A Big Adventure

Chapter 382: Victory or defeat

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Facing the challenge of King Arthur, Cheng Peng certainly wanted to face the challenge.

However, he has concerns, he must consider Du Zaomiao's physical endurance.

If he goes all out and puts out all the cards to fight as much as possible, then Du Zaomiao's body will definitely not be able to hold up.

In this case, perhaps the battle has not yet begun, and they will lose because of this reason.

However, Du Zaomiao dispelled his concerns with a private chat.

"Fight as much as you can!" The girl said loudly, "Don't underestimate me! I am not an ordinary human being, I am a terrifying monster!"

"Magic overdraft may make ordinary humans completely collapse, but for monsters, this level of damage is no big deal! Drink two sips of water to recover!"

"So don't worry about anything, fight as much as you can! I believe you are the strongest!"

In order to prove this, she liberated her hidden power, and the whole person had a strange change.

The black hair glowed with a fascinating purple light, and the black pupils were replaced by bright red eyes like jewels. Some strange lines gradually appeared on the bare skin.

Even more weird is that she was standing there, standing between the wind and rain, but somehow, no matter whether the wind or the rain, she could not touch her body.

From the front, she is still a girl, but from the side, she is completely "non-existent"!

It's as if ... her entire person has changed from the existence of the three-dimensional element to the plane of the two-dimensional element.

This is the special ability possessed by the monster race named "Gap", and it is a special phenomenon that only appears in the very high "gap".

Although she has only participated in the Holy Grail War as an ordinary girl, Du Zaomiao and the general lord have a decisive difference. Her lineage is not human, nor is it a half-dragon like King Arthur, but it is really finished. Completely all kinds of fantasy species, monster "gap"

Moon World is not friendly to monsters. Magicians will think of grabbing them for slicing and testing. The church will punish heretics. Once the identity of the monster is exposed, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

In view of this, Du Zaomiao has been concealing his identity.

But no matter how she concealed, in the really critical moment, after all, you still have to use the monster's ability.

She was defeated by holding her trump card. That idiot behavior was not her style.

So when she and Zhou Yumiao were attacked by Zhou Ren together, she used the power of the monster to greatly strengthen her defense and vitality, making Zhou Ren's sneak attack that should be pursued by the soul unsuccessful. Merit.

Of course, Zhou Ren ’s knife technique is impossible to cause problems. The problem is that his knife is used to kill people. It is indeed fatal for humans, but not enough for monsters.

It should have been discovered by Ren Ren this week, but Cheng Peng was already galloping like a meteor, and he could only retreat with a single blow. Even the results of the battle were too late to confirm.

So this secret of Du Zaomiao is still preserved, and it has not been leaked out, nor has it attracted magicians trying to arrest monsters or church thugs who want to eliminate heretics.

In the battle just now, she would rather bear tremendous pain and bear the burden of magic flow that is too heavy for human beings, and she is not willing to show the monster's posture, just to prevent the enemies from stirring up.

But now, it is finally time to use this hole card!

With only a secret word, she lifted the “human” illusion formed by using special props and spells. This illusion is not hypocritical, but really transforms herself into a human being temporarily. If not, how can you deceive the powerful NPCs, including the heroes!

At the moment when the illusion was lifted, Du Zaomiao's body lifted a magic flow clearly visible to the naked eye.

For the lunar world, fantasy species are originally more superior than human beings, especially in terms of magic, they have unique advantages.

But Du Zaomiao is not an ordinary fantasy species. She has been upgraded to a high-level "gap" lineage, even in the fantasy species, it is a relatively powerful existence.

When she showed her true posture and tried her best to provide Cheng Peng with magic power, the powerful magic power of the surging Yangtze River suddenly caused the air around Cheng Peng to start to vibrate slightly.

But at the same time, they all received system prompts.

You have used the identity of a fantasy species in Moon World. The church's burial authority and the seal designator of the Magic Association will arrive in ten minutes, "I know that will happen!" Du Zaomiao groaned uncomfortably.

