A Big Adventure

Chapter 188: Cause and effect, the sword of seal

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When the battle situation was extremely unfavorable, and even the protagonist Roy was going to defeat the street, a white dragon suddenly arrived, crushing the dragon with the overwhelming strength and transformed the dragon, and saved the defeat.

Not only that, it also continued to fight, quickly knocked down the remaining fire dragons with incredible power, let them become humanoids one by one, and died on the spot.

After doing all this, in everyone's surprised eyes, the white dragon turned back and stared at Roy.

There is no tyranny and madness of the fire dragon in its eyes, but it is full of tenderness and love, it is simply.

"Why do I feel like my mother is looking at the children?" Wang Hu, who came over to fight the soy sauce with a weak punishment, said wonderingly, "This white dragon's eyes are all human!"

"Because she was originally Roy's mother."

I do n’t know when Shen Qi, who brought the team members to the valley, spoke, but the first sentence shocked everyone.

Roy's mother is a dragon!

How can this be!

The most intense reaction to this shocking mystery was not Roy himself, but Lilena Ostia, the only daughter of the former Likia League leader Hector Ostia, and Roy, all along the way. The girl magician who helped to walk to the present couldn't help but shouted, almost lost the magic book in his hand.

Roy heard nothing but responded in a special way, just staring at the white dragon intently, his eyes getting wet.

"Mom ... I'm sorry." His voice was a little sobbing, full of guilt and pain. "I failed to protect Ferrey's collar, failed to protect Likia, and caused you to rush to save me with serious illness."

After saying this, everyone immediately understood most of them.

Obviously, Roy knew his life.

"Not right!" Lilina asked in surprise. "Aunt Ninian died shortly after giving birth to you? Dad also took me with you to sweep the grave!"

Roy sighed and shook his head.

"Because of not adapting to this world law, my mother became weaker and weaker; my dad tried his best, and finally found the information of the human-dragon war era, and secretly built a small dragon temple to let his mother cultivate in it, but At that time she was too weak to maintain her human form. "He smiled bitterly and looked at the shocked green plum bamboo horse." Do you want to let everyone know that in an underground temple led by Ferre, there is no sleeping Rebellion ability, only waiting for people with lofty ideals to complete the dragon of Tulongweiye? I also learned this secret from my father when he was seriously ill. "

"So ... that's Aunt Ninian?" Lilina accepted the explanation and turned her head to look at the white dragon, but found that she gradually closed her eyes and turned into a white-haired girl with a pale face. The paper fell down.

At this moment, Roy's speed was beyond imagination, and he rushed across a distance of hundreds of meters like an instant movement, and hugged his mother.

"Mom! What's wrong with you!"

"Relax, she is just tired and needs a break." Shen Qi said and took out a pink rhombohedral crystal, "This is the 'Dragon Stone Crystal' condensed from the strength of the earth's dragon veins, put this On her forehead, let her absorb enough dragon vein power, she can recover. "

In the next moment, Roy appeared in front of Shen Qi with her unconscious mother Ninian, taking the dragon stone crystal in a motion that could be called "robbing", and according to Shen Qi, let the white-haired humanoid giant The dragon absorbed it.

As if it were magic, Ninian's complexion quickly recovered and her breathing gradually stabilized.

"Let her have a good rest, we have other things to discuss."

At the meeting, Shen Qi and Roy first answered everyone's questions and explained in detail the mystery of the life experience of the protagonist of the half-dragon.

"Twenty years ago, Eli Ude, a descendant of one of the eight gods, the hero of Roland, with a group of brave companions, defeated Narukar, the crazy magician who tried to summon the dragon from a different world in order to use the dark spell to draw more power. "Save this world." Shen Qi began to tell, "This is ... the history that everyone knows."

"But behind this history, there are some more secret, cruel, and unknown stories."

