A Big Adventure

Chapter 342: The answer is revealed

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One lord, one hero, facing four lords and four heroes.

According to Cheng Peng's thoughts, where in this situation can I still use it? Either hurry up or rush to fight, how can you give your opponent sufficient preparation time?

People who can do this are no longer a problem of "excessive self-confidence", they are simply getting water in their heads!

Then the guy did it, swaying, confident, and ridiculous.

But Cheng Peng couldn't laugh at the moment.

Innate spirits are very good at judging the strength of the enemy. Unless the opponent is a freak like Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, the ordinary enemy can roughly estimate the degree of danger with a glance.

In Cheng Peng's spirit consciousness, the guy who spoke bluntly was not afraid, and it was simply the mercy of a direct spike; the man next to him wearing a robe completely covered the whole person, only revealing a dim and changing magical breath Heroic is not very good, at best, it is a level that can make a few moves with Cheng Peng. If you fight seriously, even with one enemy and two he is more than 60% sure that he can win.

However, not far behind these two people, there was a very fierce and terrible atmosphere in the middle of the temple hall that was completely shrouded in darkness and it was not clear what was inside!

The intensity of this breath has never been seen before, and it is really incredible. The six-star fierce beasts such as Dragon King Ya'an and Huo Qilin are almost as harmless as humans and animals. Nitro and the ultimate Zhang Liang of the magician are inferior to it more than this ... This breath is ridiculously powerful, but full of uncertainty, as if it is changing every moment, Cheng Peng ca n’t even be sure Whether the opponent is a warrior or a warrior.

The only thing that can be determined is that there is an unabashed longing in the breath.

That is the desire to devour life.

From this breath, Cheng Peng's strongest will is to "swallow life"

It is a little strange that this breath is terribly powerful, but the total "quantity" is not much, and it seems to be blocked by something, a little vague, although it is slowly becoming clear.

Although I ca n’t hear or see it, but in my spiritual consciousness, it seems that there is a terrifying monster, trying to penetrate the body through a small gap, wanting to rush into this world, eating and drinking unscrupulously , Devour all the life it can see!

Although the heroes present were not as profoundly innate as the Cheng Peng, they could bypass obstacles and directly feel the things in the Buddhist hall, but they also experienced many adventures, especially Lu Bu, who was born in The desolate frontier, who grew up on the wilderness since childhood, has a keen intuition comparable to that of a beast.

Just when the armored master chattered, he had waved Fangtian to draw a halberd, cut off a tree on the roadside that was thicker than the waist of an ordinary adult, and then vigorously picked it. When he had time to fall, he flew into the air because of his divine power, with a strong wind, covering a large space, like a flying wall, slammed against the guy.

At this time, the talent had just raised his staff, and soon said that rant.

Lu Bu's move is obviously beyond the expectation of this guy, how can a world use a big tree as a dart directly! Although this big tree is just a common tree, its texture and power can not be compared with the treasure, but the momentum of the behemoth is not comparable to any treasure, let alone, it is the horror. The volume is enough to let anyone who is not determined enough to fly away.

As for its power, to tell the truth, for these relatively weak magicians, this whole tree blasted over, but it was more trouble than any treasure. After all, they could not bear this level of attack. Last time, you will definitely have to die. No matter how powerful the treasure is, it is actually just a waste.

Seeing this whispering lord, he was about to be killed by Lu Bu's sudden special throwing weapon, and the heroic followers at his side finally shot.

The guy who hides himself completely in his robe, not only looks but invisible to gender, raises a hand and glows colorfully on his fingers.

The magic light **** sprayed out like a downpour in a flash, turned into a splendid light curtain, met the big tree, and shattered it in the air.

The properties of these light spheres are different, and the effects are also very different. A big tree is blown into various fragments, some are burning, some are frozen, some are directly converted into powder, and some are shrouded. The black gas was corroded into mud.

It is this bizarre spell that wants to fight Gilgamesh ’s rainstorm just now.

It was just this time that the hero was miscalculated, and the gust of wind screamed from a big tree was not comparable to those treasures!

Although the big tree was successfully shattered and failed to threaten the two people at the entrance of the temple, the gust of wind that it lifted was still moving in the direction of inertia, whistling across the yard, and impacting standing at the entrance of the temple The two of them, of course, have no power to blow or blow them down, but at least it can do one thing.

The wind blew by, and the robe worn by the hideous hero was blown, and the hood lifted back to reveal his face.


"There is something wrong!"


"Mom C?"

Four screams came out of the mouth of the four lords who participated in the siege.

"Is it an acquaintance?" Cheng Peng asked curiously.

"Well! Very acquaintance! Players in the FATE series did not know her." Du Zaomiao replied, "I can't think that the follower of this guy is actually her ... she is more powerful than the blue beard in the original!"

Cheng Peng was slightly puzzled, and carefully looked at the hero who made everyone exclaim.

She looks about twenty years old and up and down, her facial features are upright and beautiful, just like the legendary goblin, there is a feeling of flowing and dusty; however, there is a gorgeous breath in the eyebrows, making this should be a little babyish face It is full of the charm of mature women.

Underneath the robe, you can see the blue-purple hair, and the hair is glowing brightly, as if it contains powerful magic.

The most interesting thing is her ears. The ears are long and pointed, not like humans at all, but like elves in European legends.

"It's a mistake!" The hero remained silent, but her lord sighed and said, "The meaning of hidden identity is lost!"

"Then ... introduce yourself." He was obviously open-minded, and simply opened the skylight to speak brightly, "Lin, the man who claimed to be the 'steel wild boar', and this follower of mine is supposed to be Miss Medea, who played in the fifth holy grail war, the best witch in Greek mythology. "

"Of course, it's just her words, it's really impossible to beat one to four. But behind us, there is a big backer that you can't match!" Lynn raised his thumb with his left hand, pointing to the dark behind him. Buddha Hall, "I can summon the next one when necessary. As long as it comes, you will never have any chance of winning."

"And, in fact, we do n’t have to kill or die like this. As long as you wait patiently until we complete the summoning ritual, the holy grail does not matter, no, as long as you pay enough, even if you want all your wishes Realization, I believe it is not a problem! "

"How? Will you join me this time and cooperate with me?"

"What about the price?" Lu Bu asked in a deep voice. "There is no free lunch in the world. If you want to realize your wish, you have to pay what it costs!"

"The price? It's not worth mentioning. That is to use this city as a sacrifice to please my lord. This little thing is nothing. Anyway, it is just some ants."

Before the words fell, Cheng Peng, Lu Bu, Arthur and Gilgamesh shot together and launched the attack without mercy.

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