A Big Adventure

Chapter 229: Wan Jianjue, Wei Antu's trick

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Time passed quickly, and the first month of the second year was almost over.

On the 29th day of the first lunar month, the second apprentice of Pansi Daxian, whose body was Bai Jingjing with white bone essence, also came to the Axe Gang.

However, unlike the arrogant Chunshiangniang, Bai Jingjing is a little low-key, or she is somewhat afraid of her sister and dare not act lightly. So she didn't break through the door openly, but secretly infiltrated the axe gang and found Chunshiangniang.

This behavior helped her a lot!

After discovering that the sister who had behaved arrogantly turned out to be very honest, Bai Jingjing guessed that the axe helped the lying tiger and hide the dragon. So when the crowd laid siege after a few words, she acted more calmly and guarded than Chunshiangniang, making Man who thought she could take her all and took a small loss.

The five-star monster is absolutely not easy to bully, especially Bai Jingjing is also very different from Chunshiangniang. As a white bone essence, she does not know how to use poison, and her own magic is really not clever. Correspondingly, her martial arts ratio Sister wants to win, the strength of the body is beyond the reach of the 30th Spring. Reaction, strength, defense, attack ... all were beyond everyone's expectations.

As soon as he fought, Dongliu Xingchen, who expected the enemy to be wrong, fell out of luck first. At that time, he held the knife in two hands and directly slashed the classic trick "checkerboard" directly, even if it was impossible to kill him. Bai Jingjing is also forced to dodge. The weapon in her hand is a Chinese literati-style sword. This weapon is notoriously light and light but not heavy enough. It is impossible to resist the Japanese sword's full swing.

Who knows that Bai Jingjing's power is far stronger than he estimated, and his single-handed sword blocked his two-handed sword. Not only that, she also lifted a foot directly, kicking in Dongliu ’s heart nest, kicking this Japanese kendo master like a gourd, rolling away far away, and the blood in her mouth was sprayed like it was General fountain.

Seeing this unexpected scene, everyone couldn't help but stay.

This stay is even a bad thing. Masters are fighting against each other, and it is absolutely necessary. Where can we afford the time of "staying for a while"! If Cheng Peng hadn't distracted, he shot a gun to block this fierce bone essence. I'm afraid that after one raid, at least half of the twelve players would fall!

But Cheng Peng paid a price for his bravery.

He waved the ice and snow gun and blocked Bai Jingjing's serial three swords in one breath. He only felt that it wasn't an ordinary saber that was cut on his barrel, but a sledgehammer weighing at least a few hundred pounds. He stood unsteady and stumbled backwards.

When the three swords were blocked, he snatched a breathing opportunity, but he hadn't had time to fight back. Bai Jingjing's left hand without the sword was already standing like a knife, and he was cut in the front.

If he didn't raise his head in time, this hand knife would almost cut into his front door, slashing his head directly. But even after escaping the most violent blows, the wind of the sword raised by his hand knife broke through his body protection, and a long wound was drawn on his face, from the chin to the eyebrow, almost the whole Face cut in half.

Cheng Peng didn't even have time to worry about the problem of breaking the phase. He quickly exerted force on his legs. One turned over, and his feet were like a steel whip swinging with all his strength.

Bai Jingjing was slightly surprised. With a left hand, he blocked the two consecutive feet, but he was also prevented from chasing. He failed to take advantage of the chase and killed Cheng Peng with a sword.

It was this delaying effort that the others recovered and immediately waved their weapons and tried to besiege.

The weakest of the twelve players are also Samsung, and the strongest are even approaching the peak of the four stars. The twelve players join forces, and it is said that the fighting power is far above Bai Jingjing, but the real fight is not the case.

Bai Jingjing did not release his own field, but used both palms and palms, just like a thunderstorm, no matter what kind of attack is hard to block, with the power and reaction of far more than everyone, all attacks were repelled one by one, and also took time to fight back from time to time.

Players can't help her attacks, but every time she counterattacks, a player will spit blood back, or even kill on the spot.

If Xiao Moran, who was not a summoner, summoned a lot of undead monsters that could be called the best cannon fodder, the players' siege had already been broken by her, and the whole army was wiped out.

The players have the intention to repeat the original tactics against Chun San Niang. The magical girl Xu Xiaoyuan launches the nirvana. However, Bai Jingjing ’s combat intuition is almost like a beast. Xu Xiaoyuan has just transformed and has n’t had the time to accumulate and move. After throwing his sword out, the sword didn't actually land directly after taking off, but turned around in the air, just like life, bypassing the block of everyone, and approaching Xu Xiaoyuan who couldn't move because of full energy. The sword wiped off her neck.

"Isn't the head a simple decoration? Why would it hang after being cut?" Xu Xiaoyuan, who was in a weak state after resurrection, couldn't help complaining, "The setting of this game is too weird!"

