A Big Adventure

Chapter 436: Looking back on the hunch of looking for

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As one of the highest-ranking officers of the crusade army, Cheng Peng can naturally get the battle reports from the battlefield for the first time. While he fought in various places, he continued to rescue those battles that were relatively close, and destroyed as many players as possible. He was also paying close attention to the direction of the battle.

What concerns him most is, of course, the **** and chase wars carried out by the generals who stand in opposition to those of the camp in an attempt to escape and switch to another camp.

When the camp was decided, two teams from each of the Three Kingdoms and the Warring States left the camp and ran towards the sphere of influence of the other camp. The Warring States side is the Uesugi Kenshin Army and Toyotomi Hideyoshi Army, and the Three Kingdoms is the Cao Cao Army and Dong Zhuo Army.

Uesugi Kenshin is a righteous man who upholds justice. Naturally, he is not in the right direction with the demon army. His departure is taken for granted; and Toyotomi Hideyoshi ’s departure is said to be not because of a conflict of ideas, but because he received the lord, Oda Nobunaga, whom he loyal The command.

"I really don't know what the 'Six Devil Kings' thought, but let Toyotomi Hideyoshi leave?" When this news was received, Cheng Peng couldn't help but be surprised. Toyotomi Hideyoshi wasn't the average of such hands as Uesugi Kenshin The quasi-light commander with a combat strength of not more than five, and his special generals of more than ten men, is a combat force that cannot be underestimated! Nobunaga Oda did n’t know which rib in his head was going in the wrong direction. Instead of keeping this loyal monkey to help him shake his flag, he let him be his enemy ... Cheng Peng could only make such a wonderful decision. To explain with "Sure enough a lunatic cannot be inferred by common sense".

However, no matter what Oda Nobunaga ’s plan was, it eventually became useless. After learning that Uesugi Kenshin and Toyotomi Hideyoshi had taken a large number of people to escape, they were ordered by the demon Yuan Yuan Zhizhi to replace him as the commander when necessary. Emperor Xin, the deputy commander of the devil's army, sneered a few times, disregarding the admonishment of the love general Wen Zhong, and sent his subordinates Fei Lian and evil to chase the weak soldier Uesugi Kenshin, he himself led the army to kill Fengchen Hideyoshi.

The battle was shocking, and Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the players who supported him repelled the three waves of Shen Gongbao, Sanmei and Wen Zhong, and finally ushered in Emperor Xin himself.

At that time, Emperor Zi Xin was so alone, wearing a white wide robe like casual clothes, with a long hair neatly arranged, standing casually in front of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's army.

"The result is that Toyotomi Hideyoshi and their all servants Street, none of them survived." Yue Yi sighed, sent Cheng Peng a video, "This is a player recorded at that time, the clear video has not been found . "

The video is a little blurry, probably because the player's video recording technology is not very good. But it can still be clearly seen that only one person is blocking the advance of the army.

I don't know what the man said, the sky suddenly changed color, as if a huge fire cloud covering the sky's red bird completely covered the top of the head, and then countless burning fire stars fell down like raindrops.

"How many stars is this guy?" Cheng Peng said three times, then asked.

"It's not clear, but it's probably an eight-star rating, and Yuan Luzhi has a rating!" Yue Yi sighed. "One Yuan Luzhi is already enough to cause headaches. How come another Shangyu King comes up?" ! This is a foul! "

Compared with the super fighting ability of King Shang, the news of Cao Cao ’s escape and Dong Zhuo ’s escape is not so worthy of attention. Because of the evolution of the plot world, these two people had no sense of belonging to the Warriors of the Three Kingdoms, and they They also belong to bad guys whose moral value is basically equal to zero, so their escape is simply what everyone expected.

Players of the Three Kingdoms Warriors camp, led by the Great Gun Association, gathered almost half the strength of the entire stronghold to encircle and suppress Cao Cao, successfully strangling his troops within the confederate sphere of influence, even though the Warring States Warriors came Many reinforcements failed to break through.

On the other side, Dong Zhuo was already surrounded by the Yellow Scarf Legion headed by Gou Debai and He Ming, and he was about to complete the strangulation, but unexpectedly there was a master on the other side of the Warring States, and he actually used the technique of earth escape to put this villain fat. Save it!

This is also because the Yellow Warrior Warlock unit is under the leadership of Wei Ye and is busy doing other things in the fantasy town world. It is too late to rush. Otherwise, with the cooperation of the Warlock Brigade, those ninjas are absolutely impossible to stage the rescue of the chaotic army. Human magic code!

