A Big Adventure

Chapter 189: Fight after a thousand years

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Stepping into the Temple of Longmian, a strange and cold blood mixed with blood greeted us.

No emotion, no ups and downs, calm and cruel cold.

It was like a barren land soaked with blood, and it looked endless, blowing a desolate wind.

The wind is full of inexplicable pressure.

"A thousand years ago ... The Eight Gods will just walk along this path to the final battlefield." Roy, walking in the middle of the line, noticed that the walls on both sides of the temple were covered with wild-tone, rough-painted murals, Curiously looked at them one by one, "You see, the murals here record what happened before the outbreak of the human-dragon war."

"The human race and the dragon race lived peacefully at first. The dragon ruled the earth and looked down on human beings with dignity. The humans enshrined the dragon and begged for the refuge of the dragon ... But as humans continued to multiply, they grew stronger and gradually began to resist the rule of the dragon.

"I heard this bard from this history!" Wang Hu grabbed the topic with great interest, "In order to resist the brutal dragon that feeds on people, the oppressed people raised the battle flag dyed with blood. , Fighting the dragon from generation to generation, no matter what sacrifices are made, they will never retreat. "

"A very good story." Shen Qi sneered sarcastically, "but I don't know how the average fighting power of the ancient times was a few stars, how can a 'preservant succeeds the' generations' and a dragon with an average fighting power of six stars or even higher. ? "

Wang Hu was suddenly speechless.

The human strength of the ancient world of the Seal Sword is almost the same as that of the current humans. Even if there are a few masters, the top sky is a five-star level. In the face of several six-star dragons, they may still be able to fight against the sea of ​​people. , But according to legend, there were giant dragons at that time!

The human sea tactics are indeed very strong, but if the other party is also equally crowded, no, is it a "dragon power"?

"Actually ... the so-called 'Human Dragon Battle' is just a raid, a raid against the dragon by the human race, and a failed raid." Roy continued to read the content of the mural, "Although it succeeded in hurting and destroying some Weak dragons, but more dragons escaped smoothly, and soon began to fight back. "

"The Shenlong clan that is friendly to the human race has retired. The ice dragon clan leads the fire dragon clan to fight with humans. Every day, human strong or dragons fall, and the blood stains the earth."

"I think this kind of battle is pretty stupid." Wang Hu snatched it again. "What problem can't be solved through negotiation? After all, both sides are just trying to dominate the world!"

No one ignored him this time.

"In order to reduce casualties and secure a victory, the dragon clan created magic dragons, and used the power of the dragon to mass-produce cannon fodder servants with a little dragon clan power, called 'Battle Dragons.'"

This sentence said that everyone was awkward in their hearts. It turned out that what they had beaten down to now was just a bunch of cannon fodder.

"The magic dragon that led the Battle Dragon Legion caused huge damage to human beings. In order to fight against the magic dragon, humans have spared no effort to create a group of weapons with unimaginable power, called‘ Divine General ’.”

"The battle between the magic weapon and the magic dragon has destroyed the laws of the entire world, and turned the vast land in the southwest of the mainland into a desert desert. The dragon family cannot adapt to the changed world, and has retreated one after another. "This time it was Cheng Peng," King Sephor said of this period of history. "

Roy nodded.

"Sai Feier ... Although he did the wrong thing, at least he told the truth."

Team Wang Hu: When did Saifir say this? Why am I not impressed?

Team Cheng Peng: Well, I have no impression.

Team He Ming: So you are lying to him?

Team Cheng Peng: I just repeated the background setting of this world.

Team Wei Ye: You have broken your studies!

Team Bai Yu: Don't be twitchy, save some effort to fight!

Team Yue Feng: I really want to ask an important question ... Isn't it said that there are many treasures in the Dragon's Cave? Why didn't I see anything valuable in this temple!

After being reminded by Yue Feng, everyone noticed that the huge temple was actually empty. In addition to the relief murals on the stone pillars supporting the temple, there may be some cultural relics value. It really can be called the wall of the family. It is no wonder that even Yue Feng and other search experts Can't find any oil or water.

It's reasonable to think about it carefully. This Longmian Temple was the battlefield at that time. Even if there are any good things, it has already been searched out, where can they get them in turn!

It's just that when Cheng Peng pointed out this point, Yue Feng's expression was really miserable, just like a blood-blooded teenager who fell in love with the beautiful witch in the shrine, but was told by the second man in the white robe passing by, "Although it's beautiful, it's a man

Life is unsatisfactory, and indeed it is often ten or eight!

A group of people continued to advance in the empty temple. The heavy and depressed atmosphere became stronger and stronger. The air seemed to condense into an entity, and the maliciousness seemed to permeate from every floor, every pillar, and every corner of the temple. The coercion of the people gradually made them unable to breathe.

After a while, the girls of the White Wings could no longer resist this terrible coercion. Chu Fengge sighed and told them to go back to join the big army.

