A Big Adventure

Chapter 207: Lip sword

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Kou Zhong, a native of Yangzhou, whose ancestry is unknown, has a mixed origin, has not attended school, is proficient in writing and writing, and has no written words.

This last point is very weird. The ancients, who have a bit of identity, all asked the teacher to give themselves a loud font size, but the NPCs in the world of "Datang Shuanglong Biography" tend to have nine out of ten. What a weird thing.

It is said that the game planning team once went to face-to-face to ask Mr. Huang Yi who wrote the original, and got a reply that "I shaped a world where Hu Feng prevails, so there is no word to speak".

Based on respect for the original author, "Great Adventure" faithfully embodies this, NPCs have almost no words.

Of course, this is a digression.

It doesn't matter if you have words or not. What's important is that Kou Zhong has never been to school.

To emphasize this point in particular, it is by no means a person who discriminates against people with low academic qualifications, just to explain that Kou Zhongshi really cannot have better talents than Li Shimin in governing the country.

If Li Shimin was a first-rate prime minister, Kou Zhong was at best a second- and third-rank general, and it was not the kind that should not lead a single army.

A person like this, it is probably very possible to say that the force exceeds Li Shimin; but if he can surpass the top three Mingjun Tang Taizong in Chinese history in terms of political strategy, he can hardly believe even children.

But Kou Zhong just dared to say that, and he looked confident.

So even the imperial princess who had been indifferent couldn't help raising the tone a bit and questioned aloud.

Facing everyone's skeptical eyes, Kou Zhong smiled.

"The things that His Highness King Qin said just now are indeed very good. One by one suits the disadvantages of the time and deserves to be a talent." He first complimented Li Shimin a little, but turned his head and said, "But many of His Highness Qin's statements are actually all Some questions, for example, "Easy to teach after chaos", have you ever seen tiger training? One of the key points of tiger training is to give tigers cooked meat, so as not to give them the opportunity to kill souls, and does not stimulate their nature. The brutal side. In the chaos of the world, people often carry weapons in their journeys. The fierce side of their characters has been gradually inspired. How can they be re-complied with a simple 'education'? "

"So I want to revive the text."

Just after half of what Li Shimin said, he was interrupted by Kou Zhong: "The reason why I said that His Royal Highness King Qin is only a prime minister rather than an emperor is a key. This is where the people have **** fighting spirit, not a bad thing, just look at how to guide it. The children of the Han family mostly bear bows and swords, so they can sweep the Huns and the majority of the Han family. If the **** fighting spirit of the people is used to wipe out the culture, then there will be invasion by foreign enemies, how to deal with them? "

"Sometimes to pick up the soldiers!" Wei Chigong shouted.

"Who won't brag!" Kou Zhong said coldly. "Your Li family still has an ambiguous relationship with the Turks. Why don't you see your soldiers go to fight Jieli Khan?"

"The soldiers come from the people, and if there are brave people, there will be brave soldiers, so bravery of the people's customs is not a bad thing." Kou Zhonghuan turned around and began to make a question. There are laws to follow, so that officials must have laws to follow. Although the people are brave and have government offices for scheduling, instead of doing harm, they can strengthen the country. "

"Severe punishment and severe law, isn't it the Qin Qin suit!" Hong Fu Nu immediately refuted.

Kou Zhong suddenly shook his head and sighed: "People are not afraid of seeing less, they are afraid of not reading. Since the establishment of the young marshal, Kou Mou often studied Yu Xian, how many read some books, this elder sister may not know, in fact Compared with the Qin Dynasty, the laws of the early Han Dynasty were not alleviated at all, and they were almost in the same line. "

"Then why Qin II died, but the Han dynasties have continued for hundreds of years?"