"Weird is your idea!" Although not hanging, Dongliu, who fell into a weak state because he was nearly kicked to death with a heavy foot, couldn't help but yell, "Whose head is an ornament!"

He spoke out the hearts of everyone.

Perhaps such a sentence has exhausted all the luck of Dongliu, so in less than ten seconds, he was held by the white bones into a giant sword of at least three meters in length. The chest flew up.

The white light flashed.

Bai Jingjing, who used the ordinary sword, was already very difficult to deal with. After turning the sword into a giant sword, she was even more terrifyingly strong, and she was so embarrassed to fight that everyone, let alone continue the siege, even if it was resisted.

"I can't think of it ... The gap between the strength of the sisters and the sisters is so big." Xu Tu, who was also suspended, sighed, "This time we are miscalculated!"

"It's just that the fighting type is different. Chun Shi Niang is the mage, and Bai Jingjing is the warrior." Ye Ying sitting next to him slowly waiting for the end of the weak time to sigh, "Of course the mage is afraid of chopper fights, but the warriors are not afraid! A The whirlwind is cut down. "

He sighed and shouted again: "I said little way, are you ready for your big move?"

"It's still a short while, and give me another half minute!" Wei Antu whispered after the war and found that the situation was not right, hiding behind him, "I'll do it in half a minute!"

But these half minutes are really not easy to fight for.

Twelve players have already hung most of them, and now they are still on the battlefield, and they are not left. Only the part-time axe gang helper Cambrona QB; still continually summoning sneer emperors fighting monsters; thick skinned The brother of the tauren, Xiao Peng; and Cheng Peng, who still shoots furiously.

In fact, until now, the battle has been almost a heads-up between Bai Jingjing and Cheng Peng. The remaining four people just share some pressure for him, or add auxiliary status to him by means of war songs and totems.

Xiao Moran once attempted to use the curse skill against Bai Jingjing. As a result, after the skill was sent out, he received the prompt "Your magic cannot break through the opponent's realm".

So everyone knows that the original field is not only a halo type, but also a restrained type like Bai Jingjing, which is collected in the body but strengthens itself and resists various attacks.

The reason why Bai Jingjing is so outrageously strong is probably because the power of the entire field is left in the body, strengthening her to a point far beyond the spring of the 30th Niang.

Regrettably, even if you know this precious information, it will not help you in your fight.

After a while, Xiao Moran's magic power was finally exhausted, and no more monsters could be summoned.

He originally planned to reapply the tricks, consuming life force to summon powerful monsters, but Bai Jingjing sacrificed the sword again, and one thorn pierced his heart. He grabbed the magic book "Secret of Darkness" that was emitting a dark black light and hung it back. A resurrection point.

But it was at this time that Wei Antu had been preparing until now the big move was finally completed!

"The world is infinite, Qiankun borrowed the law!" The sackcloth boy shouted and stomped fiercely on the ground. His hands formed a strange handprint in the air, and countless swords suddenly appeared around him. Flying on the ground, and flying like a man, as if it were manipulative, they were lined up in a neat array, and the cold flashing sword tip was facing Bai Jingjing.

"Superpower Liu Fei Jian Yi Wan Wan Jue!"

A sharp sword is like an arrow off the string, roaring and tearing the air, and stabs at the face of Bai Jingjing in all directions.

Bai Jingjing is not a fool. Seeing the power of this trick is so terrifying, he naturally does not want to block it, but Cheng Peng has been dragging her so hard that she can't escape at all, and finally has to be bombarded with countless swords like Cheng Peng together with Cheng Peng. .

The sword light flashes, the sword rain is like a waterfall.

At the beginning, Bai Jingjing also sacrificed the take-off sword to block, but when her flying sword was ignored by Cheng Peng, she waved the ice gun and hit it hard, and she fell on the ground with mourning, she had no weapons to use, even if she caught Peng scratched his heart and couldn't save himself from being shot into a sieve.

Bai Jingjing, who shows the essence of the bones, almost swung a pair of claws into two white apertures, but Wei An ’s continuous shooting of the sword rain seemed to be endless, and it was not even a direct shot. Many swords were actually drawn in the air. The arc, and even some swords turned a huge arc, came behind her, and attacked from a direction she could not even see.

Not only that, every sword that she flew after flying to the ground often flicked again and flew up again, flew to Wei Antu, and joined the mighty sword rain again.

This totally unreasonable attack that could not resist or dodge quickly defeated Bai Jingjing's defense. First a sword broke through her claws, dragging a wound on her shoulder.

Starting with this sword, more and more swords broke through the exhausted defensive bones and stabbed all parts of her body.

Finally, with the screaming screams and continuous swords piercing the human body, the bones of the twelve players who joined together with almost one person's strength were punctured by the chaotic sword almost like a grass man on the shooting range. Because too many swords passed through her body to support from all directions, she could not even fall, so she stood and turned into a little white light.

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