A Big Adventure

Chapter 230: Screw gun

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Wei Antu ’s “Wan Jian Jue” is of course not a spell. The Shushan School in the world of “Xian Jian Qi Xia” has the “Wan Jian Jue” spell, but that ’s just a three-star spell. The power is absolutely incomparable with what he cast. In fact, he used the power of mind to control those sword attacks.

Of course, the motivation that has just been upgraded to LV4 is of course impossible to achieve such an exaggerated scene. In fact, even the most powerful drivers of motivation in the academy city, except for the LV5 "reading cannonball" chipping military tyrant, there is no The second person can do this kind of thing. Just now he forcibly overdrafted his brain with a computing model common to the most powerful superpowers in the academy city, and he was able to complete this stunt that spanned two stars.

As for the price, less than three seconds after Bai Jingjing was killed, he himself bleeds and dies away.

In a fierce battle, twelve players hang and there are only two assistants left.

After a brief meeting on stolen goods, Cheng Peng came to the riverside of Wuyue Mountain.

What Bai Jingjing exploded was very similar to Chun Shi Niang, and it didn't help him much, but the battle just touched him quite a bit.

As a monster in the middle of the five-star, Bai Jingjing's martial arts and attributes are impeccable. His swordsmanship is strong, his fists and feet are proficient, and his magic resistance is excellent. The basic attributes are fully worthy of her identity. It can be said that it is perfect, but it ended under Wei Antu's Wan Jianjue, not to mention counterattack, and even failed to escape.

Cheng Peng carefully scrutinized that battle and came to the conclusion that Bai Jingjing lacked a fast and effective long-range attack method!

She can cast a flying sword, but her flying sword is not very fast. It was able to kill Xu Xiaoyuan and Xiao Moran before, both of which accounted for the unexpectedly low cost of flying sword. When Cheng Peng was ready, her flying sword 1 He was shot down by Cheng Peng when he shot, and because of the connection between the mind and the soul, he caused himself to be strongly impacted, which greatly affected the battle.

Imagine that if she possesses a remote attacking skill such as Xiao Li Fei Dao, who is obviously preparing for a big move, as long as she steals a short shot and flies out, this is how Cheng Peng prepares. It is impossible to stop the flying sword of the five-star martial monster.

Summing up the experience of this battle, it can be seen that for the characters of the combat department, a long-range attack skill with fast shot and fast speed is essential!

Does Cheng Peng have long-range attack skills? Of course there are.

A general who was born as a general, he can shoot arrows and can also cast a shot. Not only that, he can use the unparalleled ability to strengthen the arrows or shoot the gun, and issue a powerful unparalleled attack.

The power of these skills is certainly good, and he often uses it. Not long ago, when he went to the world of "Seal Sword" to seize the magic weapon, he used dozens of throwing guns and defeated the handheld ice gun with a gorgeous battle. The head of the Ilya Knights, Cylot.

However, since he got the magic weapon "Ice Spear", he gradually seldom used the throwing gun.

Although throwing a gun is a very convenient weapon, although there are still several bundles of throwing guns in his inventory, but compared with the extremely powerful snow gun, the attack power of the throwing gun is really too low, against the powerful BOSS, unless shooting It ’s the key, otherwise it ’s no better than tickling.

Such a tragic attack will naturally fade out of his vision.

However, after the battle with Bai Jingjing, Cheng Peng found that not only can he ignore the shooting skills, but also should be vigorously strengthened, so that this trick has enough power to threaten any enemy!

Compared with melee attacks, the advantages of long-range attacks must not be underestimated!

The question is, what method should he use to strengthen the shooting attack?

Sitting by the stream, looking at the clear stream passing slowly by his side, Cheng Peng fell into contemplation.

His first consideration is to use the unparalleled energy in the gun. After all, the strengthening effect of this ability is obvious. If it can trigger a chopping attribute attack, there is a trick that will hit the enemy.

But he quickly rejected this idea.

The magic weapon of the magic weapon of ice and snow is extraordinary. With Wushuang Flurry, you can get a very good attack effect; and if he stimulates the grudge skills, it can greatly increase the chance of chopping attribute attacks, and the power is also extraordinary.

Compared with these two skills that are enough to win the game, throwing a gun is inferior in the end, and it can't be costly.

Since this road does not work, he naturally considered the method of using innate gang gas on the gun.

Congenital ganglion can be rigid and flexible, just wear gold crack stone, soft energy can be wrapped around the finger, and the end is magical. If you can attach the Gangyang attribute to the gun, it will greatly enhance its power. Even if you shoot with a shot, even an enemy wearing heavy armor can shoot a cool heart!

But this plan was shattered by the cruel reality.

Ordinary throwing guns ca n’t bear Cheng Peng ’s transformation into pure rigidity. He just broke into pieces when he was touched, and turned into a pile of useless pieces of wood; even if he deliberately restrained the power of Gang, Accommodate a little bit, and a little more will burst.

After all, these shots are only one-star materials, and their texture is really poor. To accommodate a lot of the innate qualities of the four-star masters, it is really too demanding and unrealistic.