"The key to Qin's death lies in 'abuse of civilian power'. Afang Palace, the Great Wall, the northern garrison, and the southern conquest ... How much civilian power can be used in the world? When they are exhausted, the people can't stand it, and naturally they want to fight Qin. Is n’t it because of this that he lost the hearts of the people in the world! "Kou Zhong shook his head and sighed," If Yang Guang can fight hard and levy less, we people like us are not crazy, why bother to be the head of this rebellion? " Buy and sell! "

Everyone sighed at this, but Kou Zhong again said: "His Highness King Qin said 'Middle-earth is both safe and distant, and Koumou doesn't take it very seriously. The bitter cold in the north, all the Hus rely on animal husbandry and are fierce in nature, Chang Si started with the Central Plains, and no matter how stable the Middle-earth, it only aroused their greed. "

"When Shun's time, if there is a Miao who refuses to obey, Yu will cut it. Shun said 'No. The morality is not thick and martial, not the Tao.' It is three years of cultivation and teaching, and Qi Miao dances, and Miao is the service." Kou Zhong Xian quoted an ancient text, and then explained, "This executive dance is to declare his own force, so that You Miao understands that he can't be defeated. It is not enough to rely on the revision of the text!"

He did not leave time for Li Shimin to answer the question, but his voice jumped aloud, and he expressed his opinion on the way of being a king aloud: "In the opinion of Kou Mou, the way of being a king is to first select talents, because no matter Everything needs to be done by human beings, not to mention that we are just mortals, not saints. Even the ancient holy king also needs courtiers to assist him, so selecting talents is a top priority! "

"The method of selecting talents should be based on the imperial examination, but the items of the imperial examination should be more abundant. Anything that belongs to culture, martial arts, art of war, government, farming, crafts ... As long as it is useful to the country and the people, the imperial examination should be established. Let anyone with a skill have the opportunity to advance, which can enrich the country and call on the people to be positive. "

Everyone nodded their heads, feeling deeply what he said.

"If you have enough talents, you should use them. This requires the monarch not to influence the state affairs with his own likes and dislikes, and listen to the opinions of as many officials as possible. After all, the wisdom of many people is certainly better than one. Talents, talents may not necessarily be under the emperor. Xuanyuan Huangdi still asked Yu Guangchengzi, my mortals must not be arrogant, if governing a big country is small, the country ’s affairs ca n’t be too cautious. Opinions can avoid making mistakes. Far from saying, if Yang Guang can listen more to the opinions of the ministers, why the great Sui world will collapse to this point! "

Everyone nodded again.

"The next thing I want to talk about is military affairs. Since ancient times, military affairs have been chaotic. As Koumou reads history, its roots are in two places: one is that the high officials have too much control over the army, and the other is that the soldiers control the country. Insufficient centripetal force. For the former, you can use methods such as abolition of pro-military divisions and frequent mobilization of defense areas; for the latter, you must gather the military heart by preferential treatment of military servants and thick-hearted soldiers, and set up military schools to let middle and lower officers Concentrate on the study of the patriotic way of the loyal monarch, and then the soldiers will sing praise every day to achieve the subtle effect. Two-pronged approach should prevent the soldiers from chaotic politics. "

There was a sigh of exclamation among the people. Obviously, this paragraph was unexpected, even Li Shimin and Shi Feixuan were also shocked.

"The next problem is to suppress the gate valve. Since ancient times, the tribes with high surnames have possessed great power, and even have their own army, which has gradually become a big trend. For example, in today's world, the four gate valves control a large number of troops. No matter who has the day, it is inevitable to share the world with the family, so the talents obtained by the gates and the officials and the civilians are controlled by the gates, which lays the roots of future disasters. Not only that, in times of crisis, the tribes with high surnames tend to own The safety of the country is above the country, destroying the country to protect the family, selling the country to be glorious, this wind can not last long! It is Koumou who proposed to suppress the gate valve, it is a plan for all ages! "

Li Shimin ’s men were a little ugly, Li Shimin could n’t help but smile. His Li family is one of today ’s four gates, and his partiality is indeed unclear for the sake of his own interests and Turks. Kou Zhong ’s remarks sounded like an iron hammer. They smashed it down, making them speechless.

"The last one is to abolish the style of Xuan Tan since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and pay attention to practicality. All the cultural and military crafts of the agricultural and mulberry fields require time and manpower to do it, and they must not rely solely on empty talk. It can neither be a powerful country, nor a business, or even be used to teach students what to do with it! "Kou Zhong finished speaking and exhaled for a long time," This is my way of rule! "

Kou Zhong's answer, not only was his speech fluent and unsmooth, but even his thoughts were useless. Compared with Li Shimin's performance just now, it was really a veritable judgment, matching his heroic appearance and heroic The temperament immediately shocked people, and you suddenly felt the feeling that "this person is the king's meteorology".

