A Big Adventure

Chapter 191: War situation

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Among the player masters, Cheng Peng is not famous for his strength. Not to mention that compared with his magical humanoid monsters like Long Biao, his power is not necessarily superior to his friend Li Wei.

Although martial arts masters can use the internal force bonus to enhance the strength effect, but no one except Bai Yu, whose internal force is so unreasonably deep, no one can really rely on the internal force bonus to resist the fire dragon.

So he always dodges, avoids the fire dragon's attack, and at the same time looks for flaws that are enough to kill the enemy.

Until now, the flaw finally appeared!

The trio of Yun Yu, Liu Xueji and Xiao Xiao cooperated with each other in a tacit and unreserved manner. With the super fierce style of unreserved effort that went either to your death or to my death, they paid a heavy price for the death of the main Yun Yu and successfully killed them. The right dragon.

The falling fire dragon screamed sternly, distracting everyone for a while.

Except Cheng Peng.

Seeing the six roads and listening to all directions is a compulsory course for masters; but the people who come out of the battlefield often have another compulsory course Taishan collapses in front and the color remains unchanged.

Not everyone can do this, but people who can't do this will generally quickly rush to the streets on the battlefield, and cannot become masters.

Cheng Peng was not able to do such a powerful thing in the first place, but he had gone through hundreds of battles, and he saw a lot of rare things on the battlefield, especially in the several conference battles of the world of the Three Kingdoms. No matter what happens around you, you have to concentrate on dealing with the enemy in front of you, otherwise there will be only one way to die.

So he finally developed this skill.

This kind of skill is usually not very useful, but as long as it is really useful, it can often determine the situation.

Let's say now.

No matter the fire dragons or the players, even the fierce dragon king Ya'an and the hero Roy could not help turning their heads to look in the direction of the scream, but only Cheng Peng was unmoved.

So he finally looked forward to the long-awaited opportunity, rushed across the dragon's claws, and jumped over its head.

Massive internal force was input into the ice and snow gun without reservation. The blue spear became bright from the tip of the gun to the barrel, as if it turned into a flowing light, and then pierced straight into the fire dragon in the direction of his waving arm. Back brain.

Since this fire dragon can be used by the dragon king Ya'an as a personal guard, the strength is naturally not low, and the scales on the back of the brain are also very thick. If Cheng Peng is only stabbed with the ice and snow gun in hand, I am afraid that most of the guns will be punctured. He could n’t touch the point; but this time he made up his mind to break the wreck, and the snow spear was thrown away. The sharp point of the spear was like a sharp knife cutting tofu. It penetrated deeply into the back of the fire dragon and penetrated the heavy dragon scale and The skull, stronger than the dragon scale, stabbed the dragon's brain.

One shot hits the point!

Although this fire dragon is the strongest among the dragon king Ya'an's guards, he couldn't help but was stabbed into the brain by the sharp weapon that specifically restrained the dragon clan. With such a fatal blow, he was naturally accounted for and immediately planted straight. Going down, not only failed to struggle, even a scream, but turned into a dragon corpse penetrated by the head of the snow gun.

With a loud noise, Cheng Peng pulled out the spear of ice and snow, threw the dragon's body aside, turned and ran towards the battlefield of others.

Qiao Xi and Zhang Zennian are both masters of the martial arts department, and they each hold a magic weapon. Even if they ca n’t win the fire dragon, they should not be killed; Xiao Moran and Chen Wumian have joined together and have been suppressed by two powerful summoning beasts. Fire Dragon, victory is only a matter of time; Xiao Xiao and Liu Xueji have already got it, now they need rest; so now the most in need is Bai Yu.

To be honest, Bai Yu is really strong. He holds an ice cold sword that is not a magic weapon. Without any dodge, he completely confronts the fire dragon, and he can even fight up and down. These skills make Cheng Peng admire the five bodies. These The Fire Dragon Guards are actually five-star mid-level players, all of which can release the Dragon Fire realm. The weaker players don't have to fight at all. The power of the field alone is enough to burn them to death. But Bai Yu not only blocked the field of the dragon fire, but also shattered the flames of the fire dragon with a sword, and even strengthened the strength with the deep internal force to hard connect the claws and iron tail of the dragon.

Moving from place to place, Cheng Peng asked himself that he could never do such a horrible thing.

This is no longer the standard of a four-star player. I am afraid that five-star characters may not be able to do this kind of thing!

