A Big Adventure

Chapter 341: Enemies show

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Gilgamesh's estimation of the battle did not go wrong. Over time, the gray mask gradually dimmed after destroying some unknown treasures.

After a while, with the piercing sound like cat's claw scratching frosted glass, the gray mask finally collapsed, like a broken shell, exposing the Liudong Temple inside.

At this time, on the ground facing Gilgamesh, a layer of ashes of more than half a foot had accumulated.

Countless precious treasures were obliterated here, and only a humble ashes remained.

ARCHER ignored the ashes and did not feel any distress at all, but looked at Liudong Temple, which seemed to have no defense, with bright red eyes, and his expression was proud.

"Miscellaneous is miscellaneous, even if there are some small means, but in the face of absolute power, it is just a lingering pant!" He said so, and looked back at the other three groups of lords and heroes who were coming, and there was a smug expression on his face. "As for you, this king gives you the honor of following behind this king and picking up some spoils of loot. Do n’t be grateful for Ni Ling, this is the generosity of the king."

Hearing this, Cheng Peng couldn't help coughing twice, and tried hard to hold back the urge to speak up; Lu Bulang froze for a moment, then recovered, he couldn't help laughing, and his face was disdainful; Arthur frowned. Erect, obviously not very angry.

Anyone who is familiar with the legend of King Arthur knows that this knight king is definitely not a very self-cultivating and patient person who can calmly treat insults. If he does not know Ding Dan who is very familiar with his followers, he will advise in time. ARCHER drew his sword.

"Is this the so-called inconsistency?" Du Zaomiao said with some emotion in the private chat channel dedicated to the master and the followers. "I have never believed that this kind of thing really happened before. It can be opened today. Vision! "

"Knights are like this, honor is my life." Cheng Peng commented appreciatively, "But it is a good thing for us. An opponent with a simple and impulsive mind is better than an opponent with a strict thought and a calm attitude. Deal better. "

"In other words ... should it be CASTER hiding in Liudong Temple? It is none other than his ability to arrange such a powerful defensive spell." On the other side, Hai Gui was also chatting with his followers, not intending to attack at all. , "I always feel that this task is a bit risky!"

"The battlefield is always dangerous, and there is no risk to gain!" Lu Bu walked in front of his lord, ready to use his body to block possible dangers for him. Perhaps because of more caution, he did not go fast. For example, this time, the seven heroes who participated in the battle, which one is not a famous character! To stand out from this group of legends, holding the Holy Grail that can realize the wish in the hand, without taking a little risk is not enough. "

"Alas ... I still like to collect all kinds of interesting things ... like this battle, the continuous fierce battle comes down, and in the end, except for the magic power, I can't get anything. I feel very motivated."

"This is the case in life. It is impossible to always be able to do what you like. Do you know the story of Lvmou? A certain self-conceited hero used to be the master book ... Bored! "

"Oh, why are heroes like you willing to respond to my call? I have never been clear about the reason."

"Probably because a certain family also likes to collect those interesting things."

Hai Gui froze, looking at Lü Bu's rare gentle smile, but couldn't help laughing.

"It's that simple?"

"People and people are destined to be so simple."

"This is awesome! After we finish this game, let's ignore that stupid dumb king and go to a bar to celebrate our chance!"

"This is a good idea! But can you drink? Lv Mou heard that the youngsters of this era can't drink."

"I am a minority, and drinking is a tradition of our nation. The decree not to sell alcohol to minors is invalid for me!"

"This tradition is really good ... are there any other benefits?"

"Yes before, but now this is left, and this is enough. Others are not good for pulling the hatred value." Hai Gui said enthusiastically, "I checked the information of the Jiantong family and found them There are a lot of industries in the name. Let ’s just go to the bar they open and drink? The wine without money will always taste better! "

"This is reasonable! It is indeed a wine that does not cost money and tastes more fragrant!"

As for the group of Ding Dan and SABER ... Ding Dan is contacting nearby companions through a hidden small communicator, and tells him that he can shoot at any time according to his own judgment and kill the single master. SABER obviously can't agree with this approach, but she is so clumsy that she can't tell the eloquent young man trained by modern society. She has to get bored on one side, and the pace at her feet can't help but accelerate much.

