A Big Adventure

Chapter 193: Cheng Peng's combat skills

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Before playing "Adventure", Cheng Peng did not put much effort into practicing martial arts, at best it was a set of Tai Chi (13 styles), two nunchakus (occasionally smashing his head), and playing at leisure The degree of boxing (always knocked down).

Manpower is sometimes poor, and no matter how talented he is, if he wants to take the lead in professional projects, he has exhausted more than half of his energy. The remaining time and spirit, no matter what he studies, can only be regarded as a hobby.

Sing like an emperor superstar like a university professor in Beijing who teaches the history of music, and win a championship in an international racing event like a Taiwanese singer, or like a Japanese cross talk actor who is as proficient in martial arts, or even like An American movie star shines in politics like that ... He really can't do such a thing.

But he firmly believes that as long as you do it seriously, concentrate on doing it, betting all your energy and time to do it, you will definitely stand out from the crowd.

He has done this more than once in his past life.

In the big adventure, he devotes a lot of time to practice martial arts every day. He often asks some people who have high martial arts skills in reality. With the endless efforts of even martial artists, he just takes a few tricks to embroider the legs. Young man grew up to be a master of martial arts.

Although his actual martial arts probably caused Shi Tianpeng, a martial arts master, to shake his head and say something like "You still have to start from the basics", at least in the game, Cheng Peng is already genuine and does not contain water. Master of shooting.

Now, his marksmanship is no longer as simple as the "fast" word at the time of the first star, and there are many ingenious changes. That is why Shi Tianpeng, a gun stick, everyone also applauds.

Just now he peeped into the flaw, and used a near-flat shovel to move over Yaana with an astonishing sweep like the iron arm of a crane. He shot his gun and stabbed Ya'an in the eye. This trick was extremely dangerous, but it was very clever, looking at everyone Applaud in unison. Even the martial arts hero Roy couldn't help but sigh.

But what Cheng Peng did next made everyone's applause stop suddenly, and in turn pinched a cold sweat.

In the face of the injured and angry Dragon King Ya'an, he did not retreat and went forward, and he bullied himself and rushed forward half a step, stabbing with a gun.

This shot, all the gun shadows flashed, but it used the tricks of the unparalleled flurry of the pear flower blizzard gun. Although there is no system assistance, the splendid scene of the gun shadow into a film and the convergence of pear flowers can not be shown, but it is already amazing enough .

For a time, between him and Ya An's huge faucet, there were shining gun shadows.

Cheng Peng's surprise attack was unexpected, and Ya'an naturally would not have expected it. Since it remembered, the human beings he had seen had to flee in front of him, crying for mercy, or furiously fighting, where to see the process Peng is a warrior with a true spirit like ice but a fighting spirit!

After all, it is only a member of the Fire Dragon Clan. It is not the master of the Ice Dragon Clan who has been fighting the human top powers all day. Although it was born in the era of the Human Dragon Battle, it has never played with the most famous human gods. The thing is nothing more than to conquer the Quartet and bully the weak. A thousand years of recuperation has allowed it to hone its strength and martial arts. It has also accumulated enough wisdom by diving into the human world and traveling through the human world, but it is lacking and strong. Experience of confrontation.

Roy is very strong, but Roy's fighting style is not beyond Ya'an's expectations.

Because of the influence of the mysterious power in the Temple of Longmian, he has lost a little calmness and a little more wild fighting spirit. He has a big open and unstoppable shot between the shots and the martial arts of the dragon family. Godlike.

On the contrary, Cheng Peng, who had no dragon blood, was not influenced by the Temple of Longmian at all. His character was still the same as before. He was originally a temperament of the fire in the ice. He was usually very easy-going, and even a little indifferent. It looks like a personal change, brave and unusual, not afraid of hardships and dangers, but not like Wang Hu's arrogance and desperation to do everything. On the contrary, the more excited and calmer, it is really a difference.

At this moment, Ya'an has really taught Cheng Peng's "exotic number" to use its huge old face.

Ya'an was furious and naturally attacked with all his strength, but Cheng Peng took another step forward, but stepped into the dead end of his attack. The dragon was covered with murder weapons almost everywhere, especially with claws, iron tails and Dragon tooth is the most. Among these three, in terms of attack power, dragon tooth is the strongest. Not to mention the mortals, even the same dragon, if it is bitten, it has to die for half its life. It is really powerful!

But the problem is that compared with Cheng Peng, Ya'an's mouth is too big and his teeth are too big!

Cheng Peng is not a particularly tall type in humans, and even less than two meters even with a helmet. To stand in the mouth of this dragon king Ya'an, at most he will reach half of the teeth, or the shortest molar, a little bit Bending over, he can hide into his teeth and lie on the ground, and Ya'an won't be able to bite him even with mud.

Of course, as a fire dragon, Ya'an is not good at biting with his teeth, but spitting flames to burn enemies. At a distance from each other, he spit out flames with all his strength. Even Roy, who is the blood dragon of ice dragon, does not dare to be hard anti.

But Cheng Peng was the only exception. His snow gun belonged to the Paladin Barry Kahn. The Paladin had always been in the team to fight against the enemy, and his magic weapon was just for Face-to-face with the fire dragon, specially made, it is completely immune to dragon fire. Not to mention the dragon fire that Ya'an spewed out, even if it is the more powerful magic dragon Yidong here, he would still like to burn Cheng Peng.

