A Big Adventure

Chapter 209: Battle of the Moon Night

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"Good Kung Fu!" The thin, dark, high-nosed Tianzhu monk praised, but his momentum did not decrease but increased. A pair of deep eyes stared at Cheng Peng, but the eyes showed no murder or resentment , But a complex and indescribable color of joy, "After so many years, the poor monk has finally found the feeling of being in the sand field, life and death, I really want to thank you."

Cheng Peng carried the Ice and Snow Gun in his right hand, and let the blood drip slowly down the blue gun barrel, without any movement or even opening, but focused on the opponent's shoulders.

This weird monk martial art from the black water in Baishan is very strange. The whole person seems to have no bones at all. It can arbitrarily twist its limbs and shoot from various unimaginable directions. The fists are like two huge iron hammers. He was just scratched a while ago, and the entire left arm was almost completely numb, unable to exert any effort.

But he didn't suffer. His opponent's large orange and white robe has been torn. There is a pale wound on his strong chest. The wound is very deep, and he almost sees the ribs inside, although this strange monk does not know how to stop the blood. , But such injuries will definitely affect the battle.

After some battles between the two players, the two sides broke into a situation of losing both sides.

Today is December 15, the night of the full moon.

Well, the following four words are meaningless, because this is the world of Datang Shuanglong. There are neither vampires or werewolves, nor even two white-clad masters dueling on the roof of the Forbidden City under the moonlight.

But these past few days, Cheng Peng really fought many battles.

The news of the passing of the jade seal and the Shibi has attracted all kinds of bulls, ghosts and snakes. Of course, Li Shimin is more tasteful, and many are very tasteless.

The tasteful people will strive to show their strength and talents in order to win the approval of Cihang Jingzhai; and the tasteless people are naturally impossible to get recognition, so they decisively adopted another means.

Kill those tasteful!

As a brain teaser said, how can a group of people compete for an apple to ensure they get it? Of course, it drove everyone else away, or even more simply, directly hacked to death.

This approach is called the "law of the jungle"

What Cheng Peng is now facing is a monk who extremely admires the law of the jungle.

This white gauze bandaged his hair and formed a seemingly moral bun, with a pair of deep eyes full of longing charm, enough for most people to ignore his appearance and age, only remember the impression of "high monk" The monk came from between the black waters of the Baishan Mountains. He was the national teacher of the black water moth king who worshipped the purple pavilion.

Although it seems to be a monk, in fact, this monk admires that "understanding the truth between life and death" is "integrated with the great god" is to use fists and knives to let competitors withdraw.

In just seven days, he has attacked four teams who came to Luoyang to participate in the competition. He also killed several well-known masters, and scared many people who felt that their fists were not hard enough to leave Luoyang.

He is not the only one who adopts a similar approach. For example, Du Fuwei, who runs rampantly in Jianghuai, is exactly the same as Fu Nan Tuo. As for those cats and dogs that are not worth mentioning except these two awesome ones, Cheng Peng is too lazy to count.

Relatively weak, but also spread the eloquence of the young military commander Kou Zhong, naturally became the first target of attack by these guys.

Originally according to Kou Zhong's meaning, everyone came to steal or **** the Heshibi, there was no need to be so stupid as to leave the enemy with a knot, you can go away and wait until you find an opportunity to start, but Cheng Peng suggested that he change practice.

Chengda business should have a magnificent spirit. When faced with several small fishes, they have to escape. Why should they convince the public? How to convince the world's people of Kou Zhong's strength?

So they finally stayed and stayed in the tavern. They lived here brightly and steadily, facing waves of enemies like a solid reef standing in the turbulent waves that swept the whole Luoyang city.

At noon the day before yesterday, Qiao Xi battled against Du Fuwei, and finally repelled him with a knife technique born from the stunt of the Huajian School. Of course, this is also because Cheng Peng was sitting next to him, even though Du Fuwei could overcome Qiao. Hi, but could not hold back Cheng Peng and Qiao Xi together.

And tonight, it was Vanda.

This weird monk was not Du Fuwei's arrogant master who came by himself in his self-reliance. He brought a large number of masters of the black water mob, and a group of people went to the tavern in an attempt to kill Kou Zhong and others.

The sound of shouting came from half a mile away, telling Cheng Peng that the battle was going on fiercely.

But he couldn't take care of that, because the trouble in front of him was not resolved.

"Life is invisible and phaseless. It changes with the change of form, so will it die with the demise of the form? I think no matter how it changes, there will always be something that will not change, just like a person who is thirsty to drink Water, sleepy and sleepy, not only for people, but also for all living things. This is something that does not change. Since it does not change, it will not die naturally. It must be able to pass through the door of life and death and reach the mysterious shore . "

Vonto talked eloquently, as if at the moment it was not a battlefield, not an enemy in front of him, but a general discussion with friends on a soft couch.