Unconsciously, the group that was slightly behind came to the front of the other two groups.

Seeing that SABER, who was walking at the forefront, was about to step on the ground of Liudong Temple, there was a sudden loud noise, the closed temple gate collapsed with the surrounding walls, and the broken golden flying boat fell out. Get off the boat, grab the lord who nearly fell to death, and look into Liudong Temple with anger.

Just now they first rushed into the Liudong Temple. The rest of them either out of respect for his hard work, or in order to avoid unnecessary risks, or based on the moral concept of "not competing for loot", they deliberately fell behind, I thought that the battle might have ended when I arrived, but it was unexpectedly contrary to their expectations.

This short battle actually ended with ARCHER's defeat!

"Mongrel! You angered me!" Gilgamesh put down the terrified master, and yelled angrily at the temple hall, "Repent! You have no chance of surrender!"

The voice did not fall, the space around him fluctuated violently, the golden light spread over more than 20 meters, and in the dense ripples, countless treasures showed their posture.

"Don't you understand? In front of our Lord's supreme power, this little trick is meaningless!" A full-bodied voice, with a slightly ambiguous tone, made a surprising rant, "The rank of The gap can't be filled with quantity! "

"In the final analysis, you guys are nothing more than trivial branches of this projectile land planet's tentacles!"

The voice has not fallen, countless treasures have been blasted out, and the golden light will almost completely cover the entire hall.

If ARCHER is hit with an angry blow, perhaps the entire hall will be razed directly to the ground, and nothing can be left?

But that is not destined to become a reality.

Because almost at the same time, countless colorful light **** of spells were raised in the hall, and densely gathered into a rainstorm of light, facing the heavy rain of the treasure.

It is impossible to argue against magic, but this common sense is obviously not applicable to the current situation. After those light spheres contacted with the treasure, instead of being simply defeated, they occupied a considerable advantage. More than one treasure was blown into powder, and then many more light spheres penetrated the rain of the treasure and screamed. In front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, SABER finally couldn't help but summoned his treasure called "Avalon". The scabbard capable of resisting any attack unfolded the blue and white light shield, turning the area in front of him into untouchable The ideal hometown of the city blocked those terrible spells that even treasures could destroy.

ARCHER's face was even more ugly, but rarely did he say anything.

He already understood that the opponent was not capable of defeating himself.

At least, in order to fight for the time to use the strongest weapon, he really needs help.

"What's that?" Cheng Peng frowned, even though he didn't understand the spell, but only by the sensitivity of the hero's identity to magic power, he could clearly feel that the attributes of the magic light ball were ever-changing, almost no two. it's the same.

It should be said that the different forces should conflict with each other, but instead of conflicting these magic light balls, they complement each other and bring the power to a higher level.

And ... the warrior's innate spirit consciousness told him that these magic light spheres are not terrible, the robe warlock who emits the magic light spheres is not terrible, and the guy in armor holding the staff is not terrible. The really terrible things are in the hall .

It was a chaos that could not be clearly judged, as if it had not been determined yet, but it exuded a chilling power of terror, constantly changing and twisting, full of ambiguity, but with some kind of strangeness The temptation is like a black hole in the soul, and it is necessary to completely attract the human spirit!

"It's really hard for you to come from afar." The voice was still the same as before. The man was wearing a blue armor with gold rims, holding a staff with purple eyes on the top, and three horns on the helmet. Look. It was quite weird, "I should have personally come out to greet the guests, but you did not come by accident. Just now we were praying to my Lord routinely. At that time, we couldn't be separated anyway, so I had to apologize. "

"Do you pray every day? At this time?" Du Zaomiao, who also needs to pray every day, asked doubtfully, "How can there be a prayer at this time?"

"Every day! How can we reflect our piety!" The man seemed taken aback and replied, "Of course I need to pray every hour! If not, wouldn't it be too disrespectful to my lord?" ! "

Everyone was speechless, and his temper was not so good. Tuyumen Jiu Miao had been scolding and cursing, "It's really bad luck today, and I met a fanatic."

"Okay, let's stop here." The man turned forward and raised his staff. "Choose, should you fall under the prestige of my Lord's ever-changing Lord? Or die?"

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