"Okay, don't sell it!" Wang Hu angrily interrupted her mysterious narration, "That's not the story of the" Sword of Seals "prequel" Sword of Fire "! I have long heard the pub's chant The poet has said many times! "

Shen Qi, who was interrupted, did not get angry, but looked at Wang Hu with a smile, and asked kindly: "Since you have heard it many times, then please ask this knowledgeable handsome man with tiger ears, that fan leads to How did the 'door' of the different world close in the end? "

"The dragon clan that was helped by Avery Ude was closed. After defeating Nairuka they went back and closed the door. What a good person. It's the opposite of human despicable!"

"Oh ... so who is the woman who is sleeping on the side?"

Wang Hu froze for a moment. Until now, this stubborn and natural passionate young man who always used to think with his fists instead of his head did not react.

Roy's mother, Ninian, turned into a white dragon just now, and immediately knocked down the powerful fire dragon!

And that kind of dragon ... is completely different from the portrait of the dragon left in this world. The lines are more slender and full of elegant temperament, but the strength is not only weakened, but stronger!

Obviously, she is not only a dragon, but also a particularly powerful one among the dragons!

"Ninian and Niels are dragons who fled to the outside world in the dragon-dragon war a thousand years ago, but this is a very powerful pair of siblings, even if they are second to none among the dragons, it comes from them. Of excellent bloodlines. Elluy, the mother of the ice dragons, and Narukar, the father of the great magician. "

"Hello! Didn't Naylukar summon their younger brothers and try to draw the power of their life from the villains!" Wang Hu exclaimed. "Are you wrong? Or is it the same name and surname?"

"No, it's the same person." Roy said in a low voice. "Nairukal, who once killed her mother, has always loved her grandfather Nairukal, only for the purpose of pursuing strong power, or Revenge, or to get his son and daughter back ... He was too deeply exposed to dark magic, and eventually lost his memory, even his own loved ones do n’t know. "

"Kanni Nian should know her father!"

"Mother and uncle did not leave a portrait of my grandfather. In the thousand years of the alienation, fighting and chaos in the outside world, they have already forgotten their grandfather's appearance." Roy smiled miserably. 'The glorious record of the hero Eli Ude' is actually the tragic ending of the story of the Narukar family. His grandfather failed to remember what happened when he was young, and his father and mother were later looking for information about the Dragon War. , Only to discover this terrible secret. "

For a time, everyone was speechless.

Who would have thought that behind the legendary story of a hero, such a tragic secret is hidden?

"After the first war, Nairukal's son Niels returned to the Dragon Realm and closed the door to the world; his daughter followed Ellioud to Ferret and became the Countess Ferret. "Shen Qi took the lead and continued to talk about that history." Soon after, she gave birth to a son, a boy with dragon blood, and Avery Ude named him Roy. "

"I have found myself different from others since I was a child." Roy said, "My strength is greater than the average person, the response is faster, I feel sharper, I have more energy ... Even the recovery rate after injury is faster than the average person. Much faster. "

"Grandpa Marcus and Uncle Hector who once fought with his father ... Many people told me that this is because I inherited the blood of the brave Roland, and I was born with the power of the gods, they successfully cheated Me, until my father fell ill. "

"Dad told me the truth and took me to meet my mother who was sleeping in the temple. Of course, at that time she was already a dragon."

"Then Roy was found by the noble and glorious people." Shen Qi said, "These people first pushed him to stand up against Berne, and then found that his physique was far more than ordinary people in the battle, they became suspicious ... Later they managed I found the sword of fire, but found that the descendants of the brave Roland and Roy, who had the best swordsmanship, could not exert the true power of the sword of fire. "

"This is something that can't be done." Roy smiled bitterly. "It's impossible to admit that a half-dragon is a user of his own. The father enshrined the fiery sword in the volcanic cave. The main reason is that I am afraid that my mother and I will be injured by this sword. It is funny to say that the magic weapon used to knock down the enemy has turned out to be a dangerous product that threatens my wife and children. "