"The existence of the Great Brahma is the power to create the gods and the three realms of heaven, earth, air, and space. It is a power that transcends material but can control the material. It is a power to create, protect, and destroy. As long as it is integrated with this power , You can go beyond life and death, reach the other side, and get the detachment of life. "

"What I learned in my life, this is the way of life and death. The most ideal place to talk about the way of life and death is the battlefield, this is the place! At this moment you and I are facing life and death, I believe you can feel it too Why do you have to be obsessed with the way to life and death? "

Cheng Peng did not answer, just sneered and pointed the gunpoint at him.

Of course, Vanda was not unreasonable. Unfortunately, he is not a philosopher, but a player. He has only one thing to do.

Kill Vanda!

With a loud voice, Cheng Peng's figure resembled a cheetah vigorously, rushing straight toward the old monk in front of him.

Vuo Tuo stroked his hands to form a circle, but it was not a static circle, but it was constantly turning, like the passage of time, and the four-wheel rotation was natural, irresistible, and it seemed that everything around him was driven by this circle in an instant. Dance with him.

But Cheng Peng was not affected.

The dazzling white light gleamed on his gun, and the qi almost condensed into a thunderbolt, piercing the flowing circle and reaching the Vunduo at the center of the circle.

Vonto's face did not change, but his body twisted as if there were no bones. He avoided the tip of the gun by a few centimetres, his hands extended from the sleeves, and patted lightly on the ice and snow gun.

A damaging and violent internal force suddenly passed along the gun body in an attempt to invade Cheng Peng.

If this internal force is allowed to rush into the body, the best situation will also hurt the meridian of the arm and affect the force; the worst may be the heart burst and died on the spot.

No matter how many people Peng is! His total internal force may not be as good as that of the four-star pinnacle of Vanda, but his internal force is through repeated refining of highly poisonous mushrooms, and he rushed from four stars to five stars, which is rare in terms of condensing level. It is within the reach of human beings. Although the internal force of Fu Nan Tuo was eroded, but in contact with his internal force, it was like a wooden cone stabbed with a steel brick, and it immediately smashed into pieces without any effect.

But at the moment of this internal force confrontation, Vunduo had withdrawn and moved back to Cheng Peng's left side.

Because of his left hand injury, Cheng Peng's empty goal is currently on the left.

Faced with the crisis, Cheng Peng was fearless, sweeping his spear across his head with a roaring wind.

If Fu Nan Tuo is attacking at this moment, he may be able to grab Cheng Peng before Cheng Peng's lance is swept over him, and may even cause a fatal injury with a single blow, but he will certainly be severely drawn by this gun, even if he does not die. To break the bones.

For Vunduo, the broken bones and bones meant failure, because Heishui Mohe had a master on his side, but the young army had at least one Qiao Xi, and it was said that the two teamed up to fight the Grand Master's Kou. Zhong and Xu Ziling.

So he can only back away.

With this retreat, Cheng Peng immediately counterattacked, and the spear of ice and snow screamed out, vowing to pierce the enemy with a single shot and kill it on the spot!

But this shot fell through.

The moment the gun was about to pierce himself, Vunduo's body suddenly twisted strangely and escaped the gun lightly.

Cheng Peng responded extremely quickly. Without any further words, Wushuang Wuwu was launched. Thousands of gun shadows merged into blooming pear blossoms, completely covering the entire body of Vanda.

But Vonto twirled non-stop, like dancing, but actually escaped every shot, and let the pear flower blizzard gun that pierced hundreds of shots in a flash!

Then in the next moment, Cheng Peng found that Vanda was gone.

It wasn't that his body disappeared. In fact, he was still standing in front of Cheng Peng, as if he could stab it with a single shot. But in the intuition of Cheng Peng's innate warriors, Vunduo has completely disappeared, and there seems to be nothing around him.

In this void, there seems to be a powerful force gestating, and destruction and rebirth are rebirth, which gives birth to the urge to worship.

Everyone who has read the original book knows that this is the true skill of Vanda.

Integrating one's own body with Great Brahma and borrowing the power of the Supreme Brahma is enough to restrain any enemy.

Perhaps only the real grandmasters can crack this borrowed state with their own fields.

But Cheng Peng was not at all nervous.

Although he has no realm, he has another trick.

Holy Frozen!

The light of a hexagon like a snowflake lights up at his feet, covering a large area around it.

Those who are shrouded in, naturally include Vanda.

Brahma I was so powerful again and again, after all, he couldn't really disappear. In the face of the aura power of all-round indiscriminate attacks, he couldn't respond and was immediately frozen.

Of course, the sacred freezing of the fifth level can only freeze Vunduo for only half a second.

But for a master of this level of Cheng Peng, half a second is already enough.

You killed Vunduo and obtained his unique secret book "Vatican as I am"

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