A Big Adventure

Chapter 450

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The duel between Cheng Peng and Ben Duo was accomplished in an absolutely confidential environment. No one in it can send real-time information to the outside world, and from the outside, it is just a dazzling golden light, and the big words "VS" flash in the golden light.

If the player in the heads-up wants to contact the outside, he can only send an email like Cheng Peng, and never expect to receive a reply, because this email will only be sent after the duel is completed.

Players outside the heads-up, let alone help, can't even see the heads-up scene.

So Cheng Peng seriously injured Ben Duo Zhongsheng and achieved a tremendous record, but he was neither exclaimed by the enemy nor applauded by his companions.

All he got was the confidence and the tremendous enthusiasm that overflowed in his chest, and the terrible opponent across the face with blood and a mad tiger.

Because of anger and pain, Ben Duo Zhongsheng was almost crazy.

Of course, he will never admit that this madness is more because of the fear of death.

A Japanese warrior like him is basically a duck. Even if he dies, his mouth is still hard when his meat is rotten. I do n’t see those Japanese warriors. The favorite is to cut on the battlefield with no chance of winning. Open your stomach and throw your internal organs to your opponent to show the fearless spirit of never surrendering?

As for why their descendants would change this behavior to surrender before cutting their stomachs, it is unclear. Cheng Peng studied Chinese history rather than Japanese history, and there is no tradition for the famous Japanese culture of "suicide by cesarean section". What research.

Alas ... even if he has any research, he will be too late to think about it!

Because, in the face of a mad Ben Duo Zhongsheng, he really can't get rid of thinking so much meaningless gossip news.

Because of injury and fear, he fell into madness, and Bendo loyally instinctively launched the core force of the Wushuang system generals.

Unparalleled flurry.

He shouted, and everything around him suddenly stopped.

The dust in the air, the splattered blood flower, and even the penetrating shot pierced by Cheng Peng without stopping, all stopped.

As if ... the whole world is still!

In this silence, Ben Duo Zhongsheng suddenly raised countless lightnings, which suddenly came from all directions, and finally all gathered on his big gun.

Then he stomped **** the ground and gave a second roar.

With this roar, everything that was still still moved again.

The dust flew again, the blood flower splashed again, and Cheng Peng's second shot had reached between his chest and abdomen, and he was about to penetrate through his chest and take his heart straight.

If he is stabbed by this gun, Bendo Zhongsheng will definitely die!

However, Cheng Peng did not stab the gun out.

When he found that the first shot did not stabbing his opponent, he already knew that the situation was wrong. The so-called lore refers to the unexpected trick that can defeat the enemy in a single move, but relatively speaking, once there is little It works, and most of the next consideration should not be to continue to attack, but to escape.

The reason why he stabbed the second shot was only due to the habit of the warrior.

In many cases, the body reacts first than the mind, and the second shot is spurted when it is missed. This is the instinct formed by Cheng Peng after a long period of tempering. It has nothing to do with thinking.

In many cases, it was this kind of instinct that made him launch an unbelievably fast attack, stabbing the enemy under the gun.

But this time, instinct was wrong.

When Ben Duo Zhongsheng stomped out, Cheng Peng only felt that the ground seemed to be turned into a stormy water, and a huge wave suddenly rose, and he directly blasted him, with the soaring dust into the air .

Before he adjusted his posture, he saw the red light.

Overwhelming red light!

After Bento stomped his foot, he swung his big gun and swept fiercely around him, as if he was randomly hitting with no rules.

But every time his big gun was swept out, it formed a huge half-moon-shaped flame, tearing the air, making a violent blast, flying towards the front, and spreading while flying, eventually turning into a violent fire wave.

This move doesn't seem to be anything. However, in the short moment Cheng Peng saw, it was almost a tenth of a second, and he shot at least six or seven shots.

This means that Bendo Zhongsheng can shoot more than fifty shots in a second, and at least fifty waves of fire!

So many fire waves are enough to completely cover one direction, and even a fly is so dense that even a fly wants to fly over.

And even more terrifying is that he is still wielding big guns constantly, shooting more fire waves endlessly!

How powerful are these fire waves?

Cheng Peng escaped one of them, and only felt that the body close to the fire wave was stabbed and pained. It can be seen that the fire wave is not only a simple flame, but also the strong grudge of Ben Duo Zhongsheng as a six-star intermediate master Focus on it.

This is really not good news.

He sighed and used his power to shrink from the void. His body was as small as possible, just like a marble, shuttled violently in the air, avoiding the raging fire waves.

"If it hadn't been practiced under Fuyuelong not long ago, I'm afraid I can't hide from it ..."

