A Big Adventure

Chapter 438: second to none

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Cheng Peng's battle was only a small part of the battle between the crusade and the demon army.

For two behemoths whose total number has reached more than 200,000 people, what is the battle of the ranks of thousands of people?

However, the impact of this war is really not small.

In the battle for towers in the past, the offensive side often had to dispatch several times the strength of the defensive side to ensure that the enemy was defeated in one fell swoop, and at the same time, it could firmly hold the position under the fierce attack of the ensuing reinforcements of the enemy. This is a solid battle of positions, and it is no coincidence. Each battle for tower victory is a fatal fight like a meat grinder. Even the strongest warrior, after such a battle, will be unable to lift his spirits due to fatigue in the next day and lose Most fighting power.

But Cheng Peng's battle for tower victory completely subverted this common sense.

The Thousands attacked the 600-man boundary tower, and the storms generally quickly defeated the enemy, and then defeated the enemy's reinforcements twice in a row. Even when the enemy dispatched the elite team of thousands led by five five-star masters, there was no Can support for too long, also defeated in one fell swoop, even annihilated by the whole army, and even then the enemy never sent people to die in the past ... This brilliant record is really unexpected!

If it is said that in this battle, the crusade army dispatched the super elite troops "black armor and fine riding" composed entirely of four-star peaks and even five-star players, this kind of record is not so strange, but In fact, this time the overall quality of the players of the crusade army is not stronger than that of the demon army, and their average strength is even a little weaker than the elite reinforcements sent by the devil army for the second time.

But it is such a team that is obviously not strong, but has achieved such a sturdy record, why?

To get to the bottom, the key reason is their leader.

Cheng Peng, the first player in the world of the Three Kingdoms, the best player among the players!

It was him. In the first round of the offensive battle, he rode the crimson horse that ran as fast as a fly. The single-armed horse broke through the defensive position of the Demon Army and stabbed the leader of the garrison. The master of the five-star entry Then, in the defensive position, you will run through the defensive position, and if you enter the unmanned land, the defensive position will be messed up, so that the crusade army will wipe out the defensive army of the Demon Army with little effort and complete the control of the boundary tower.

It was him. When the first batch of reinforcements of the Demon Army hurried on the road, they rushed out of the ground with a group of raids. The iron fist was like a wind. They directly killed a five-star entry in the batch of reinforcements. The two masters at the same time completely destroyed the command center of the reinforcements, leaving the team that was originally a temporary patchwork into chaos, and the crusades ambushed around them made dumplings, and even decent resistance failed to make it. .

It was him. Facing the elite troops of thousands of demon kings, the five five-star beginners who were invited to fight each other alone, killed all five on the spot with unimaginable bravery, and even escaped. Struck the morale of the Demon Army, and then led the morale of the crusade against the average strength of the Demon Army, launched a fierce attack without fear, and finally defeated the opponent, so that the heroes of the Demon Army could not even rush Go to the front of the boundary tower.

A group of sheep led by a lion can defeat a group of lions led by a sheep.

Although this statement is somewhat exaggerated, it is the best portrayal of this battle for tower victory.

The demon army is not brave, fighting is not stubborn, and their fighting power is absolutely not weak. However, their commander and Cheng Peng were completely incomparable, so even if they fought hard, they could only end up in disappointment in the end, unable to defeat their positions and give up their positions.

After this battle, not only Cheng Peng's prestige once again resounded through the Warriors of the Three Kingdoms, but it was not before that the devil was familiar with his Warriors Warriors, and finally he faced this legend.

The most important thing for a person to be respected by others is to have excellent results, and Cheng Peng's results are enough to shock anyone with a little knowledge!

For a time, the word "Cheng Peng" became a keyword often mentioned in the discussion post on the forum about the story of the big snake.

Players who support the crusade say vowed that once they saw Peng and his friends in a certain place teamed up to fight monsters. With the development of the battle, these masters will join the crusade because of friendship sooner or later. A large group of masters like Cheng Peng in the army, who can be the enemy when knocking through the battle?

