A Big Adventure

Chapter 192: Ice and snow

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Bai Yu's internal force is very strong, Cheng Peng has always known.

But he didn't expect Bai Yu's internal strength to be so strong!

The internal force from her hand is at least three times that of Cheng Peng himself!

As a warrior player, Cheng Peng's internal strength is not weak. Compared with Qiao Xilai, who is also a warrior, he has increased a lot of internal power by taking the spiritual medicine blood bodhi. The total internal power is about 30% stronger.

But Bai Yu's internal force actually reached more than three times his!

This number shocked him, but he was overjoyed.

To deal with powerful enemies, of course, the stronger your own strength, the better. Although the internal force delivered by Bai Yu is actually only a temporary beneficial state and cannot be used for a long time, otherwise the guild presidents have long depended on letting a large number of people pass on to themselves. The way of Gong has become a super master, but with this "internal strength strengthened to 400%" state, facing the dragon king Ya'an, he also has a little more confidence.

On his character panel, there is now a special state.

Masters pass the power: In the next ten minutes, they will have four times the upper limit of internal force!

This special state not only strengthened his internal force, but also made his various attributes improve rapidly, because there is enough internal force to squander, he did not hesitate to use internal force to strengthen his basic attributes, all attributes for a while straight line Ascending, Biao reached the point of almost four-star peak.

But this is not over yet!

Cheng Peng took out a few bottles of precious medicine from the inventory. This was taken by Yue Feng before the decisive battle. At that time, the profiteer said with confidence that "there is investment to make a return. I believe you can use these medicines well, remember to pay dividends." It ’s better to count me more when

As the leading gold merchant in the "Great Adventure" game, Yue Feng certainly has good things in his hands. These drugs are not inferior products that can only increase the attribute by 30% for three minutes, but can be improved by more than half. Attribute, a powerful potion lasting ten minutes!

After a few bottles of medicine, Cheng Peng's already greatly strengthened attributes once again soared, breaking through the four-star limit and steadily stepping into the five-star realm.

The strongest response to this change was the snow and ice gun in his hand. This magical instrument felt the power of the master's rapid advance and sent a shock like a cheer.

With this shock, a strange force appeared in the Ice and Snow Gun. This force was violent and violent, but it appeared weak.

Cheng Peng immediately guessed what to do.

The surging Xuan Bing was infused with the spear of ice and snow, which made the sudden force quickly grow up.

After a few seconds, the snow gun that absorbed one-third of Cheng Peng's current internal force made a buzz.

The sound was not like a metal vibration, but something roaring, low, hoarse, and straight through the heart.

With this hum, a thick white mist suddenly rose from the snow gun.

Ice fog.

This ice mist is very strange, only spreading within a range of four or five meters around Cheng Peng, and moving with him as if it were a special piece of equipment.

Before Cheng Peng opened his mouth, Liu Xueji already frowned and said in surprise: "Domain!"

This sentence has no beginning or end, but everyone understands it.

The ice mist around Cheng Peng is not ordinary cold, but the ability and field that only five-star elite characters can possess!

"The realm! It's the realm!"

"Quickly! Tell us about your experience in the field!"

"Don't listen to him! Hurry up! Get rid of that fire dragon!"

"Yeah, boy, charge up bravely! I'm optimistic about you!"

Cheng Peng listened to everyone's talk, but did not answer.

Contrary to the thrilling comrades, he was very calm at the moment.

Unexpectedly, he temporarily possessed domain abilities. He found that he was not overjoyed as expected, but calmly studied the ability he had just obtained.

Temporary Field Ice and Snow The temporary field created by the magic weapon "Ice Spear" has a radius of five meters. The ice power in the field is strengthened, and the consumption rate of true energy is reduced. The introduction of the dragon to deepen the damage in this field is simple, but it is very practical. .

Although the distance is a bit short, the ice and snow lance can never be longer than five meters, so the scope of this field is enough; and strengthening the ice power and reducing the consumption of true energy can improve his combat effectiveness and allow him to use this super Fight for a long time.

well! very powerful!

He walked step by step towards the fighting dragon king Ya'an and the hero Roy, and did not use the ground shrinking skills, but each step spanned a distance of almost five meters, but no effort was found during walking, just like ordinary walking.

With each step, the ice mist around him will be thicker.

But no matter how thick the ice fog is, the snow gun that has changed from azure to snow is always clearly visible, just like a bright lamp in the ice fog, exuding the cheering and trembling light of the dragon.

Cheng Peng didn't spend much time on the battlefield where Roy and Yaan battled, where the strong wind screamed, the sword gas was stirred, the flames attached to the stone slabs and pillars burned, and the smell of sulfur was enough to make people with poor health directly smoke dead.

But none of this was striking without the battle between Roy and Yaan.

Roy has turned into a half-human and half-dragon, his right hand is holding the sword of the seal, which is now a thin sword for him, and he is slashing quickly, and his left hand is turned into a claw to resist Yaan's attack.

