after the comprehension of the world of the Three Kingdoms Warriors, Ewha Flying Snow Gun!

This move is extremely powerful, but it needs to consume all the unmatched values, and it can only be used once in a battle.

In fact, according to Cheng Peng ’s original battle plan, this trick should be used in the next battle, but the so-called plan ca n’t keep up with the changes. Just now He Ming was distracted during the battle and was caught by this fire dragon. This is the real thing, and it turned into white light on the spot. After losing this powerful teammate, the pressure on Cheng Peng suddenly increased. He not only had to attract the attention of the Fire Dragon, but also had no time to attack Wei Ye and Solemn who were attacking in the distance with the principles of karma and explosive alchemy. Time to find an opportunity to knock down the fire dragon.

This task is too heavy, even though Cheng Peng is superior in strength, it is impossible for him to be highly cohesive all the time. After all, no matter how good the bow is, the string is too tight and it will break. In fact, He Ming is precisely because of This reason was only hung back. If the three melees in this group were all in, it would be impossible for this fire dragon to get them. Unfortunately, just now Wang Hu planned to take advantage of the moment Roy cut down the fire dragon and rushed into the gap. Going in and killing the dragons who didn't transform, they were dragged into the battle by the fifth row of dragons holding the fire dragon, and they were blown to death by blue and white flames without suspense.

In short, with the other two close quarters in succession, Cheng Peng finally had no choice but to use a trick in advance.

As a top expert, Cheng Peng has several tricks, but most of them are powerful. CD time is also very "powerful": for example, being able to ignore the strength of the enemy, it must be given to the heavy hit "cut attribute attack". The CD time is three days; another example is the "unparallel awakening" CD time that can greatly improve all attributes in a short period of time is twelve hours of online time; another example is that the attribute can be directly upgraded by one star. "War Soul Possession" Oh, this trick has been used since the last duel with Bai Yu, and it has not been ready yet.

So in fact, the only big moves he can use right now are Wushuang Flurry and Viciousness.

Compared with being able to improve attributes in a short time, and adding random attributes to the attack in ordinary attacks, the advantage of unparalleled flurry is that the number of attacks is large, the total attack power is high, the disadvantage is that it is not flexible enough, and the single attack power is low. Because of the loss of the relatively powerful weapon "Razor Fork", Cheng Peng, who can only use ordinary weapons for a long time, has been inclined to use the skill of fighting gas, but Wushuang Flurry has gradually faded out of his vision, rarely Was used.

But after getting the super powerful magic weapon "Ice Spear", the high attack frequency of Wushuang Flurry can be transformed into powerful and sustained damage, rejuvenating again.

In the current situation, what he needs is a continuous attack in a short time!

The azure blue spear is completely transformed into a luminous body, and the shadows of the spears are like transparent phantoms, constantly hitting the sturdy scales of the fire dragon, as if the knife and fork penetrated the butter and pierced it effortlessly, leaving a large miserable wound.

When the electric light was condensed, the snow was gone, and the pear blossoms were withered, the fierce fire dragon had just been hit too hard, and even the screaming strength was not enough, and it fell down.

"Good job!" Wei Ye laughed, "You are more powerful than He Ming, a broken army!"

He Ming ’s protest came from the team channel: “What ’s so bad about Xiaoqiang? The weak time after my death is very short. I can fight immediately after many deaths. Who can compare this advantage!”

Indeed, as he said, having the special talent of "unyielding" can greatly shorten the time of weakness, and he can be almost uninterrupted into the battlefield. He is a very reliable comrade.

So a few minutes later, Cheng Peng and He Ming fought side by side again and faced the fourth wave of fire dragons.

This confrontation, they immediately felt the heavy pressure.

This fire dragon has extraordinary martial arts!

The martial arts of the dragon is naturally not a rising dragon fist or a hundred strong feet, but a precise and ingenious bite collision. This fire dragon almost turned every part of the body into a weapon. Often a casual action can produce a strong impact, forcing Cheng Peng and He Ming to retreat again and again.

Not only that, its movement is also full of strange rhythm, really as Zhuangzi said in "The Master of Health" "The touch of the hand, the shoulder of the shoulder, the foot of the foot, the knee of the knee, the sound is loud. , Playing a barbarian barbarian, no middle tone. The dance of the Sanglin is the meeting of the head of the Chinese classics. In short, Cheng Peng and He Ming, the two "masters" in front of it, have become the poorer kung fu. One side.

Compared with this fascinating martial art, Fire Dragon's terrifying offensive and defensive attributes are not so troublesome.

In the face of this terrifying enemy, Cheng Peng and He Ming can only grapple their teeth and brace. If Wei Ye and solemn support are in the rear, the two may have lost the battle in front of this "Dragon Boxing" which can be called a heterogeneous fighting lesson. Come.

After a while, the rest of the players also defeated the third wave of dragons, and they also faced the fourth wave like Cheng Peng.

Then, it was a one-sided defeat.

Except for the team formed by Bai Yu, Chu Fengge, Liu Xuan, and Bai Zhiyi's support team, which was barely blocked by Cheng Peng and others, the remaining groups were almost touched apart, except for the superior Brunia Except for the few players holding the magic weapon, the rest were wiped out in just a minute or two.

As a result, they could only form a small defensive circle. With the support team headed by Liu Xueji holding the battle of the Virgin, he continued to heal and barely resisted the turns of the five fire dragons.

After a while, Roy screamed, and the last one was the only one left in the fifth row. The fire dragon slammed hard and fell dozens of meters in one breath, falling near them. Sealed sword Also fell aside.


"This is over!"

"Brother, you can't be so weak!"

Seeing this desperate scene, everyone couldn't help but yelled out.

But the enemy will not be kind enough to listen to their nonsense like the villain BOSS in the traditional story. The fire dragon that just flew Roy snarled and rushed out. He rushed to the ground and immediately climbed up and picked up Lifting a steel sword, Roy in a pose.

At this time, everyone discovered that Roy's attack just now failed to break its scales!

"With the sword of fire!" Qiao Xi shouted and threw his weapon over.

Roy didn't pick up and still used the steel sword to fight.

"Why don't you use a magic weapon! How to fight a dragon with a steel sword!"

Chu Fengge sighed and said in a low voice: "It seems that you don't know, Roy, he can't use the power of the magic weapon."


"The specific reasons are complicated to explain, but for Roy, the sword of fire is not so much a magic weapon, it is just a commemorative big sword. It is not as easy as an ordinary steel sword to use."

During the talk, Roy's steel sword had been discounted by the dragon's claws, and he was also shot out again.

The fire dragon roared, as if cheering, and rushed to Roy again.

Roar, gusty wind.

A huge white figure rushed over in an instant and slammed the fire dragon in one click, but it didn't stop there, caught up with the fire dragon still in the air, opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and pointed it with a sharp steel tooth Fire Dragon's throat bit down fiercely.

Bite, tear, shake, fall.

It was just one or two breathing exercises. The fierce fire dragon just now fell down and turned into a human form again, losing the breath of life.

At this time, everyone can see the truth of the white figure, it is actually a giant dragon!

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