"I have Admiral Cheng Peng, but you can cut the snake demon King Nobunaga ... The rest of the people are indifferent!" The slogan did not know who put it forward, but it soon spread.

Players who support the Demon King's army gritted their teeth and said that Cheng Peng's record was more due to luck, and some of the Demon King's army were not inferior to his master.

"Sooner or later we will tear off his strong man's mask!" This indeed does not seem to be imposing, but who asked them to come up with no actual evidence.

Of course, the focus of everyone's argument is actually the situation of the opposition between the crusade army and the demon army.

Even the most optimistic people know that in the battle of hundreds of thousands of levels, not to mention Cheng Peng, even if the ten most powerful masters in "Great Adventure" are added together, they ca n’t play much. effect.

Even eight-star masters such as King Shangyu or Yuan Lvzhi, if they are really besieged by hundreds of thousands of people, they can only flee and run away. If they flee, they may even be in danger of life.

On the battlefield of **** battles, players have not repelled the eight-star monsters, and the second-star seven-star monsters have even been killed by tens of thousands of players.

When the number of people reaches a certain level, it is overwhelming, even if each person throws only a stone, they can gather together into a mountain; even if each person spit only a spit, they can converge into a torrent; and if everyone attacks Once.

Human sea tactics are always the most powerful and unsolvable tactics. To fight against the human sea, the same can only be done.

The debates in the forum are intensifying, and Cheng Peng does not care about this.

"It's not that I don't care. In fact, I was a little happy." When Shen Qi talked to him about it, Cheng Peng scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly. "This person is still more about fame. Yes, everyone values ​​me, and of course I will be happy. It ’s the so-called death of the tiger and the skin of the tiger. If the elder husband is born in the world, he will leave his name. This can prove that he has lived, loved, and not ? "

Shen Qi was not as surprised as Du Zaomiao. She smiled and nodded, expressing complete agreement.

Europeans do n’t have the legendary story of the East that “It ’s a matter of getting dressed and hiding and being famous”. Of course, heroes should be radiant and admired by future generations. This demand should be fully supported.

In contrast, she was a little curious about the last of the three "overs".

"I always feel that it does not match the image of your master." When Du Zaomiao hurriedly found Cheng Peng and told him that many Demon King players on the forum were scolding him and got his "willing to leave a name", this again After a few months, even an adult little girl pouted her mouth and looked sad.

"So what image do you think the master should be?" Cheng Peng asked with a smile.

"I always think that the so-called master is to have white hair and white hair, and be alone, with a long sword floating away. Before going out, say a paragraph," I am a fool, I am destined to live alone ", and then the sword flashes again and again Gone away, no one knew his name, only the throat gradually overflowed with blood, and the fallen enemy proved that he had been there. ”Du Zaomiao held his hands, raised his chest in hope, even in his eyes. Braving the little star, "Master! The master is to be as chic as the wind! It is to stand on the top of the mountains and say, 'Life is really lonely like snow'!"

Cheng Peng took a few corners of his mouth and wanted to refute a few words, but still no, just a long sigh.

"I said Zao Miao, your request is too high." Thousands of words finally converged into this sentence and sighed, "Your ideal master, sincerely not a human being!"

These little episodes did not affect Cheng Peng's hard battle on the **** battlefield. With the energy that ordinary players can't match, he played everywhere in the battlefield, playing an important role in the battle of the battlefield, killing one another. A famous player or NPC.

Sometimes, with his help, the crusades won important battles; sometimes, although the crusades lost after all, his bravery was still shining brilliantly, which convinced the demon army.

I don't know when to start. Whenever Cheng Peng appears on the battlefield, someone will shout, "Cheng Peng, the unparalleled player in the world!"

Wushuang is a special title for the strong in the two camps of "Three Kingdoms" and "Warring States".

When an NPC general has completed a glorious record, he will laugh and cheer, "I am the real Warriors of the Three Kingdoms (Warring States)!"

And the title of "World Warriors" has been recognized, which means that Cheng Peng's warriors name has finally been unanimously recognized by the two camps!

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