A Big Adventure

Chapter 531: Cheng Peng's way (1)

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"So, haven't you stepped into Six Stars after all?" Shen Qi looked at Cheng Peng up and down, nodded, but frowned again. "No! You feel completely different to me before! And the evaluation results It ’s vague. I only know that you ’ve outperformed me by a significant level ... Is n’t this a six-star rating? "

Cheng Peng smiled, his expression looked very relaxed, and he did n’t seem to feel anything strange in his state: “As far as experience points are concerned, I ’ve reached six stars; . "

"What do you mean?" Shen Qi looked at him curiously, and took out his notebook, apparently intending to record it, and then sent it as first-hand information.

Cheng Peng picked up the bottle of valuable red wine on the table and poured himself a glass.

When the wine in the glass was full, he didn't stop and was still pouring.

But the wonderful thing is that no matter how much wine he pours into the glass, the ordinary glass wine glass is just a glass that can be filled, and there is no meaning of overflowing at all.

Not only that, no matter how long he pours, there is always a bottle of wine that can be poured out of that very ordinary wine bottle, as if it is not a wine bottle, but a legendary wine spring that can continuously pour wine.

Looking at such a bizarre scene, Shen Qi was a little dazed.

"This ... how is this done? Why is there a continuous source of wine in the bottle, and why are the glasses not full?"

If it is an ordinary person, maybe some magic tricks are used, or spell skills are used, but Shen Qi knows Cheng Peng very well, and he knows clearly that he is not that kind of tricky performance fanatic. This is an exquisite spell ability.

Therefore, it is really strange that he can do such a thing!

However, Shen Qi is always an intelligence dealer known as "Bai Xiaosheng". She knows so many things. She just thought for a moment and got the answer.

"This is the so-called 'different journeys?" She tentatively asked, "I remember that in Eastern philosophy, no matter what kind of road you go from, as long as you are not a dead end, you will go into roughly the same direction to a certain extent. It ’s like no matter what kind of river, as long as it does n’t dry up on the barren ground, it will still flow into the ocean sooner or later. This situation seems to be called what is the same source of common law and common ancestry. Is this the state? "

Cheng Peng froze, shook his head, put the wine bottle up again, and handed it to Shen Qi.

Shen Qi took the bottle and looked at it suspiciously, but saw that the bottle was full. Looking closely, the bottle stopper was still plugged, and it was not opened at all. She looked at the wine glass in Cheng Peng's hand in surprise, and saw an empty wine glass, how could there be a shadow of half a drop of wine!

"This ... what the **** is going on!"

"This is the result of my retreat." Cheng Peng loosened his glass and laid his hands flat on the table, spreading his palms, as if there was a breath of air flowing in his palms, "I shattered my various strengths one by one, and then regrouped Together, it has become my own "Tao", and the resulting is the ability to compress the field. "

"Compression field? What does that have to do with the scene I just saw?"

"You know, my field is not that kind of entity, not even energy, but a kind of illusory thing like" boldness ". But if I compress the field to a certain degree, I can condense it Up, my field was originally able to shake the minds of others. Combining with what I learned from Tianmo Ce, I found that if the field is fully compressed, for example, to a distance of only three or five meters, it can be People produce certain effects, both spiritual and physical. "

"Just when you saw me picking up a glass and a wine bottle and pouring wine into the glass, you subconsciously thought that there should be wine pouring out, so you saw the scene of pouring wine, in fact, I was only one hand Holding a wine bottle, holding a glass in one hand, and making the action of pouring wine, I don't even know what you see.

"This ... what is this means? Mind attack?"

Cheng Peng's expression was no longer so calm, but he smiled bitterly.

"I don't know what this means, I only know that this situation is definitely not a good thing!"

"What!" Shen Qi seems destined to be constantly surprised today, "Not a good thing? How can such a powerful mind attack method be a bad thing?"

She couldn't help looking at Cheng Peng's face with her eyes widened as if she wanted to see a flower on his face.

However, in Cheng Peng's face, she only saw a little distress mixed in her smile.