Sure enough, as Shi Tianpeng said, as long as the master has an advantage, even if Bai Yu's swordsmanship is rotten, Cheng Peng sighs that "this kind of person can also become a master." Even though her movements are neither fast nor accurate, she has no rules at all. She just waved her sword indiscriminately, but by virtue of this powerful internal force, she was enough to stand out from the crowd and stand majestically in the ranks of the top group of all players, becoming a veritable master.

But the so-called "storms don't end the day" Bai Yu's internal strength, no matter how deep, is ultimately limited, but the physical strength of the fire dragon may not be limited, she blindly so hard with the fire dragon, the end is definitely not good.

So Cheng Peng arrived, with the help of the special effect of the Ice and Snow Gun, directly inserted into the battle group.

He took a decisive shot and stabbed with a gun. He was hitting the knee of the fire dragon's thick leg.

"Good marksmanship." Bai Yu said lightly, "I'll defend, you will attack."

Cheng Peng nodded, a cat's waist rushed towards the fire dragon.

The giant claw, which is larger than others, roared and photographed it, but was firmly blocked by an ice sword that was only a toothpick for it. It failed to hit the target, only a gust of wind blew, and Cheng Peng and Bai Yu were blown. His clothes hunted.

Cheng Peng did not make any defensive or dodge moves. He simply assumed that the fire dragon's attack did not exist at all. He shot directly and took out the joints of the fire dragon.

At the same time, Wei Ye was also unambiguous, and urged the magic book "The Principle of Yehuo" to shoot a flame arrow like a bead, each of which was taken by the fire dragon. It can be seen that he is shooting There is quite a bit of effort in the art.

That Fire Dragon dealt with Bai Yu and Wei Ye, but they had a slight upper hand because of their poor cooperation and no tacit agreement. At this moment, with a ferocious and brave Cheng Peng, it naturally couldn't resist, and it quickly became easier. Defeated.

But its doom does not end there.

A few minutes later, Xiao Xiao and Liu Xueji, who had recovered their physical strength after a full rest, also participated in the fight against the fire dragon. The bow of the wind and Xiao Xiao's sharp shot can be said to be a nightmare for any enemy who cannot get close to him! And Liu Xueji's timely and effective auxiliary spells have greatly improved the combat effectiveness of everyone.

So the fire dragon was quickly killed, without any suspense.

As the so-called defeat was defeated, the people who freed up quickly entered the battlefield, killing the Fire Dragon Guards who had not taken advantage of it.

When the last fire dragon fell under the axe of Zhang Zennian who insisted on getting it by himself, a refreshing strong wind from nowhere came to blow through, and the dark and murky breath that originally enveloped the Longmian Temple was swept away.

Not far in front of everyone, there is the endlessly fighting dragon king Ya'an and hero Roy.

"Old lizard, your men are finished." Wei Ye touched his moustache and said with a sneer. "Out of the good nature of a Taoist, Xiaosheng sincerely recommends that you commit suicide, otherwise we will be swarmed up by us. It's shredded and cut, it's ... humming. "

"Too bad!" Cheng Peng sighed in sympathy.

"Yeah yeah, after we die, we just pull scales or cramp bones, anyway, you don't know, why do you play so hard?" Zhang Channian laughed, "To be honest, even if I don't like to be in Strip the material from the living target. "

"You will definitely lose." Bai Yu only said a word.

"Give me its corpse, maybe it can be used to make advanced undead creatures." Xiao Moran said, "Since I left the game king world, the calling cards are all made by myself. There are not many such advanced raw materials. See you! "

Everyone hasn't had time to answer yet, Yue Feng's violently corrupted voice has already sounded in the team channel.

"This guy is mine! I can use it to create dragon bone golems or corpse dragons, and the combat effectiveness will not be much lower than before life! Are you sure to make it into a six-star powerful monster?"

Xiao Moran was really silent now.

He is not without this level of technology, but the fatal shortcoming of the summoner is that he can only summon monsters of the same level as his own. Even if some evil means are used, cross-level summoning is also the limit. The six-star monster is absolutely impossible to summon before he is promoted to five stars.

Or it can be said more clearly. His intention was to transform the dragon corpse's corpse system into a potential five-star monster. After he had raised five stars in the future, he managed to raise it to its original level.

Since he couldn't do it, of course, he didn't have the qualification to waste materials, so he didn't speak anymore, defaulting Yue Feng's ownership of the dragon king Ya'an's body.

But Xiao Moran could be silent, but Zhang Channian would not announce the candid thought so easily. He immediately opened his mouth and competed with Yue Feng for various valuable materials about the "Dragon's Corpse".

