A Big Adventure

Chapter 437: Tower battle

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Game time, on the eighth day of December two years, **** battlefield.

Cheng Peng was carrying a spear of ice and snow standing on an earth platform temporarily made with an enhanced version of the "ground thorn" spell, carefully guarding the surroundings.

"The brothers of the construction team work harder! Chop down that tower as soon as possible!" He shouted on the team channel. "After finishing work early and finishing work early, the brothers of the scout team patrol in the cold wind, but it is cold enough! "

The shouts drew laughter from several small players.

"Brother Peng, don't worry! This is almost finished!" A large man in a gray-yellow overalls and a hard hat raised his hand under the half-red and half-blue jade pagoda, not far away, and gradually turning blue 'S hammer, said with a big smile, "You can concentrate on removing the tower without worrying about an enemy coming over. Under such a good situation, the work efficiency of the buddies is bumpy!"

"Yeah, it will be completed in at most five minutes!" Another player patted his chest and promised, "We are all second-level towers, we are all expert-level craftsmen, you can rest assured Peng Ge!"

On the other side, some players are patting their breasts.

"It's nothing cold, we usually level on the Siberian Ice Sheet!"

"And to say cold, the Demon King's side is also very cold, they are not as cold-resistant as we are!"

Players who say these words are not here, but patrol at least five or six kilometers away. They are professional scouts who are good at reconnaissance like Fu Dewei. The task is to detect the enemy ’s movements as soon as possible and let the big troops There is enough time to react.

The battle to win the tower is not usually done overnight. It is common to see back and forth several times. At most, it surrounds a boundary tower, and even gathers 100,000 troops, fighting for a whole day, and finally everyone is exhausted. The back-up failed to catch up.

Like Cheng Peng, the tower they are attacking is better, because it is only a lower-level second-level tower. If it is more advanced, the fifth-level tower in the two sides ’bases is ignored, and there are only seven fourth-level towers on the battlefield. For the time being, even if it is a three-level tower, it will gather at least tens of thousands of horses around it to launch a meat grinder-like killing.

In the melee plot, the division of forces between two and even multiple camps is determined by the "Battle of the Tower".

The so-called "Battle of the Tower" is to seize the boundary towers on the position to control the range they can affect, and then obtain a more stable base to facilitate the front.

After the two forces of the crusade and the devil's army had fleeing and chasing in the early stage, each other's basic sphere of influence stabilized, and from the fourth day, that is, December 4, many large and small jade pagodas In the sphere of influence of the two sides, each one casts a larger or smaller aura. In the aura, all attributes of the own forces will be improved, and all attributes of the enemy forces will be reduced a little; not only that These pagodas, known as "Boundary Towers", will also attack the enemy forces within the aura from time to time. The power of the attack is extraordinary, which can cause considerable trouble to the enemy.

If this is the case, then it is almost impossible for both sides to capture the other ’s boundary tower, so every once in a while, you can propose a “Battle of Tower Capture” against each other ’s boundary tower. Will temporarily disappear, allowing both parties to stand on the equal starting line again and start competing.

The competition around the boundary tower is divided into two steps. First, the enemy must be defeated to control the area around the boundary tower; then the player who has the craftsmanship of his own to go under the boundary tower to "demolition tower" is actually not the boundary tower. Dismantle, but replace the enemy and gain control of the Boundary Tower.

The process of dismantling the tower is relatively long, because the boundary tower has a high durability, and it does not eat long-range attacks at all. Only melee physical attacks can take effect on it. At the same time, no matter how powerful the combatants of non-artisan professions are, each attack is only It can be destroyed a little bit of durability, only the craftsmen can fight more. If the attacked party regains control around the boundary tower, their craftsmen can also repair the boundary tower and restore durability.

Therefore, in order to obtain the opponent's boundary tower and thereby seize that area, you must first be able to defeat the opponent and repel it, and you must continue to control the boundary tower for a period of time to ensure success.

This is a long endurance battle, especially when the two sides capture the high-level boundary towers with a large impact, and often the echelon involved in the battle will have several batches, and the mentality of playing for a few hours or longer ready.

The demarcation tower has a total of five levels, and the highest five-level tower has only two, located in the center of the two sides. Once occupied by the other party, it means the total defeat of the war; there are seven inferior four-level towers, which The battlefield is divided into several large areas, each of which has three on each side, and the one located at the center of the total battlefield is the area where the battle is fiercest; once again the third-level tower with a total of 36 , Scattered throughout the battlefield, each is an extremely important stronghold; further down, there are a total of 108 secondary towers and a fixed number of randomly refreshed primary towers.

Cheng Peng's attack this time was a second-tier boundary tower, located in a relatively remote area between the fronts of the two sides. Although it does not look very eye-catching, it is the so-called continuous accumulation of small wins that will eventually converge into a big win, so Cheng Peng personally invited and led a team of more than 1,000 people to take it.

The battle is generally very smooth. There are only more than 600 players stationed in the tower by the opponent. Most of them have not even reached the peak of the four stars, and there is only one player of the five stars. Although the Demon Army learned about the attack of Cheng Peng and others in advance through scouts, and quickly dispatched reinforcements, but under the leadership of Cheng Peng, the raid team of the crusade army will station the tower in just ten minutes. The army of Demon King was completely eliminated, and then the work of demolishing the tower began.

Cheng Peng and their team have about forty craftsmen. It does n’t make much sense to have more people. The secondary towers occupy a small area, and there are not many people standing around. It takes about half an hour to complete the tower demolition. jobs. So Cheng Peng changed their attitude from the attacking side to the defensive side. The goal was to ensure that within half an hour, the enemy could not rush to the tower to destroy the tower.

Before he laughed with everyone, they had repulsed two sets of reinforcements of the Demon Army and defeated at least 1,500 enemy troops. Among them, Cheng Peng killed more than 100 people, including the Demon Army. All eight five-star masters in the three front and rear troops!

After the Thousands team led by five five-star masters was defeated, and the five masters were also killed by Cheng Peng with a snow gun, the morale of the Demon Army was devastated. The nearby troops saw no hope of victory. No more waste of manpower, and the large troops in the distance are too late to reach.

At this point in the battle, the outcome will be foregone, and there will be basically no change.

So everyone also has a joke.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, until the demolition of the tower was completed, the red Devil's Army Demarcation Tower was completely transformed into a blue Defecation Army Demarcation Tower, and the Demon Army's troops did not reappear.

Battle report: After a fierce battle, the crusade army successfully seized the second-tier boundary tower with serial number 78, expanded its sphere of influence again, and took a solid step towards victory!

congratulations! You and your comrades fought side by side, and finally won the "Battle of the Towers". The whole crusade army is celebrating your bravery, and the Devil's Army is deterred by your prestige. At least one day, you dare not come here again.

"Brothers have finished work!" Cheng Peng laughed, "Come on, go back to the base and invite me to celebrate the feast!"

"Ou also! Brother Peng is really generous!"

"Senior officers are good! We want to be generous once, and we are not qualified to hold a celebration feast!"

"Then let's take a step first and go back to grab a good position myself!"

They said with a smile, mounted a war horse, and ran towards Luoyang City.

Behind them, a small patch of dark clouds scattered over the sky, and a warm sun cast, falling on the blue jade tower like a gem.

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