As a result, although Ya'an was furious, his attack was of little use to Cheng Peng.

And Cheng Peng? Of course, seize the opportunity and wield a spear to save the thorns one after another. With just a few breathing efforts, he added a lot of wounds to Ya'an's face. If it didn't return to God quickly and flew back, Cheng Peng couldn't catch up. The other eye has to be reimbursed.

Fortunately, it is large enough to reach Cheng Peng hundreds of steps in one step. This retreat immediately withdrew dozens of meters. Cheng Peng was unable to catch up even if he shrank, even knowing that even if he caught up, no In view of the advantage of the raid, on the basis of his temporary five-star, facing the six-star Ya'an, it is impossible to take advantage of anything, so there is no chase, just stand with a gun and be careful.

But he did not chase, does not mean that Roy will let Yaan.

After a short break, Roy, who was awakened by dragon blood and had excellent physical strength, has completely recovered his spirits, roaring and raising a sword that is almost a ray of seal, chasing Ya'an.

His fighting style is very different from Cheng Peng.

He was originally a master of the five-star peak. After awakening Dragon Blood and holding the Excalibur, his strength also rushed to six stars. Although it was slightly inferior to Ya’an, the gap was not very big; instead, Ya’an was blinded by Cheng Peng. With one eye, the vision is greatly reduced, and the strength of one body can only play 70% or 80%. Under the circumstances, Roy gradually took the advantage.

The two six-stars fought together, as if the thunder spurred the ground fire. The sword gas and the dragon fire stirred, turning into thunderous thunders, which stirred up a wave of violent hurricanes in the temple. Forcing everyone with only four stars to stand up, they had to retreat again and again.

Only Cheng Peng, who currently has a five-star strength at the moment, was not affected by the hurricane, but instead raised the gun of ice and snow and rushed up.

Sword energy is raging, fire is raging.

Cheng Peng walked carefully between the Jianqi dragon fire, he could avoid it, and he could only resist hard if he could not avoid it. Fortunately, he was in a brave state now, and he was confronted by two six-star masters. Aftermath, and the snow gun body that is immune to the dragon fire, came to the place where Roy and Yaan fought without fear.

With his current strength, of course, it is not enough to intervene in such a fight, but is Cheng Peng a brave man who is blindly fighting? Seeing that the battle was stalemate, he smiled slightly, and walked towards Ya'an's side.

Although Ya'an is in a fierce battle with Roy, he has always been wary of Cheng Peng who has injured his own eye. Roy is indeed very powerful, but until now, all the achievements of this half-dragon brave with the seal sword It cut off some of its scales and cut a finger on its left forefoot. For the tenacious dragon, it was just a skin trauma; but Cheng Peng, who was obviously weak, stabbed it with a snow gun. Only eyes!

Even though it was clear that Cheng Peng could not pose too much of a threat to himself, the attack just now was purely accidental. As long as he is careful, he will never give him another opportunity, but he will inevitably have to separate one. Most of his thoughts are to guard against this abominable guy.

Irrelevant to reason, this is instinct.

A giant dragon has four feet, each foot has five fingers, a total of twenty; but only two eyes!

When masters confront each other, the outcome is often only a few centimetres. Ya An blinded his eyes, and his strength was weaker than Roy. At the moment, when he was distracted, it was even worse, and he was losing ground.

Cheng Peng didn't do anything during this period, just constantly running to the most striking place in Ya'an's field of vision.

He certainly can't know what Ya'an is thinking, but unless this old dragon's nerves are abnormal, there is no reason not to be on guard against him. Although he is not a dragon, the game's designer is definitely not; and he bet that design The designer of Ya'an Intelligent Program is absolutely like him, with only two eyes.

Except for some giants with a hundred eyes, normal two-eyed creatures will take their eyes very seriously, especially when they have only the last eye left.

As long as he appears in Ya'an's field of vision, no matter whether this old dragon is willing or not, he will inevitably spend a lot of energy to monitor him, especially the snow gun in his hand.

that's enough.

It's enough!

With his five-star strength, even if Ya'an stays there to let him stab, it will definitely not stab in a while and a half. The stab in the chaos just now is very close and accurate, almost every shot On Ya'an's front door, the guns and guns were hit to the point. As a result, dozens of guns were stabbed. Ya'an had almost no decent injuries except for one eye that was unexpectedly prevented from being stabbed.

So even if he finds an opportunity to get two shots at this moment, it may not really help.

It might as well be dangling around in the most conspicuous place for him, making an offensive gesture from time to time to distract Ya'an!

As for the glorious and arduous task of Tulong, let hero Roy do it.

Cheng Peng ’s plan was very reasonable and the results achieved were very good.

When there were about two minutes left to maintain the two powerful gains in his body, Roy finally seized an opportunity when Cheng Peng bent his body back into an arch, holding the ice gun in his right hand and aimed at Ya Ann's only left eye made a javelin throw. So Yaan hurriedly turned to avoid, Roy seized the moment, rushed up suddenly as he distracted and relaxed his alert. Struggling to draw a terrible wound on the body with the claws, waving the seal sword, the sword gas suddenly soared for several meters, and slashed down against Yaan.

On the occasion of a desperate attack, Ya'an finally embodies the old dragon's powerful fighting skills, evading the attack that everyone thinks must be the must, at the cost of being cut off most of his left front foot.

The sword flashed, and the giant foot broke.

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