"Don't force yourself, you have to protect Ms. Ninian, this is also a very important task."

Everyone knows that she is only a solace, but the frustrated girls are so comforted by her and her spirits are immediately rejuvenated.

Cheng Peng nodded secretly. As he got along longer and longer, he gradually understood why Chu Fengge could still maintain the cohesion of the team in such an unfavorable environment.

Many times, the leader does not need the leader to really do anything for them, all they need is respect.

The act of "showing" seems to be funny, but it is an important means to enhance the collective centripetal force. If a leader is so cold that he is not willing to do such a simple thing as a show, then he cannot go far.

Man is not a machine.

The dispute between Roy and Lilina awakened Cheng Peng from the imagination, only to see Roy shake her head seriously, Lilina's face was aggrieved, and she was in tears.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a low voice.

"Roy asked Lilina to go back first, Lilina was not willing." Shen Qi, who was walking near him, also whispered, "But it seems that it is only a matter of time to be convinced."

"It's a pity! Generally speaking, the heroine sacrifices heroically during the big battle, and then the male hero explodes to eliminate the BOSS. This is the scene that the masses like to hear!" Wei Ye said disgustingly, "If the heroine does not follow If you go, is n’t it necessary to sacrifice a lot of comrades and wait until the last person of the protagonist is left to explode? "

"Crow mouth!"

"Will you die if you say a few words!"

"If I hang up, I will ask you for a task reward!"

Everyone was talking about Wei Ye, and Roy, as Shen Qi expected, successfully persuaded Lilina to let the girl magician who seemed to be the heroine of the world of Seals of Sword leave the team. Return outside the temple.

This little episode did not hinder everyone's progress for too long, and the streamlined team soon moved on.

It ’s just that the team has shrunk significantly compared to before. Because of the severe pressure, the characters who did n’t reach the four stars ca n’t stay in the team at all, so now all the remaining players are masters, even half-footed. The four-star Shen Qi also had to take his teammates to accompany Lilina back, and only four-star Necromancer John remained in their team.

The original team of hundreds of people left only 19 people at once.

Cheng Peng and his party consist of fifteen people, the protagonist Roy, Chu Fengge of White Wing, Bai Yu and John of Eagle Eye Squad.

This is the team that will go to the deepest part of the Temple of Longmian to fight against the fire dragon Ya'an from the Dragon King.

The clutter of footsteps echoed in the empty temple, and the surroundings slowly darkened.

Looking up, I do not know when there are no windows on the dome.

The dull atmosphere made everyone unintentional to speak, and the monotonous scene and the unchangeable footsteps made some less determined people gradually doze off.

Cheng Peng did not relax his vigilance because of the surrounding calmness, and still paid attention to the surroundings seriously.

No matter how monotonous and boring, can it be more boring and more unbearable than sitting in the rubble, cleaning it up little by little with a shovel and a small brush, looking for artifacts that may not exist?

His eyes swept over the temple again and again, carefully guarding against any danger that might arise.

In the dim light, everything seemed to be shaking, especially the shadows, the shadows of people, the shadows of weapons, the shadows of pillars ... like a winding black snake, swimming unsteadily.

Cheng Peng's eyes swept over the murals, and the shadows were mottled, and the reliefs on the stone columns seemed to have life, one by one. Even the sculpted dragons are gradually moving, opening their bright red eyes one by one!

Cheng Peng reacted suddenly, yelled, rushed out, and pierced the ice and snow gun.

After all, he was one step late.

I don't know when the fire dragons that appeared in the temple opened their blood basins and let out a deadly flame.

The crowd awakened by Cheng Peng managed to resist, but more people failed to get back in time.

And even more deadly is the particularly strong one among these fire dragons.

The scales on it are reddish black, revealing the luster of metal, and the pieces are surprisingly large and thick, almost like a scouring disc!

Cheng Peng had seen the fire dragons changed by the dragon human race. He thought that the fire dragons were already very magnificent, but unexpectedly, in front of this fire dragon, those fire dragons immediately became petty. Not only does the body only reach its thighs, the original majestic figure is bloated and dull compared to it, and even the scales on the body appear dull and pallid.

Oh my god! He has noticed that the dragon scales of the fire dragons are almost the same as ordinary shields regardless of size or thickness!

Also terrifying is its sharp teeth, which even gleam slightly in the dark, without any temperature light, cold and fierce, like the cold light reflected by the blade.

But each of these "blades" is about the height of a person. Cheng Peng has no doubt that if it falls in its mouth, even if it is wearing the strongest armor and holding the thickest shield, it will surely be easily bitten into pieces, and even a large part cannot be found.

Compared with it, the teeth of the previous fire dragons are simply fake imitations, as ridiculous as a sharpened wooden stick.

Its limbs are slender, but it is not as slender as the white dragon changed by Ms. Ninian before, but it is full of strong muscles. You can feel the powerful power contained in these muscles just by "seeing". That is the violentness contained in the calm, enough to destroy any enemies standing in front of it!