"This is a long story." Cheng Peng sighed and took the wine bottle again. This time he really pulled up the stopper and poured a glass for Shen Qi first, and then a glass for himself, "I will talk slowly. . "

Cheng Peng was fortunate enough to find the martial arts experience left by Wu Invincible of the "Top Ten Martial Artists" in Lingyun Cave. At that time, there were two options before him: either use it as a cheats for martial arts, try to understand it Make ten invincible tricks; either give up your existing martial arts, rebuild Xuanwu true skills, and take the ten strong martial arts as your direction of progress.

However, Cheng Peng didn't want to choose one!

Although the invincible stunts of the ten parties are very powerful, he does not feel that he lacks stunts now.

His marksmanship has reached the level of fascination, even if Wu Invincible comes in person, he may not be able to overcome him in the field of "martial arts"; his gun of destruction is a seven-star stunt, and the innate martial arts change a lot. There is a fierce and fierce combat skills, enough to deal with various situations.

In terms of martial arts ... Give up your martial arts and turn to comprehend the top ten martial arts and become the invincible successor of martial arts. This choice has not been in his candidate list from the beginning!

Cheng Peng ’s martial arts ca n’t be considered very clever, because he has never been able to get a complete and comprehensive martial arts heritage. Although he has learned a lot, he ca n’t integrate it into his own martial arts. His current martial arts, in fact, is still the Tiantian Pavilion mentality derived from the volume of Tianmo's Tianbu Pavilion. It is fierce and fierce, and the road to the assassin.

This path is not suitable for Cheng Peng, and he knows it very well.

Cheng Peng really likes to fight bravely, but this does not mean that he will go out and sacrifice regardless of everything; he is indeed willing to sacrifice himself when necessary, but he is definitely not willing to sacrifice others in order to succeed; in the face of a powerful enemy, He will consider tactics, retreat when necessary, and will not feel that he should be born with everything. He should be born to save everyone. Of course, if he can save, he will not be reluctant to contribute.

These kinds of moods are only partially compatible with the mentality of Bu Tian Pavilion. Not to mention that compared with Shi Zhixuan, even compared to the dead ghost Yang Xuyan, his degree of "fit" is much lower.

Assassin assassin, hidden in the dark, when necessary to launch a fatal blow, this is the style of assassin. However, Cheng Peng is accustomed to another method. He would rather attack head-on, exhausting all kinds of strategies and tactics, exhausting all his strength, and beating the enemy.

He is a majesty, a hero, not an assassin.

Therefore, he cannot actually go too far on the road to make up the Tiange Pavilion. At this level, it is almost the limit.

Of course, Cheng Peng's current state is already extremely clever among the demons. If he can return to the world of "Datang Shuanglong Biography", it is definitely a generation of guru-level characters. When the people in the Demon Gate generally reach his realm, they will try to find other Heavenly Demon Strategies, try to bypass the category, and go further.

Cheng Peng used to do the same before. He found several volumes of Heavenly Devil Strategies and realized some of them.

But he really has no way to merge these diametrically opposed mindsets!

Only Shi Zhixuan, a schizophrenic perverted middle-aged uncle, can do that kind of thing!

There are also people in the Demon Gate who change the way, get inspiration from the Buddhism gate or other directions. The Demon enters the Dao, but Cheng Peng can't go this way.

For Buddhism, he instinctively dislikes; for Daomen, he obviously has no talent.

Therefore, he easily gave up the Buddhism mentality "Vatican I am the same", so even though he got all the contents of the Daomenqi book longevity tactics, he always only took effect individually, and there was no way to combine the effectiveness of the seven-page longevity tactics into one. Come up with a real longevity formula.

So, in the end, he found that his mental path seemed to have been exhausted.

But ... he would never choose the top ten martial arts.

Because, it is equivalent to abandoning his past, abandoning the past adventure and comprehension, and abandoning the things that were moved by it.

This choice of pure utilitarianism has never been considered by Cheng Peng.

At this time, Long Biao invited the Virgo Golden Saint Seiya to send him a cross-border preaching, which opened a door to a new world for him!

Emina analyzed the experience left behind by Wu Invincible, dismantled those forces into a large number of experience points, and used those insights as fuel to motivate his martial arts and promote it to forcibly advance in places where the mountains and rivers were exhausted. Unreasonable attitude, open a new situation!

This is his ultimate choice!

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