"The noble glory also has smart people. They quickly speculated that Roy might be a dragon, so he made a small test with the help of the **** Thunder Axe." Shen Qi said, "The results prove Roy's After their lineage, they made good use of this and gradually pushed him out of the core of power. "

"No way, the heroes who participated in the last battle with Mom and Dad were still alive. My lineage is actually not a special secret. In fact, there are really many people who are suspicious of me. In their view, it is impossible for dragons and people to get along peacefully. "

"You know everything about Roy next, let's talk about our experience. We first contact Roy secretly, and then look for the treasure" Blade of Fire "of the Bernese royal family ... This was originally Kinevia The princess carried it, but the noble glory sent an assassin to take it away, but as a treasure related to the flow of the whole world, it cannot be taken out of this world, and the name and position of the holder are transparent to the task-related personnel, so They had to hide it in a secret place. "Shen Qi said with a smile:" It really took a lot of effort to find it out! "

"This effort is mainly for us." The paladin Davis, who was sitting and resting, looked tired. "The ancient wind and I walked through the mountains and waters, and finally found the cave and then killed it. Caretaker, dive into the bottom of the cold lake to get the Fire Emblem, Captain you are always looking for treasures that can awaken Ms. Ninian! "

Shen Qi, who was pierced by the team members, did not show any embarrassment and still looked at himself: "It turns out that what I do is more important than what you do. If we don't rely on Ms. Ninian's power, we can't pass it. The level just now, let alone deal with the dead species that claimed to be the Dragon King! "

In fact, according to Shen Qi's original plan, Ninian should have dealt with the Dragon King.

Although the fire dragon named Ya'an was a brave warrior at that time, he was only a small character in the dragon family after all, and he has been sleeping and recuperating for almost a thousand years; and Ninian is not only the upper dragon ice dragon In addition, I have experienced many battles in the Dragon Realm, and the power is definitely not comparable to Ya'an! As long as she can restore her strength, even just a few minutes, it is enough to tear the stupid **** into a crush!

Regrettably, when she saw that her son was in danger, Ninian, who was her mother, could no longer care about the plan of "retaining strength to deal with Ya'an" and directly turned into an attack, killing the enemy and saving Roy.

"Now she ... Although she can wake up with the power of dragon stone crystallization and slowly recover her health, at least for a long time, it will not be possible to become a dragon." Shen Qi shook her head, but she was helpless. In this world, the dragon must rely on the strength of the dragon stone to fight, and her dragon stone has exhausted its strength and needs to cultivate for a long time to recover. "

"What should I do?" Cheng Peng heard for a long time, and found that the last thing he got was actually bad news. Rao was very well-cultivated and couldn't help being angry. "You should say this from the beginning!"

Shen Qi smiled, took out a gorgeous coat of arms, and handed it to Roy.

On the other side, Chu Fengge asked the members of the White Wings to retrieve the Sealed Sword that had just been beaten and returned it to Roy.

"It's useless even if it's given to me." Roy smiled bitterly. "It's impossible that the Divine Master will admit me."

"The magic weapon might be true, but the sword of seals is not an ordinary magic weapon!" Shen Qi encouraged him with a smile. "I believe that this sword, which can reflect the heart of the owner, will definitely not be so narrow!"

Roy suspiciously embedded the emblem of flame on the hilt of the sealed sword, and with a click, the lines fit together. It seems that this thing was originally part of the sword.

Then, the sword of seals glowed with dazzling white light.

As the white light turned on, the loud music rang through the valley, and the clouds in the sky also changed color.

This is the scene when the key story starts in the world of "Big Adventure".

The people held their breaths and watched Roy stand up and lift the radiant seal sword high.

The light of the sword has always been bright and bright, without any dimness.

The Seal Sword did not reject the true hero because of its blood, it recognized Roy!

For a time, the sound of cheers shook the whole valley!

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