And at the top of its tail, several bone fragments were born like sharp blades. The edges of the bone fragments were still flashing bright red light. I don't know whether it was the shining fire or they were themselves terrible weapons with flame power.

No matter which possibility is possible, Cheng Peng made up his mind that he should never be touched by the length of these bone fragments of at least one meter.

As long as you touch it, you will go directly to a different place.

Compared with these physical differences, its eyes are more special. When Cheng Peng looked at it, he was watching everyone with his golden eyes, but there was no madness or murderousness in his eyes. Calm, cold calm.

It seems that what it is looking at is not to conquer its enemies, but only the unrelated ones on the roadside.

But it didn't do nothing, but opened its mouth and spouted a blazing flame.

Unlike the other fire dragons that spewed fireballs, it spouted out a cone-shaped flame that almost enveloped a range of hundreds of meters.

Cheng Peng found it wrong before the flames reached him. The flames spitting out by this fire dragon were not at the same level as the dragon fires I had seen before, and they were even more powerful than the flames from the fire unicorn in Lingyun Cave. The flame of Kirin carries a domineering spirit that burns the sky and cooks the sea, but its power is not very terrifying. However, the flame sprayed by this fire dragon does not have any special temperament, but is very simple.


There is only one word, hot!

The fiery flame swept the earth, and the person who went wherever he went was invincible. Cheng Peng instilled Xuan Bing into the ice and snow gun, turning the blue spear into a blue ball of light, which could only protect A very small area.

Behind him are Liu Xueji, who is responsible for the important task of treatment, and Yun Yu, who is known as the "10-second superman". Because they were known as the four fools, they had a good relationship, so the two people approached him subconsciously.

This act saved their lives.

When the flames dissipated, apart from the eight people holding the magic weapon, only two of them and Bai Yu were left, and even the superior Long Biao, Liu Xuan, and Chu Fengge were equally good. The solemnity of playing with fire, Yue Feng with all kinds of treasures ... All were burned into white light by this fire and hung back.

The only player who did not rely on the magical weapon but on his own strength to resist the dragon fire was Bai Yu, but Rao was her repeated encounters, and her internal force was so unreasonably deep that she also passed the end of the strong crossbow. The legs are trembling slightly, this is because the internal force value and physical strength value are almost exhausted, and the character falls into a temporary weakness.

"I am the current King of Dragons, Ya'an!" The huge fire dragon stared at the crowd, and actually spoke, "Is the new generation of eight gods? Compared to your predecessors, it is much weaker."

"But you are not as good as the enemies your predecessors have to deal with." Roy replied calmly, "with each other."

"Huh! Your hair! And your eyes!" Liu Xueji suddenly yelled, "How did you change your appearance?"

With her reminder, all the people who had been watching the fire dragon with vigilance set their eyes on Roy, and they were all surprised. Royna ’s originally red hair turned into snow-white, and her blue eyes turned into A golden longan appeared, and small scales appeared from the forehead to the temples. When you looked closely, a few short protrusions appeared on the back of his head, as if it were a dragon horn, and the hands holding the seal sword changed. It was extremely thick, and the knuckles were like claws.

"Dragonization?" Ya'an's always calm tone finally changed. "Only mixed blood with high dragon blood strength and high enough blood line will be dragonized. How can you still have such pure dragon blood in this world? No! Your breath ... is the Ice Dragon Clan! Haven't they left this world long ago? "

"That's a very long story. I don't think it's time to tell the story." Roy put the white sword sword in front of him, posing an offensive posture. "Besides, there is no story between you and me Necessary. "

"Wait! Since you are also a dragon, why should we help humans? We should work together to rule this world!" Ya An said quickly. "After all, people and dragons can't get along peacefully, even if you fight me now, Humans ca n’t believe you after all! As a hybrid, you have stronger powers and live longer than humans, and as time goes on, you will gradually become a dragon ... Sooner or later, humans will be like today I want to cruel you like this! "

"That's the future." Roy smiled, with no impurities except courage and fighting spirit, "I'm here to fight you, this is the only thing I have to do now!"

After he finished, he rushed up.

In the face of Roy, who turned into a half-dragon posture and held the sword of the seal, even Ya'an, who lived from the era of the human dragon to the present, felt quite tricky.

In this case, it will naturally not tolerate the people holding the magic weapon to help Roy and launch a siege on it.

Therefore, with a roar, the fire dragons changed by the dragon human race rushed up and rushed to everyone.

There are six in total, all of which are five-star.

Cheng Peng rushed up without hesitation and waved the snow and ice gun, blocking the most powerful one among them.

"Tulong, this was originally the responsibility of the Divine General!" He said calmly, smashing the fireball spit out by the fire dragon with the ice gun. "A thousand years ago, the Eight Gods will fight like this, and after a thousand years, we will Fight so, and. "

"Get the same result, win!"

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