A Big Adventure

Chapter 231: Cultivation of the Axe Gang

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The sword is like snow.

Cheng Peng blinked to avoid the blade of light that seemed to cut the space, but did not fight back, but threw the sharply rotating gun in his left hand toward the other side.

With a roaring sound like a storm, the gun blasted out with a thunderous speed, and shot at Xiao Moran standing on the edge of the competition field.

But Xiao Moran had already been vigilant when he saw Cheng Peng taking out his shot, and summoned several monsters with thick skin, defensive power, and vitality that were astonishingly high, as if standing in line between him and Cheng Peng.

This gun was unstoppable, as if it could shoot through the sky, but after continuously piercing three monsters of the meat shield type, it eventually ran out of power and was blocked by Xiao Moran with a black magic light shield.

"The power is amazing!" Dongliu, who had already put away the sword, marveled. "This gun is comparable to my full strength. How much does it cost?"

Unlike Dongliu, Xiao Moran frowned and shook his head with a sneer.

"No, it's completely wrong!"

Cheng Peng frowned, shook his head and sighed.

Indeed, as Xiao Moran said, the screw-throwing gun is amazingly powerful, but it is not the trick that Cheng Peng expected.

What he needs is a quick shot, a sudden, unexpected, and a certain amount of powerful containment skills. But the helix gun runs counter to this goal, it is powerful, but the speed of the shot is not fast!

Because this trick must first hold the gun in the hand, and then use the spiral gas to drive it, and accelerate it continuously ... This process takes a certain time, even if it is compressed, it cannot be less than two seconds.

For the big move, there is not much charge time for two seconds, and Cheng Peng can still move freely in these two seconds; but for a skill that requires sudden containment, hold it in hand Seconds, isn't that a reminder of "I'm going to make a big move"?

Use such tricks to contain cold arrows? Are you kidding me?

The problem is that Cheng Peng really has no good way to make this move shorter.

Of course, he can put the true energy of the spiral in the shooting gun instead of launching it outside, so that as long as enough true gas is injected and the spiral is strong enough, the power will only be more powerful than the shooting gun that drives the rotation outside.

But in that case, he had to use a high-priced high-level spear as a shot, turning the tricks that originally belonged to the pinning skills into the pros and cons of the prodigal. Throwing a gun is often used, and he wanted to fight with Sailot in one breath. There are dozens of shots!

If the dozens of guns were all at least Samsung's silver-level weapons ... Mo Chengpeng, even those richer players, would be heartbroken.

"I think you think too much." When he dialed Shen Qi's private chat and asked her to find a suitable skill or weapon, the Bai Xiaosheng sighed and pointed out Cheng Peng's mistake, " You have completely drilled into the tip of the horns! A skill, you have to shoot fast; and you must conceal the sudden, let the enemy be caught off guard; also have considerable power; in the end, you still hope that it is not very expensive ... Na Pengzai, If you have developed such a skill, please be sure to tell me that I can help you contact at least one hundred apprentices, and you can charge them 1,000 yuan per person for tuition! "

Cheng Peng was stunned. After a while, he recovered himself and couldn't help laughing.

Yes, there is nothing perfect in the world!

As Shen Qi said, if there is such a strong containment skill with various advantages, even Cheng Peng himself is absolutely willing to smash the pot and sell iron to make a thousand common points to be the tuition fee!

After figured this out, he was a lot easier.

So in the next contest, he alternately used ordinary shooting guns and spiral shooting guns, hitting Xiao Moran and East Meteor Stars in embarrassment, even though the two teamed up was also suppressed by him, and finally had to suffocate to admit defeat.

"You have become stronger again." Xiao Moran rarely sneered. "It feels that the distance between us has become farther and farther away. No, in fact, our gap is already very far away. Compared with the players in the combat department, the magic department. Although it is easy for players to enter the four stars, the strength improvement in the four stars stage is not obvious. "

"I believe the system is balanced."

"Perhaps, at least Wei Ye is better than me and Wumian." Xiao Moran was silent for a while, and then sneered again. "Forget it, it's not enough, it's more than that. I'm at least riding a donkey and playing games. The important thing is to be happy, to become stronger, you can't force it. "

Can't this kind of thing be forced?

Cheng Peng doesn't think so.

As long as you work hard, you can always become stronger.

No pain no gain.

Xiao Moran and Chen Wumian, two masters of the two spell systems, were n’t because the construction of the magic tower had delayed too much time and energy. It is said that the current achievements are definitely more than that.