After bursting five or six shots, Cheng Peng gave up the idea with regret.

He has basically mastered the method of attaching the gun to the gang gas, and it is not difficult. The difficulty is to find a strong enough gun, at least a three-star or higher weapon, otherwise the gang gas contained is too little to achieve the expected effect.

However, three-star guns are not cheap!

And it can be predicted that as Cheng Peng's strength continues to increase, the combat intensity he will face will continue to increase, and the power requirements for the gun shot will naturally continue to increase. In the future, he will need to increase the level of gun shooting, four-star, Five stars.

"It's simply a bottomless hole!" After calculating the account, Cheng Peng shook his head and sighed.

He is not the elite of those big guilds, nor is he a wealthy businessman like Yue Feng. It is impossible for him to use that defeat trick as a common skill.

After the two roads failed, Cheng Peng again hit his mind on the Seven Injured Fist and Helix Qi.

The Seven Injured Boxing contains a variety of insidious dark powers, which can hurt people invisible, and its attack mode is very different from the ordinary shooting attacks. If you can hide the Seven Injured Boxing in the shooting gun, you can hit the enemy. Darkness hurts people at the time, and one attack produces two effects of violent penetration and shadowy darkness, which is very exciting just to imagine.

However, he hasn't completed his seven-wound fist yet, and it's impossible to attach dark energy to the shooting gun for a while. This idea will take some time to become a reality.

So now all he can try is to apply Spiral True Qi to the shooting gun.

In fact, this method is also very good, the power of the rotating shooting gun will naturally increase, just like the modern firearms have rifling inside, the bullets that are discharged are violently rotating, resulting in a more stable flight trajectory and a stronger intensity than the bullets fired by the old guns. Penetration.

Cheng Peng carefully thought about it for a while, took out a shot, and tried to inject the spiral gas into it.

With the ability to perceive and control the in-vitro Qi after the fourth page of the Cultivation Technique, he clearly felt that the spiral Qi is like a spring in the barrel of the gun, forming a spiral skeleton, and it is still turning, driving the entire gun. The body was trembling slightly, as if it would spin up as soon as you take it off.

Taking a deep breath, Cheng Peng threw the gun in his hand at a large stone.

With a crunch, the gunshot hit the boulder that was taller than the others, carrying the powerful shooting gun with the power of the four-star master's full throw, and the tip of the gun with a piercing sound, like a drill bit, fell deeply into it Inside a solid stone that is still and immobile in the face of a strong wind all year round.

Cheng Peng walked over, grabbed the gun and studied it carefully. Then he returned to his previous position, and took out an identical shot. Instead of using the spiral Qi, he used the Qi to urge the arm strength and throw the same shot.

The second shot dropped and screamed out, stabbed next to the first shot, and was also deeply caught in the boulder.

Cheng Peng frowned slightly and pulled out two shotguns separately to study the depth of each other's shooting into the boulder and the degree of damage to the entire stone.

"It's almost ... why is it similar?" Looking at the two nearly indented holes, he fell into contemplation. "Ordinarily, the rotating spear should shoot deeper!"

Throwing the two abandoned shots that had damaged the gun body due to violent impact to the side, Cheng Peng took out another intact shot and tried to inject the spiral true gas into it.

Just like last time, the gun body began to tremble slightly, and if it hadn't been grasped by his hand, it would have begun to rotate.

Grabbing the gun that buzzed because of the vibration, Cheng Peng thought hard.

What is the reason that the spiral throwing gun, which should have been greatly increased, only exerts a slightly higher power than the ordinary shooting?

He sat next to the big stone, from morning to afternoon, as if he had become a small stone.

During this period, he tried several methods, such as increasing the amount of injected true gas, and enhancing the flow rate of spiral true gas ... But all these methods have failed.

The texture of the ordinary throwing gun is too poor to simply hold too strong true energy, so how to strengthen it is also very limited; and if a better throwing gun is used, it will have the same cost problem as the gun body strengthening the gun.

How to do it?

When the day was about to get dark, the Wuyue Mountain blew extremely violent mountain breezes according to the usual practice. For a while, it flew sand and rocks. Although the weather was amazing without the appearance of Chun San Niang, there were also many fist-sized stones flying in the air.

Looking at a few stones that were spinning rapidly because they were just in the middle of the whirlwind, Cheng Peng was shocked, and he felt a flash of light flash in his head.

Spin in the air!

He hurriedly took out a shotgun, slammed it, lifted it to about the height of his head, and started to whirl the spiral.

But the difference is that this time, his spiral true energy is not injected into the gun body, but around the gun body.

The fierce real gas turned into a fierce whirlwind, and he spun wildly with a relatively light-throwing spear, and issued a sharp roar before he shot it.

Cheng Peng's heart was fixed, and after the Qi had turned to the extreme, he threw this gun at the boulder just now.

After a very violent noise, the boulders cracked apart, and most of the ordinary one-star shots were caught in the stone!

Looking at the shooting gun which gradually shattered because he could not bear the violent impact, Cheng Peng was full of joy and finally laughed.

It's done!

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