"What does it matter?" Cheng Peng persuaded with a smile, "Just end the fight within ten minutes."

"Can you do it?"

"of course!"

This conversation happened during the time when King Arthur described the tactics.

At this moment, the aspiring Knight King finished everything and asked Cheng Peng to show his full strength.

It seems that there is really a destiny in the midst, as if each other has already been rehearsed.

Therefore, Cheng Peng responded to King Arthur's challenge in the most simple and violent way.

Do you want to do your best and leave no regrets in the fight?

Then as you wish!

Stomping a foot, he no longer has to worry about the magic, he launched the treasure of the warrior state.

Gun of Vientiane.

The Gun of Vientiane B: Cheng Peng's treasure in the state of the warrior can show a variety of different spears, but the limit of the present is not more than five-star treasure.

Under normal circumstances, Cheng Peng is just using this treasure, constantly showing various weapons.

But now, he uses the strongest usage of "treasure" to liberate his real name!

Each treasure has its own real name. The real name is the solidification of the "legend" of the treasure. Only the holder of the legend can liberate it and let it exert its true power.

The effects of "liberating the real name" of various treasures are different. King Arthur's sword of the king can use to cut off all sharpness, or a sword of light sweeping any enemy; Chu Fengge's white wings can summon her The companions who have experienced countless battlefields together, strangled any strong enemy with invincible human tactics; Gilgamesh's obedient sword can tear the "world" itself, and its attack power is unmatched.

And Cheng Peng's gun of all things is to show all of his guns that can be realized at once, and turn into a jungle of guns around.

The level of these guns is not necessarily very high. The most advanced one is the five-star treasure. According to the conversion method of Moon World, it is about B level.

However, they are all handy weapons that Cheng Peng has practiced and has mastered its usage!

Moreover, Cheng Peng does not need to pull them up by hand, as long as an idea, they will come to the master's hand and meet any enemy with the master!

"Inherent enchantment? No, not intrinsic enchantment." King Arthur looked at the countless spears around him in surprise, and soon saw the famous hall. "Is it projection magic? No ... not projection ... Every gun. They are all entities ... I see! It turns out that this is your treasure! "

She yelled as if she had discovered the new continent, her smile bright and bright.

"Cheng Peng! You really are a surprisingly good opponent!"

With that said, she raised the golden sword of the king.

Cheng Peng smiled slightly, holding two spears flying from left and right with both hands.

The left hand is the Yuehua gun, and the right hand is the five hook gun.

The two figures shouted at the same time, shocked together again, and fought with no worries and reservations.

The time had passed eight minutes, but the fighting in the storm continued.

Cheng Peng constantly changed his weapons, used various guns, and displayed his martial arts to the fullest. On the battlefield, all the gun shadows flickered, but his own figure was not so eye-catching, as if to hide Into the wind and rain in general.

But although his figure became more and more bleak, his momentum continued to rise. At this moment, he was already integrated with this sky and rain, as if this storm was his, or he was part of this storm, and he was enemies with him. It is against the wild winds and downpours of the sky, and it is against the vast world!

This strange situation made Ding Dan stunned to watch the battle, and Du Zaomiao was overjoyed.

It seems that because the wind and rain are beneficial to Kunpeng's bloodline, Cheng Peng's ability has been improved compared to just now. Although he has not launched the super high speed that he cannot fully control, he can still resist King Arthur with his speed advantage. Offensive.

It's just ... Looking at the mess of spears everywhere in the battlefield, anyone knows he is not easy to fight.

The countless spears that were originally scattered on the battlefield have been destroyed by the Thai army. Only the edges of the battlefield still retain some remnants.

Because of the low level of these spears, they were quickly damaged by fierce collisions with the sword of the king, and Cheng Peng had to replace with new weapons.

In this way, no more guns are enough.

Looking at the fewer and fewer spears around, King Arthur's face again showed a winning smile.

"It's a good duel!" She said sincerely, "but ... after all, it's almost over, and the outcome is divided."

"Yeah, it's almost over!" Cheng Peng smiled mysteriously, "just like you said ... the outcome is divided!"

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