As Xiao Moran said, the masters of the spell department are also very powerful. For example, all kinds of spells come in hand, just like Wei Ye of the encyclopedia of spells. He is a first-class master. Even among the top players, only a few of the strongest like Cheng Peng, Bai Yu, Long Biao, Liu Xuan can beat him.

"Adventure" has so far been said to have more than one billion players, lying inside tigers, hiding dragons, and do not know how many hidden masters are hidden, for example, like the meteor stars, usually do not show mountains and no dew, but as long as Putting on a good knife is immediately a first-class melee master. If you can get together a powerful equipment, perhaps it is not necessarily weaker than Cheng Peng.

So he couldn't relax, he had to keep working hard.

How many people are staring at the title of "World First", Cheng Peng is like standing on the cusp of the wind and waves at this moment, if he relaxes a little, he may fall, and even if he climbs up again, there will be no more radiance at this moment.

He does not accept such things!

What is "re-starting again" and "re-starting the mountains", since it can climb from the trough to the peak, why can't it stay at the peak all the time?

So he made up his mind to keep occupying this position.

There will be a banquet in the world, maybe one day, just like leaving the archaeological world, Cheng Peng will leave "Great Adventure" sooner or later, but at least until that time, he will be the most dazzling star in this game!

The sun rises and the sunset unconsciously, another week has passed.

For the people of the Axe Gang, this week has been relatively calm, because they have defeated the two early and mid-term BOSS of Chun San Niang and Bai Jingjing, so they are not like the other "big talk westward journey" world wasteland groups. After being tossed about by these two monsters, they could not help but complain on the forum, complaining that the game development team made this copy too abnormal.

As a result, the forum GM came forward and responded, "In each wasteland group, there are also teams that have successfully defeated the white bone spirit and spider spirit, and now they seem to have been idle to plant mushrooms."

It is Xu Tu who is too free to grow mushrooms.

He didn't know where to find some bright and beautiful mushrooms, and he planted a large piece in the vegetable field, which was really colorful and dazzling. Several of them actually shine at night. From a distance, the whole vegetable field is like a fairyland, which is very refreshing.

"Why didn't you see Sunflower and Pea Shooter?" Jane Cambrona asked this question in private.

"Mushrooms are less conspicuous." Xu Tu spread his hands and seemed to answer faithfully.

In fact, those mushrooms were originally cover.

When Cheng Peng saw the small, pointed, black, malaria-growing mushrooms growing under a large spray mushroom, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth for a long time.

Because he noticed that a worm had just touched these mushrooms by accident, and then quickly turned gray, and then he lay on the ground motionless, and soon turned into gray-green blood and penetrated into the ground.

"Abobo ... what kind of mushrooms are you planting!"

"Commercial secrets." When Xu Peng asked Xu Tu to inquire, Xu Tu said with a smile, "I'm going to use it to deal with the Bull Demon King.

Cheng Peng looked at his seemingly harmless face of human beings and animals, and thought about the horrible toxicity of the mushroom, he couldn't help but secretly mourn for the upcoming big boss Niu Demon.

And he also noticed that Xu Tu had been pulling this companion more than once during this time, playing around in the axe gang here, tossing some there, and not knowing what to arrange.

In connection with Xu Tu ’s consistent excellent resume, what he has done is roughly conceivable.

"Just hope not to make a mistake." Cheng Peng groaned uncomfortably, and then mentioned some of the inferior guns that had just been built by the blacksmith shop. It's a rough wooden rod that hasn't even polished smooth burrs, and it's inferior goods that can't even get a star. Let's go and continue to practice.

What he is practicing now is not the spiral shooting, but hiding the seven wounded fists in the shooting.

After this period of training, Cheng Peng's seven injured fist skills have finally been achieved. Although there is a gap from the highest level, the goal of at least seven punches in one punch has been achieved.

So he turned his goal into how to combine the seven wounded fist and shooting.

Since the practice of throwing a gun as an important skill, Cheng Peng quickly discovered the advantages of this skill, powerful, fast shot, long-range attack ... If you can get the right skills to assist, you may not need a screw throw gun, just the most Basic throwing guns can also produce powerful power, and then achieve the goal of effective containment.

It was an attempt to hide the dark energy of the Seven Injured Boxing in the shooting.

The process of Zang Jin getting into the gun is very fast, or even though Cheng Peng has not been able to do it "soon" at least temporarily in theory.

Seven wounded fist does not need to be charged, and the effort is only a momentary effort, so as long as you really grasp the trick, you can hide the seven wounded fist strength at the moment you grab the shot, and turn this uncommon shot into an ordinary shot A powerful weapon with both rigidity and softness.

Unfortunately, the difficulty of this move is too high, until the Devil King Niu opened the door, he failed to complete.

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