It was Li Shimin, who was tenacious, and the imperial concubine, who had been indifferent to water, were also photographed by Kou Zhong's momentum, and he could not speak for a while.

After a while, one of Li Shimin's subordinates shouted angrily: "You are nothing but a village chief and an old man. What are your qualifications to make such a big talk and talk about the general trend of the world! What qualifications do you have to talk about the way of a king?" "

Kou Zhong smiled contemptuously and ignored him at all.

Now the host and guest are in a position to gain the upper hand. It is Kou Zhong who is the upper hand. Dao Kou is not the kind of gimmick who says "others hit your left face, and you should stick out your right face to let him hit" as well. With eyes for eyes and teeth for teeth, why did Li Shimin ignore them just now?

"Master Qin Chuan, what do you think of Koumou's saying that he is king?"

Shi Fei's eyebrows were slightly embarrassed.

To be fair, as Kou Zhong just said, Li Shimin's argument is very good, but it is only a prime minister, and what Kou Zhong said is the majestic avenue of the king. Li Shimin is more suitable to be king.

But this is only in terms of "people".

To become a king, the most important thing is not the king himself, but the power that the king can have, the resources that the king can gather and mobilize.

As the saying goes, "Every time comes to the same force, it is not free to transport heroes". You have the ability to do everything. Even the empty hands can't play tricks; and as long as the resources are sufficient and the power is strong, even the mediocre can enjoy their success An An was a peaceful emperor for a lifetime.

Kou Zhong suffered a loss and suffered at a "shallow foundation"

His commander-in-chief has only occupied almost half of Jingxiang so far. Xiangyang City, which is the core of this area, has not been able to take it down; although his subordinates are known as 50,000 people, they are really only four or five thousand soldiers. There are almost no famous celebrity generals and no masters among the generals, and even the only general Cheng Peng is actually not the top person in the world.

A person like this, who really has the talents of the world, how can he get the world?

More importantly, Kou Zhong ’s young commander has enrolled Hou Xibai, the patriarch of the Momen Huajian School, as the official leader, and made it clear that the chariots and horses are to support the revival of the Momen. The grievances of the Buddhist and Taoist families and the Momen have been entangled for hundreds of years. There is no possibility of getting along in peace. How can she support a person who has such a close relationship with the Momen?

But ... her reason tells her that Kou Zhong is indeed more talented than Li Shimin and more suitable as the master of the world!

In fact, Li Shimin is not necessarily suitable. As Kou Zhong and others said just now, Li Shimin is only King Qin, not Chu Jun. If you want to be honored, you will inevitably do something extraordinary. But if a person can handle even his own father and brother, how can she dare to entrust the world to such a cold and ruthless villain as a man of Buddhism?

Can a person who doesn't even love his family really love the world?

Even though she repeatedly persuaded herself with words such as "whoever becomes a big event" and "do not use small benevolence to harm big benevolence", she never crossed the threshold of "morality" in her heart.

Shi Fei Xuan Siyou thought, only to feel more and more embarrassed, the jade seal in her arms seemed to become heavier and hotter.

Suddenly, her Lingtai was clear, and it was discovered that Yuxi was indeed changing!

This shock is not trivial. He's Bi is an ancient treasure. Its breath is unpredictable. Sometimes it can benefit from cultivation, and sometimes it will cause a demon. I wanted to come to myself just because I was too contemplative, and I was unconsciously attracted to the demon by He's Bi, almost ruining years of cultivation!

After understanding this, Shi Feixuan dared to stay, and immediately stood up, said to Kou Zhong and Li Shimin slightly, said, "The two people's high opinions made Qin Mouton feel awkward and refreshed. It should have been a good direction. The two continued to consult, but it was a pity that Qin had something important and could not stay for a long time, so he had to say goodbye. I hope to have the opportunity to have a deep discussion with the two in the future. "

As she spoke, she walked towards the window, and then she stepped back like a walk, disappearing instantly between the buildings outside the window.

Team Cheng Peng: Where did Kou Zhong have such a great insight? This is completely beyond his level!

Team Qiao Xi: This is a line prepared by Hou Xibai boss for him before departure. Is it true that you are the "bargainmaster" of Hou boss!

Team Cheng Peng: So it is.

Thanks to Kong Zhang for correcting this paragraph, it has been revised.

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