Over the past three days, the most important battle has been roughly the result.

After reading the battle report, Cheng Peng did not feel much emotion, but looked at the future.

This three-day battle is just an appetizer, the real fierce battle is still behind!

The main forces of the Demon King Army and the crusade are very large forces.

In the Warriors of the Three Kingdoms, there are around 6,000 players in the stronghold; the Warriors in the Warring States are slightly fewer, and there are about 5,000 players.

Six thousand people and five thousand people are not a large number in the game world of "Big Adventure" with hundreds of millions of players, but be aware that the **** battlefield is only a part of "Big Adventure". The vast majority of The place where players are active is not this chaotic world full of monsters and PKs, but the world of countless plots.

Players from the two worlds of Warriors of the Three Kingdoms and Warriors of the Warring States, of course, most of them are also mixed in the plot world. Under normal circumstances, they will not come to the battlefield. However, this does not mean that they have forgotten their origin, nor does it mean that they will not come back when the camp they came from needs their strength.

In fact, when the melee plot began, they who got the news rushed back from various worlds!

But compared with these players, the number of players from other worlds is even larger.

"Guan Gong Zhan Qin Qiong" has always been one of the players' favorite shows, and the rich rewards of the melee plot have made those who have been salivating for certain special prizes in the **** battlefield but can't bear the temperament to slowly accumulate reputation. Players were overjoyed and swarmed.

However. Players who "purse profits" often wait for the first large-scale confrontation between the two parties before choosing the side that they feel more likely to win. Because their goal is to pursue profits, they naturally have to stand on the winner's side. So that you can get greater benefits.

The other world players who came to the war early in the game basically belonged to those who especially loved the Three Kingdoms or the Warring States, or had friends in a certain camp, so they came to help.

A fence and three piles, a hero and three gangs, people in the rivers and lakes, it is inevitable to make friends and form a family. Often, a player has several friends who have good relationships. For these friends, anyway, they are playing monsters everywhere. Why not go to the battlefield to help their friends support the game?

Of course, it is certainly not uncommon for a Chou family to come in a certain camp to add revenge.

Just half an hour after the melee plot began, there were tens of thousands more in the strongholds of the two sides. After three days of early fighting, the crusade had nearly 100,000 players, and the devil army had about 80,000 players.

The huge confrontation between the two parties totaling 180,000 people attracted the attention of almost all players in the entire game. According to some analysts on the forum, such as the data emperor Bumpman, the final battle may evolve into 50 Super battle for more than 10,000 people!

A battle of half a million people!

When this number is known, no one is moved.

This level of war, not to mention in the virtual world, rarely happens even in reality. And this is not a war in which one million soldiers crush another, but a decisive battle with little difference in strength between the two sides! In the history of any war between the two sides with this level of strength, all are well-known, and even passed down through the ages, remembered by all ages.

The players were born in a great contemporary era of peace, and basically have not experienced wars. Even if some of them were raised in war-torn areas, they have only seen battles with tens of thousands of people in the "Great War" of up to 1,000 people. A total of half a million people, both sides surpassed 200,000 people in the general battle? The most recent battle of this level in human history was still in the fifth battle of the Korean War half a century ago. At that time, the two parties involved mobilized more than one million troops and launched blood and fire fighting in the ice and snow. A total of more than 170,000 people have been lost. This number frightened many scholars of later generations. Cheng Peng was fortunate enough to read a paper written by an old professor who specializes in the history of modern warfare at this battle, and he felt that there was smoke and blood in the lines. , Through the words of the ink, can see the battlefield of the roaring steel, look forward to the strong bones that are stronger than steel, that is a group of poor people with weapons and equipment and even a complete backwardness in the concept of warfare. Fight against enemies that are beyond your imagination, and finally repel them, making them sadly admit the legend of failure!

And now, not long after, in the battlefield of **** battle, a battle whose number and severity are more than that battle is about to start!

"In fact, during the final battle, there may be millions or even tens of millions of people on the battlefield." When talking to Cheng Peng about his outlook on the battle, Yue Yi said, "The analysts of those forums forgot to put Everyone ’s own army is included. "

Cheng Peng looked at his troop card. The least number of troops were metamorphosis. There were also twenty-six people, such as centaurs or engineer soldiers, who had reached the upper limit of fifty people. Has passed the mission to increase the military limit of the soldiers to one hundred.

Imagine the scene where half a million players released their troops, plus the army of NPC generals, and the overwhelming army was fighting in full swing. Cheng Peng couldn't help but surging.

It ’s great to be able to go through such a battle once in a lifetime!

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