A Big Adventure

Chapter 384: Ownership of the Holy Grail

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After the fierce battle, Cheng Peng and King Arthur died together.

This result was obviously beyond everyone's expectations, so that Ding Dan and Du Zaomiao were stunned and could not say a word.

However, such a result has been planned by Cheng Peng for a long time.

He knew very well that he could never be King Arthur's opponent.

The gap between the five-star high-end and the six-star peak is definitely not what the fighting spirit can recover, not to mention that the other party is not a six-star peak character in the general sense, but at least has an elite template, and may even have a super NPC close to the level of the legendary template.

win? how can that be possible!

If he can really win, it is definitely not that he is very strong, but only that the system has a problem.

However, he is definitely not willing to lose!

No matter how strong the opponent is, at least he can't lose.

He promised Du Zaomiao to let her get the Holy Grail.

Cheng Peng rarely promises anything to others, but since he has promised, he will do his utmost to realize it!

So his only goal is to kill King Arthur at the expense of hang up.

As long as he and King Arthur died together, there were only two lords left, and the duel between the lords, Du Zaomiao would never lose to Ding Dan!

He is very confident about the strength of this little girl whom he has known for a long time.

Therefore, when it was determined that King Arthur was indeed not a strong man he could compete with, all his actions were carried out around the goal of "slain with King Arthur".

First show weakness to the enemy, let King Arthur look down on himself, and then continue to show new tricks to attract her curiosity and pique her fighting spirit as a warrior; then cast the gun of the Vientiane and introduce her into the jungle of guns, finally breathing Launch the true energy ambushing in each gun, turn the scattered guns into deadly guns, and kill the king of England!

In this plan, the only drawback is that Cheng Peng's random shooting is very limited.

Although his universal guns were unfolding at full strength, they felt like "Infinite Sword System" and "King's Treasure", but in fact he couldn't handle those guns very well. If you want to control everything, accuracy is very problematic.

Not to mention the rain of the treasures like the two original Archer, even if they were to shoot in a certain direction, the result must be a mess, and it is impossible to pose a threat to King Arthur.

Only in one situation can he ensure that all guns can be fired accurately.

Shoot yourself.

When he chose to target himself, based on the effect of true gas induction, he was able to make every spear shoot at himself accurately.

Therefore, this move is indeed only used to kill the enemy.

And all he had to do was make sure he could pull King Arthur together.

He did it!

Although there are some twists and turns, the final result is still very satisfactory.

Cheng Peng, who was popped out of the "Holy Grail War" world because of death, was sitting inside the Star Gate, smiling happily.

He laughed, and at the same time, he called up the video playback and intercepted some very exciting clips.

These clips will be edited and combined by Li Wei, and will be modified a little for the sake of beauty. At the same time, the paragraphs that may expose his bottom card will be cut out, and finally a special video will be made and posted on the forum.

Such videos, he will produce after every adventure, of course, this time is no exception.

Cheng Peng looked attentively and gave hearty laughs from time to time.

The holy grail war is over for him.

As for Du Zaomiao ... This fierce and fierce little girl will lose to that big-nosed half-nosed child who doesn't seem to have any skills? Cheng Peng can't believe it!

Things are as he guessed.

After Cheng Peng and King Arthur died together, Ding Dan and Du Zaomiao froze together for a while, and did not know what to do.

But after all, Du Zaomiao reacted faster than Ding Dan. She only recovered in less than a second and rushed towards Ding Dan without a word.

Where the two heroes fell, the golden light had risen, and they were constantly gathering, slowly converging into a physical appearance.

That's the holy grail, the final reward of this copy, a shortcut to a higher spell realm, a treasure that many spell-based players desire.

In order to get it, the last two lords will fight mercilessly, leaving only one person in the end.

Ding Dan's response was not slow. As soon as he saw Du Zaomiao rushing over, without a word, his hands snapped together, and the seal was shot.

In front of Du Zaomiao, a light curtain at least two meters high rose.

This is the enchantment he used to use an item with a long cooling time, enough to resist a heroic attack.

After completing the defensive enchantment, Ding Dan began to close his eyes and chant.

A red light appeared on his right hand.

In just six seconds, this red light will turn into a powerful fireball, one blow will blow Du Zaomiao to death, and no dead body!

Just like Sonny Xiao before.

However ... he failed to complete the spell.

"Turn back, spin, kick!"

A high-pitched cry from the top of his head awakened him from the mantra. Because of the shock, the red light on his hand shook violently, as if it was about to explode.

Ding Dan focused on most of his spirits in accordance with the habits he has developed for a long time before he was prevented from being killed because of a failed spellcasting.

So he could not avoid the fatal blow that fell from the top of his head.

In his dumbfounded eyes, Du Zaomiao actually jumped over the two-meter-high light curtain, jumped high into the sky, and flew towards him.

The shout was her roar.

Slalom kick?

Well, she did make a roundabout kick.

However, it wasn't the slalom kick from the air that fell on Ding Dan, but a buzzing chainsaw!

"What a roundabout kick!"

Before disappearing into white light, Ding Dan used his last energy to make such a complaint.

"Who stipulates that 'swing kick' must be swing kick?" Du Zaomiao carried the large chainsaw that was almost as long as her whole person, and smiled disdainfully, "What's more, this trick was originally called ' Whirling kick is coming. "

Of course she did not lie. She who had won the Holy Grail did not need to lie.

Obviously using a chainsaw attack, but the name is called a roundabout kick, which is indeed an inherent trick of the system.

Tricks learned from the world of a man as a magical girl.

Because there are no more enemies, Du Zaomiao does not need to explain in detail how he learned this trick, nor to introduce how powerful this trick is. She put away the chainsaw and ran towards The golden light that is about to be fully formed.

The light quickly condensed into the shape of a gold cup, suspended quietly in the air.

Du Zaomiao walked in front of it, but his eyes fell on many spears scattered on the ground.

Cheng Peng's long spear, after his death, can still exist for a little while. However, they have also begun to collapse gradually, turning into countless light spots.

In the field of vision, the walls and stands of the stadium are gradually glowing and blurring gradually.

This copy is almost over.

The girl sighed gently and stretched her hands towards the golden holy grail.

But before that, she first connected to Cheng Peng's private chat channel and shared her vision with each other.

The golden holy grail slowly fell on the girl's hand.

Then, it turned into countless golden lights, as if flowing into the body of the girl.

Dear player Du Zaomiao: You won the copy of the "Fourth Holy Grail War" and obtained the Holy Grail. This treasure with powerful magic power can produce the following effects. Please choose three of them.

Du Zaomiao did not set his sights on the long list of amazing effects all over the air, enough to make every spell player who has not experienced this scene crazy, but lowered his head and watched the disappearing Spear.

"Congratulations!" Cheng Peng's laugh came from the private chat channel.

The girl was silent for about a second, then smiled.

"This time ... thank you so much!"

"You're welcome!" Cheng Peng smiled very cheerfully, as bright as the sun at ten o'clock in the morning, "I'm also very happy playing. If you have trouble in the future, just look for me!"

Du Zaomiao raised his head with a smile, looking at the long list.

"Thank you!" Her smile seemed more dazzling than the golden light, "I will never forget this scene today!"

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