Cheng Peng was secretly lamenting his good luck, and a strong warning suddenly appeared in his heart.

Before thinking about it, he quickly moved his body to avoid a wave of fire from behind by a few centimetres.

"How is this going!"

Looking back in amazement, Cheng Peng suddenly had the urge to break the system and cheat.

I do n’t know when a golden light curtain completely covers the space where the two are located. This light curtain seems to prevent the connection between inside and outside, so that the two people can be one to one without interference. The duel, however, when the fire wave of Ben Duo was shot on the light curtain, not only did it not disappear, but instead it came back.

This means that as the battle continues, there will be more and more fire waves in the air, and the direction will become more and more strange. Cheng Peng will not only need to avoid attacks from Ben Duo, but also to avoid those who do n’t know. Where did the attack refract back!

"Go on like this ... how can this battle be fought!"

Cheng Peng scolded angrily, and took a little insignificant gap in his busy schedule, and raised his left **** into the air to greet all the female relatives of the uncle of the system.

However, he also knew that anger was useless.

Rather than spend your energy to be angry, it is better to think about what to do.

After all, it is him who is fighting Bendo now. If he affects his judgment because of his anger, he will only suffer himself in vain.

"It won't work like this! There is only one way to go!"

After avoiding more than a dozen waves of fire, I felt that there was less and less space for me to dodge. Cheng Peng knew that it was the most critical moment now. Even if I was not sure, I had to make a decision!

He gritted his teeth, and suddenly a dazzling golden glow appeared all over his body. His black hair not only stood upright, but also turned into a silvery white with a strong texture like metal.

Not only that, there was a surge of violent fighting around his body, the golden fighting surging wildly, converging into a flash of lightning, shooting aimlessly in all directions.

Warriors broke out!

Wushuang Burst is a five-star ability of Wushuang generals. After using this ability, the character will temporarily become a grumpy super strong state, not only the attribute is greatly improved, but each blow will set off a violent grudge anger. The power is extremely powerful, and each blow is comparable to the full attack under normal circumstances.

Although this skill is so powerful, Cheng Peng has never used it before. Because the consumption of this skill is too large, it needs to consume all the unparalleled values, the CD time is up to five days, and it also needs to consume an item called "Unparalleled Hero Order".

Among all the costs, the Warriors Hero made him feel most distressed. Because this kind of props can only be obtained by knocking down the boss with a higher level than yourself, and the storm rate is not high. Even if he is a super master who is good at leapfrogging challenges, the inventory on hand is only two. It really comes. Not easy!

If it is not the last resort, Cheng Peng really does not want to use this trick!

But now, he has no choice.

The duel with Bendo is not only a matter of winning or losing, but also the morale between the crusade and the demon army. If he wins, the Demon King Army finds that even the first warrior of the Warring States has died under Cheng Peng's gun, morale must have dropped greatly, and it is likely that the front line will collapse; and if he loses, can the companions stop the crazy Bendo Loyalty? Do n’t forget, by the time, Ben Duo ’s side will be supported by a large number of demonic army players with high morale!

The NPC will grow every time it experiences a special plot, and Bendo ’s loyal victory, which killed Cheng Peng, the first tycoon of the Three Kingdoms, will definitely become stronger. If he defeats everyone with the support of the Demon King players, then crusade The army's frontline must have collapsed for thousands of miles, so the hard work and effort of so many people will be lost.

Cheng Peng will never allow such a thing!

There are a thousand thoughts in my heart, but it is only a shot when I gather in my hand!

Along with the sky and thunder and flying snow, countless gunshots unfolded and turned into a blooming pear flower, ushering towards the turbulent fire waves.

And before waiting to be bordered by the waves of fire, this pear flower suddenly withered away, and absorbed all the thunder and flying snow, and merged into a bright and dazzling spear.

As Cheng Peng became stronger and stronger, the enemies he faced became stronger and stronger. The Eihua Flying Snow Gun was no longer able to keep up with his pace, and gradually reached the edge of elimination. However, he was not willing to give up this powerful trick. Eventually came up with a compromise, ending the Wushuang Wuwu early, closing all the gun shadows, and concentrating the power of Wushuang Wuwu together, turning thousands of guns into one shot.

This gun has no name.

If you have to take a name, then Thousands of Heavy Guns will be combined into one, and you can call it "Qianyi"

The waves of fire were like waves of fire, and the shadows of guns were like shuttles.

While everyone watching the battle was worried, they suddenly saw big gold letters flashing in the sky.

Brave three troops, unstoppable! Cheng Peng, the first tycoon of the Three Kingdoms, and Ben Duo, the first tyrant of the Warring States, are better than guns! Really unparalleled!

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