A Big Adventure

Chapter 530: Chain reaction of retreat

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Cheng Peng was closed.

The news quickly spread among his friends, and then spread among the masters because some people's mouths were intentionally or unintentionally.

Everyone knows what "retreat" means, and many people have retired.

Cheng Peng has also retired before, which should not be worth mentioning.

But no one really laughed at it, and felt it was not worth mentioning.

Everyone knows that if it's just an ordinary retreat, it's not worth mysteriously revealing to an intelligence dealer or top expert.

Cheng Peng's retreat this time is definitely unusual!

"Perhaps he was a six-star master when he went out?" More than one person guessed.

In the past game experience, players have to meet certain conditions for each star upgrade, or they break the limit between life and death, or challenge strong enemies to obtain enlightenment, or retreat after a variety of adventures, or It is the merits and deeds that make an immortal hero, and condense one's own strength to urge the field of birth ... Various requirements are different.

But there is no doubt that between each star, there are often barriers and bottlenecks.

Cheng Peng is the first to break through every time, maybe this time is no exception?

"Impossible!" When someone asked Bai Yu for enquiry, the good luck sister made such a conclusion with her usual cold attitude, "There is a big gap between five stars and six stars. What is the specific thing I still have There is no way to be very clear, but I am sure that Cheng Peng will not be able to break through at once. "

"Impossible, five-star to six-star is not that simple." Long Biao also answered, "If you have had in-depth contact with six-star or even higher-level NPCs, especially with those NPCs who really have this realm, you will understand. There is indeed a fundamental difference between our players and them. "

"Impossible, his accumulation is still worse." Liu Xuan's answer is also the same as that of several other masters. "Five-star to six-star, the required experience value is simply ridiculous! I have been here every day during this time Busy killing monsters, killing all kinds of powerful monsters I can find, killing my eyes and killing my hands, but the speed of the experience slot is still slower than snail crawling. Although Cheng Peng picked up a far more gift package than me, he wouldn't go much more. He is the most right now, that is, the five-star high-level, and the five-star peak has not yet arrived! "

Of course, some people hold the opposite attitude. For example, Shen Qi insisted that Cheng Peng would step into the realm of at least half a step of six stars after going out of the customs. The only difference was the final goal; Liu Xueji thought that Cheng Peng would have six stars directly after going out. If that ’s the case, it must be that the **** of fate opened the golden finger and finally shrank her eggs, ”she said.

Anyway, everyone is looking forward to it.

Not only looking forward, but also growing hard.

The top masters have their own arrogance, and "losing to others" is not a pleasant and acceptable thing for them. Even if you lose to your good friend, it is an object worth trusting and admiring.

So unconsciously, among the top masters, there was a wave of cultivation.

Some people carried the magic sword like the beautiful jade, and set foot alone on the magic mountain infested with monsters. They vowed to take the devil ’s first level as native products; some people regarded the six-star monster area of ​​the **** battlefield as a home, every day. They are all looking for different monsters to fight; some people jumped into the deep sea with stones on their backs, and constantly challenged their limits in the process of being suffocated again and again; some people changed jobs and became dragon killers, hunting all kinds of horror everywhere Magic dragon; there are people ... uh, the indifferent guy who is still lazily sweeping the ground in the shrine is an offense.

Unconsciously, a month passed.

For "Great Adventure", which has been open for more than two years, a month is not short, but it is not too long.

Those who are busy with adventures every day may have experienced several wonderful adventures in a month, or got some special things; those who are busy leveling all day, may have gained a lot of money in a month Players with low level of experience have even jumped to a small stage; those who love life skills or travel may go to one or two secret realms they have longed for in a month, and complete one or two self The manufacturing that I always hoped to complete ... But in general, for the big "Adventure", a month's time is nothing.

There is no significant difference between "Great Adventure" one month later and "Great Adventure" one month ago.

The top players among the players have already broken through to the five-star high order, and began to work hard for the long experience that leads to the five-star peak.

From time to time, some lucky people on the forum raised Qifeng, or they completed the legendary record, or gained the enviable jealousy and hatred, and became a figure in a period of time.

Of course, such things are not rare. The world of "Adventure" is so big, countless stories are played in countless worlds every day, and it is no exaggeration to say that there are several famous characters every day.

But these things are not concerned by the masters.

They all have once or several times or they don't know how many times they have become Fengyun characters. As long as they want, they can easily become Fengyun characters.

However, they are not available now.

Because they are busy, they are busy chasing the guy who seems to have walked in front of everyone again.

Cheng Peng is still closed.

He is still closed!

The time of retreat is not as long as possible, because you have to accumulate to retreat.

This state of retreat is constantly consuming the experience accumulated by players in countless adventures and battles. Of course, this is not an experience value for upgrading, but something similar that is not directly displayed on the player properties panel. "Experience" stuff.

Only enough accumulation can be used for retreat. Once the accumulation is consumed to a certain extent, it is impossible to continue to retreat.

Some players have tried to use the retreat instruction to force the retreat after the system prompts "You have fully integrated what you have seen and heard during this time, and automatically exit the customs." There is no benefit.

Thick accumulation can lead to thin hair, and if there is no accumulation, what can you do to retreat?

But Cheng Peng has been shut down to the present, and it seems that he has not meant to go out, as evidenced by the results of Li Wei's inquiry in reality.

"Exit?" When Li Wei asked Cheng Peng this question, he pondered for a while and shook his head. "I don't know when I can exit. Now I have something to gain every day, and there are many, many things. To do it, it's still too early to go out! "

He has accumulated so much!

This understatement of words gave the masters great pressure, as if they were invisible forces, pushing everyone to continue their efforts.

I don't want to lose to him. The very simple and simple idea is pure as a clear crystal, but it can reflect the bright light.

This simple reason has the power to never stop.

Many people have discovered that, unconsciously, the extremely powerful masters they know have not appeared in public eyes for a long time. It seems that they have become hermits who have escaped from the world. The collective began to retreat in general.

In fact, this is not the case. It is just that the masters have now penetrated into places that are difficult for ordinary players to reach and are practicing and improving themselves.

For a time, the master community in "Adventure" seemed to be a little decayed, like the ground after the strong autumn wind, only to see the yellow leaves everywhere, the flowers were missing.

It was in this humble period that Cheng Peng left Lingyun Cave.

The game time is March 14th, three years, Cheng Peng is out.

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