His body seemed to have no weight, jumped and turned in the air, completely ignoring the laws of inertia and gravity, and avoided the claws and iron tails of Yaan again and again, and when the dragon king spurted flames, his left hand would Lifting white frost, then waving the dragon's claw covered with frost to fly the flames, not let it attack itself.

Roy's tricks are not wonderful. In Cheng Peng's view, many attacks can be improved and made smoother. But his attack frequency is very fast, and his strength is also very large. Even an empty attack will form a violent shock wave in the air, and then leave deep marks on the pillars or the ground around him.

Cheng Peng paid attention to those traces and asked himself if he was not directly attacked with weapons, he would never be able to do such a thing.

But this is just the aftermath of Roy's attack!

To what extent is the real protagonist of the world of Sealed Swords?

As for the other side of the battle, it is stronger than Roy.

Yaan's attack method is more magnificent than Roy. It continuously emits fireballs that are burning, but these fireballs do not directly blast through, but like artificial satellites orbiting the earth, they turn around. These fireballs are not big, each one is about one meter in diameter, which is much smaller than the fire pillars that spit across half of the temple, and the flight trajectory is messy, there are no rules to follow, and the speed is amazingly fast . Cheng Peng only took a few glances and was sure to change to his position in Roy. He has long been hit by successive fireballs. Even if there is Xuan Bing ’s true strength and ice gun, the kinetic energy contained in those fireballs, It ’s enough to blow yourself to pieces.

But of course Ya'an's attack will not be so monotonous.

It uses its hind legs to support its body, and its two front paws attack like the most powerful boxers. It is large enough to smash all the players into meat sauce. The tail is not idle for one second, constantly intercepting Luo. The position of Yi's jumping and dodge, from time to time, will also smash a large stone slab completely into powder, which means that it has failed another confident attack.

Cheng Peng looked at such a battle and couldn't help but frown slightly.

The two sides of the battle are much stronger than themselves, how can we find an opportunity to intervene?

He told himself that as long as he waited patiently, there were always opportunities.

But he also knew that time was not on his side.

The total amount of internal force transmitted by Bai Yu is limited, and the state of power transmission can only be persisted to about fifteen minutes later. This is because the strength of the field reduces the rate of internal force consumption.

What is fifteen minutes enough?

At least not enough for Roy and Ya'an to play high and low.

So Cheng Peng did not hesitate for a long time.

After carefully considering the direction of the battle and the plan of the battle bureau, he swept the ice and snow lance and burst into the battlefield.

Xueliang's spear with a sharp voice accurately hit the end of Ya'an's tail and connected to the body. That is the tail vertebra, even if it is alien, it must rely on it to wave its tail.

Cheng Peng's movements were quick, the attacks were accurate, and his shots were extremely fierce.

He seemed to ignore Roy's life and death, and even stabbed him almost several times, stabbing the only human hero present who could follow the fire dragon.

But every time, the spear tip accurately fell on Ya'an's body, stabbing a lot of dragon scales that he couldn't take care of.

The ice gun will buzz like cheers every time it hits. The long gun that has become like a fluorescent tube can always find a suitable attack point on the fire dragon king, and it can penetrate the heavy dragon effortlessly. Scale, leaving a firm scar on Ya'an.

But that is all.

In just two minutes, Cheng Peng left at least fifty wounds on Ya'an, but few of these wounds really bleed and bleed. Even if there are one or two heavier wounds, they will heal quickly. Only a pink scar left.

Is this the real fighting power of the Fire Dragon?

Such an opponent, how did the Eight Gods win?

But Cheng Peng didn't know, but his own doubt was wronged by the Eight Gods.

This Dragon Sleeping Temple is a sacred place for the Dragon Clan. Any Dragon Clan can be greatly strengthened here. Ya'an has lived here for thousands of years. Although most of the time is spent on sleeping and recuperating, only a few sober hours have already been Enough is enough to reflect on the losses suffered in the last battle, and constantly hone and improve.

At that time, it was just an obscure little guy of the Fire Dragon clan in the human-dragon war. It was for this reason that it was lucky to escape a disaster. It is also quite lucky. "

But its luck is the misfortune of Cheng Peng and others.

To deal with such a large monster, but can not use some means of killing, Cheng Peng really can not imagine for a while.

All he can do is wait patiently, waiting for the fire dragon king Ya'an to reveal enough flaws, enough to allow himself to defeat the enemy.

Fortunately, he finally waited for a good opportunity.

When the fire dragon king Ya'an waved the giant tail again, forcing Roy to retreat, Cheng Peng slammed into the gap below the tail, slammed it through with a motion that can be regarded as a tackle, and shot it with a shot, right in the middle of Ya'an's left eye.

The miserable cry of the fire dragon made everyone nervous.

But Cheng Peng did not relax at all, but continued to wield the ice and snow guns, stabbing them out one after another, each shot did not leave Yaan's head and throat.

Opportunities are rare, you have to hit the iron while hot!

There will be a typhoon tomorrow, I don't know if there will be a power outage.

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