A Big Adventure

Chapter 449: Lore

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The time passed by one minute and one second, and the beneficial BUFFs on Cheng Peng began to flash one by one, which meant that their effective time was less than thirty seconds.

Faced with this situation, he finally made a decision.

Although Ben Duo Zhongsheng's super grudge must have a time limit, God knows how long it can last? What if the most important BUFF on Cheng Peng disappeared before it ended?

Cheng Peng is definitely not a person who likes to entrust victory to the illusory "luck", his choice can only be to rob Bendo before the BUFF disappears!

So in the face of Ben Duo's charge, he gritted his teeth and greeted him without shrinking.

Cheng Peng raised the speed to the limit, and the whole person seemed to turn into a golden light. He straightly greeted Ben Duo Zhongsheng who rushed like a ball of fire, and slammed into it.

Ben Duo Zhongsheng was a little surprised, and his heart was surprised. His opponent's strengths were his extraordinary martial arts, and his strength was so different from his own. Why did he want to take advantage of his own strengths?

But the surprise was surprising. The enemy would find himself dead, and of course he would not be merciless.

The big gun roared and tore the air, drawing a fiery snake with claws and red claws in a red flame, and stabted into Cheng Peng's chest fiercely, vowing to stab him through the heart!

However, this gun took a void.

How could Cheng Peng send himself to the door to be shot by Bendo Zhongsheng? He is not crazy!

Facing the deadly gun, he gave a slight slam, his body suddenly flicked to the left, and at the same time, as if pulled by something heavy, he suddenly lowered, and the whole person was on the ground in an instant. But the weird thing is that when he fell to the ground, he was obviously lying on the ground. It is said that it is no longer possible to run, but he still maintains an amazing speed and moves forward quickly.

Looking closely, it turned out that he was not going straight, but was swaying from side to side. This shaking turned the power of running feet into a forward force through a powerful waist limb. A venomous snake that swam on the ground in an S shape , Lightning close to Bendo Zhongsheng from below.

This strange action was not conceived by Cheng Peng himself, but his computer passed through a detailed selection in many materials and gave him one of several very useful tricks.

This kind of trick that puts the center of gravity of the body almost completely on the ground, but can maintain an amazing speed by shaking is called "dust eater" is a sad girl named Kassandra in a work called "big sword" That world is very, very, very rich in tragic girls. In fact, almost every female character who appears is a tragic girl.

This trick looks very weird, and it seems very handsome, but the power is undoubted, especially when the enemy is completely unprepared for this, it can almost be said to be a lore.

No matter who it is, they are usually used to facing enemies that are almost as tall as themselves, while the strong are better at fighting monsters higher than themselves, but few people will specifically target enemies acting against the ground. Special training for combat.

Moreover, under normal circumstances, if you lose your opponent's trail, the masters will first consider whether the enemy has reached behind you, or has reached the top of your head, because this is the most common situation in actual combat.

However, the "dust eater" did the opposite, launching an attack from the ground.

So suddenly encountered this trick "dust eater" unless the martial arts such as Shi Zhixuan has reached its limit, and all the tricks come from the master, otherwise almost anyone will lose in at least half a second or longer The trail of the opponent.

Is Ben Duo Zhongsheng the kind of grandmaster who martial arts masters have reached their peak?

of course not.

In fact, his martial arts training is really average.

Therefore, he took it for granted.

Cheng Peng's body just swayed twice, then crossed the distance between each other, and rushed into the place less than one meter away from Ben Duo Zhongsheng.

There are a lot of flames along the way. Perhaps the reason why Ben Duo Zhongsheng did n’t worry about Cheng Peng might launch a surprise attack was because he felt that the flames around him could protect himself, but these flames did not play any role, even in Cheng Peng After passing by, they went out one after another, leaving only the curling smoke.

For a long time, Cheng Peng concealed his ability to be immune to flames, in order to find an opportunity for a surprise attack.

And now, it is his long-awaited opportunity!

When he came to Bendo Zhongsheng not far away from the body, Bendo Zhongsheng finally felt something was wrong.

When the opponent suddenly disappeared, he initially focused his attention on his back. Many schools in Japan, whether swordsmanship or ninjutsu, have the means to attack behind the enemy, and immediately find that the opponent is not there; Then he looked towards the sky subconsciously, but only saw dark clouds.

As he looked up at the sky, suddenly a strong sense of crisis came under his body!

This sense of crisis is so strong that it makes this legendary person who does not know how many battles have been experienced. It is said that the legendary person who has not been injured once feels creepy, as if the whole person has been immersed in ice water.

He hurriedly lowered his head, but before he lowered his head completely, a flash of light appeared in the afterglow of his eyes!

That's not lightning, but the spear that Cheng Peng quickly stabbed!

Stabbing from the direction of the ground, take a fatal shot of the throat!

If you change individuals, even if you are also a six-star mid-level character, it will be difficult to avoid this deadly shot, but Ben Duo is worthy of the strongest in the "Warring States Warriors" world, which is equivalent to the "Three Kingdoms Warriors" world A character like Lu Bu can still react in the face of a blow that has been called lore.

Seeing that it was too late to block or avoid, he yelled and his whole body flickered to the left suddenly, even leaning a little bit abruptly on the occasion of a sudden attack.

How much is this "little"? It's about the distance of an ordinary person's fist.

However, it was this little difference that saved his life.

Cheng Peng's shot that went straight to the throat was not able to stab because of this small gap, but went up against Ben Duo Zhongsheng's right neck. The tip of the gun hit his helmet and stabbed him with a shot, while the barb He cut his cheeks, and he drew blood on the right half of his face. Almost half of his face was cut alive, and his right ear and right eye were cut off.

Even though he escaped his life with incredible responsiveness, Ben Duo Zhongsheng was still injured, and it was a very serious injury. If one half of the face is actually not a big deal, one ear is missing and the hearing is impaired, all of which are tolerable injuries, then one eye is one that is absolutely intolerable.

It should be noted that the reason why people can distinguish distance and size when looking at things and establish them in "space" is actually due to the slight difference in the images seen by both eyes. In the battle of this cold weapon, suddenly losing one eye, even if you do n’t consider pain, the loss of visual three-dimensionality caused by the change of two eyes into one eye is enough to reduce the strength of Bendo, even Yu may have been inferior to Cheng Peng.

From the beginning of the war to the present, Cheng Peng finally seized the opportunity and created an advantage for his success!

Tribute to Mr. Yagi Kazuhiro! I wish he must go mountain climbing this year!

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