A Big Adventure

Chapter 340: Tough battle

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The so-called treasure is the manifestation of legend.

They can be weapons or armor, mounts or props, or special abilities ... there are different types, but no matter how they look, their essence will not change.

Any treasure is a manifestation of a certain legend.

Therefore, to deal with treasures, ordinary weapons are ineffective, because the essence is fundamentally different, and the sky is just not to interfere with each other, each playing separately; but the essence of the spell is similar to the treasure, but the level is too bad Many, basically even high-level spells, but indistinguishable from low-level treasures.

There are exceptions to everything.

"Mystery is invalid in the face of higher mystery." In the forest, the man in black who once infiltrated the Liudong Temple alone in the canopy of a large tree watched the gray mask being hit by his former servants, but he kept returning. , Turned into a pile of ashes and a torrent of rain, and a sneer appeared on the face under the mask. "Although I don't know how CASTER moved the guy's power like this, power is power!"

"If it is a common hero, there is no way to deal with this power, but I believe you are different! Hero King, if it is you, there must be a way! Do not let me down!" He He smiled proudly, and he was full of enthusiasm, "Although losing is an inevitable result, but at least give me the real body of the guy, and force his true skills!"

"A self-esteem like you, a fool who has nothing but strength, is only useful for this!"

ARCHER didn't know that he had become the stone in which the black man threw stones to ask for directions, and he couldn't think of them at all. After the offensive was frustrated, the ancient king's anger had already burst out, and now he was thinking all over his mind to defeat this and actually stop him from going. The things that will hide the hidden heads and the tails of the people hiding behind them, give them a hard lesson, and let the other party fully appreciate the consequences of angering the king!

Pieces of precious treasure were projected carelessly like small stones everywhere, then intercepted by gray light in the air, quickly blackened, and crashed into a gray mask after a moment, turning into worthless powder.

However, ARCHER did not mean to close at all.

In just a few tens of seconds, he lost a lot of treasures enough to make any heroic heart hurt, and let the less powerful magician faint directly.

Not only did he not stop his hand, but he used the treasure of the king to the extreme, and he spent a lot of magic power to open the countless rippled "doors" as much as possible, projecting more treasures, and casting the golden rainstorm. More and more fierce.

"ARCHER ... Is it really okay to do this?" After a few more minutes, the golden rainstorm still didn't mean to stop. Instead, Tu Yumen Jiu Miao had some lack of confidence, and asked carefully, "Do you want to change the method?"

"It's not necessary," Gilgamesh replied coldly. "The king admits that the defense does have some ways, but that's all. Even if the technology that constitutes it is no matter how elaborate, it must still follow that the magic of the input is less than the output. "Magic" is such a principle. Although it is unclear how it intercepts the treasure, it must cost magic in order to intercept the treasure. "

The corners of his mouth lifted slightly, and the contempt and sarcasm were self-evident.

"The guy hiding behind must constantly pay the magic power to offset each treasure, but for this king, you only need to open the door."

This explanation convinced his lord, so she stopped talking and concentrated on the battle.

At this time, the rest of the heroes and lords have arrived.

"This extravagant style ... and the wealth he can use for luxury ... It's really uncomfortable!" Du Zaomiao said fiercely, "If I can have so many treasures, no, as long as there are half, even three points One of them, I can shovel half of the mountain up! Whatever defensive spell it is useless! "

"Gilgamesh can't exert the real power of those treasures." Ding Dan commented, "It's a waste of good things!"

"Well, these are details, don't care about the details." Hai Gui said with a smile, "at least we don't need to contribute, is this not a good thing?"

This statement was accepted by the rest of the people, so they stopped talking and focused on the situation.

At the same time, the three heroes also exchanged their views on ARCHER.

"Although it is very monotonous and arrogant, there is no technical content at all, but it is indeed a very powerful attack method!" Cheng Peng said, "He is indeed more suitable than us in this kind of tough battle."

"In terms of pure offensive ability, I believe that he is already the strongest player in this holy grail war." Lu Bu did not hesitate to praise the words, "so powerful, even a certain family is ashamed."

"But fighting is not just about attacking power, it's everything!" Arthur took the lead and said confidently, "If it's a head-to-head battle, I have confidence to cut him off!"

"The question is, why does he have to fight you head-to-head?" Cheng Peng felt that the Cavaliers King's perception of "war" obviously had some problems. "This is war, war is all kinds of means. If he pulls open The distance is booming, how can you take him? "

"I won't be defeated by this kind of attack." Arthur replied coldly, "I am different from you!"

"Let's blow two cowhide less!" Lü Bu laughed, and he was quite disdainful when he saw the frog at the bottom of the well. "Cheng Pojun can fight with a certain opponent in front of him! To prove that you are stronger than him, you might as well wait to get rid of it. After that guy, how about let's play a game? As long as you can't stop a family's painted halberd, a family will admit that you are qualified to speak such a big talk. "

"Right on my mind!"

"Hey! This thing is obviously because I pulled it out, but why did you have to fight and leave me as the main leader?" Cheng Peng said dissatisfiedly, "And ... Am I in the game? Is the so-called hidden boss hiding behind the final boss? Actually you have to do it with Wenhou before you are eligible to fight me! "

"Then fight together." Lu Bu smiled calmly and proudly, "The three heroes fought, it seems very interesting!"

On the balcony of the farm about one kilometer away from the hill, Sanny was holding a telescope, paying attention to the war situation here.

And beside her, her face was still pale, and in the pale there was Chu Fengge, who was faintly gray, lying quietly and resting.

Du Zaomiao was originally good at cursing spells, and used high-quality materials to increase the power of the spell. The one-strike spell was extremely powerful and was already a five-star domain-level spell. Chu Fengge, a RIDER and a magical race of the Okamiya Ryuk, has enough magic resistance to ignore three-star spells and weaken four-star spells, but in the face of five-star spells, she has more than magic power And the power is not enough. What's more, the hit was caught off guard, almost the entire spell was almost completely eaten, and the damage was enough to let ordinary heroes die on the spot! If it were n’t for Sanni ’s decision, she abandoned her precious magic sword and used the sword to explode to fight for time to retreat.

Fortunately, they finally retreated successfully, and as the president of the guild that occupies a world, Chu Fengge carries quite a few high-end goods in the supplies, which can expel the power of the curse in only seven days. Eight or eight, somehow recovered his vitality.

But even so, their current state is no longer suitable for fighting, and they can only watch the battle from a distance.

"How's the situation?" Chu Fengge opened his eyes slightly and asked in a low voice, "Which side prevails?"

"Same as you said, it's really the same!" Sanny didn't put down the telescope. Observing the enemy situation is her job responsibility. As an excellent scout, she won't leave her post, but just The tone was full of exclamation and praise, "How do you estimate it, sister? You have never seen each other!"

Chu Fengge pondered for a while, and found that the process of deriving his conclusions based on various clues seemed to take too much energy, so he sighed and used the usual answers.

"With your wisdom, it is difficult for me to explain this problem to you."

"Woo ... Sister, you bully people."

"Okay, don't be sad, concentrate on scouting." Chu Fengge was amused by Sang Ni's swollen air and even her cheeks bulged, and a smile appeared on his pale face. "I look forward to your collection Get more valuable information! Come on! "

This made Sonny suddenly irritated, and immediately threw herself into reconnaissance.

Chu Fengge turned his head, staring at the magic light that was rising in the distance, and sighed in an inaudible voice.

"If I'm not wrong, the victory or defeat of this battle, I'm afraid it will be beyond most people's expectations."

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