Unlike Xiao Mo, Zhang Zennian was not interested in the dragon. He wanted the materials of the dragon king Ya'an: for example, dragon scales, dragon teeth, dragon horns, and dragon skin.

"You removed all these materials, and the dragon's body was completely dismantled. Where can it cause powerful monsters!" Yue Feng exclaimed. "Do you know that this is a waste of resources!"

"The monster you built can only be used by yourself. I can make at least several pieces of equipment with these materials, and at least they are all four-star. If the accessories are suitable, five-star is not impossible. Which solution do you think? More realistic? "

"No matter how many five stars are, it is not as good as a six star!"

"The dragon's body belongs to everyone. Do you want to swallow it alone?"

"Can anyone else use it except me?"

"We all know that it has value, so of course we must honor its value. I can guarantee to use it to make a minimum four-star equipment for everyone, and the equipment that uses the most core materials will probably be five-star. Yes, as long as you also come up with this level of compensation, Ya'an's body is yours. "

"Bah! You are a big lion!"

"Give it to me if you don't want to!"

The two began to argue.

After a while, Yue Feng, desperate and irritated, came in a hurry on a bicycle, arguing with Zhang Channian.

They did not use a private channel model, but spoke out generously. Dragon King Ya'an heard that these two people were competing for the ownership of their corpses. Even though it was a fire dragon clan without emotion, he couldn't help but cursed a few words, so Roy took advantage of the opportunity to cut several swords. Seriously injured.

It is a pity that even if it is a little distracted, its six-star strength will not be discounted. Roy was originally a five-star peak role. Although he held the sword of the seal and increased some strength because of the dragon, he also entered the six-star. Level, but after all, it is not as skillful as Ya'an, and the combat experience is even one by one, so after all, Shang Ya'an still suffers a bit. He seized the opportunity to give Ya'an several swords in a row, but he was finally avoided by this cunning old dragon by virtue of his rich combat experience, but was only slightly injured.

The only practical effect of this battle is to prove one thing, Ya'an is indeed stronger than Roy.

"I think we seem to think about the problem too well." Cheng Peng did not participate in the quarrel between Yue Feng and Zhang Channian, and he didn't even bother to listen to the details of what they were arguing about. He just focused on the battlefield and observed Luo. The battle between Yi and Ya'an.

Therefore, he was also the first person in the crowd to accurately judge the situation.

"If I read correctly, Roy doesn't seem to be Ya'an's opponent!"

This sentence made everyone immediately stop the quarrel and turned their attention to the situation.

If even the six-star Roy lost to Ya'an, then with the presence of these four-star players, where can the six-star BOSS be blocked!

Most of the people present were also masters, and soon reached a conclusion consistent with Cheng Peng.

"We should help Roy." Cheng Peng said, "Roy will lose in this way, I think he needs help."

"But ... how can I help?" Qiao Xi asked angrily. "As far as our skills are concerned, it's completely a gift."

This problem made everyone smile bitterly and unthinkable.

To be involved in the battle between Roy and Yaan, you must have at least a five-star strength, but everyone on the scene is only four stars. If you and Yaan really start, they are afraid that it will be a spike, not only ca n’t help Roy's busy, I'm afraid it will affect his emotions.

This is an unthinkable thing. The lack of strength is the lack of strength, even though Cheng Peng has no tactics.

After a while, Roy could not stop Ya'an's full offensive and had to slowly retreat.

"It can't be dragged on like this!" Cheng Peng gritted his teeth and was about to rush up with a spear of ice and snow, anyway to fight for some buffer time for Roy, but was pulled by Bai Yu.

"With your power, you go to death," she said coldly.

"But you can't do nothing!"

Bai Yu stared at Cheng Peng, and after a few seconds, he sighed.

"Your martial arts are much better than mine, and the internal force attributes are similar to mine. If you have a five-star internal force, you may really be able to help Roy."

So she grabbed Cheng Peng's right hand and put her right hand on it, facing her palms.

An extremely cold, surging and strong internal force is continuously introduced into Cheng Peng's body from the place where the palm meets. This internal force is very powerful, but it is still in peace, and as soon as he enters the body, he integrates into Cheng Peng's meridian, as if it is his own internal force.

"I am very confident in my skills. Your internal strength plus my internal strength should be able to temporarily break through to five stars." Her voice slowly weakened, showing that her body was rapidly weakening. "Go, let me Look at the people who have beaten me, can you make the impossible possible! "

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