A Big Adventure

Chapter 573: Clean the battlefield

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The battlefield has gradually been quiet, the living has never spoke, and the dead are as speechless as the ground. Only a few owls and jackals staring at the corpse make unpleasant calls from time to time, as if celebrating this rare feast.

Cheng Peng was sitting on a walled platform that hadn't collapsed yet, watching the remnants of the sounds that had killed him not long ago.

Players have mostly left. Although the battlefield can often pick up some slightly valuable things, but for these five-star masters, that kind of thing is really nothing, they will not waste their precious During breaks, pick up the tatters, even if there may be gold in the tattered pile.

The dozen or so players left are all spell systems without exception. This battlefield has what they need.

That was the corpses of the dead soldiers, and the souls that had not yet dispersed.

There are many branches in the spell department, including the use of corpses and ghosts as materials. For example, some schools can reinject dead warrior souls into corpses, transforming them into powerful fighting zombies, and even cultivating them step by step. The corpse king who can fly away from the ground; while some schools focus on the use of souls, choose from a large number of souls, and then cultivate them with special methods, and finally cultivate them into powerful guardian gods and the like ; There are also some martial arts who play the style of "Hundreds of Steels", collect a large amount of corpses or souls, continue to refine and strengthen them, and finally get powerful assistants; or even directly absorb the souls of the dead to help cultivate ... Uh, that is a sect The evil in the world.

There is no reason to be bullied. For NPCs, "Tianli" may be the five thunders that do not know when it will come, or it may be a decent warrior who knows where it will jump out, and for players, it is on the character panel. The dazzling "evil qi", "sin karma" and other numerical values, as well as the iron law of what punishment will be clearly achievable.

The Big Adventure Operations Bureau does not encourage players to join evil cults to promote the cause of murder and enlightenment.

Therefore, players who join the evil sect often dare to make small noises, and they do not have the spirit of certain NPCs chewing living people or refining the entire village and town directly. For them, instead of risking being thundered The risk of counting down on your head to do evil with your own hands is worse than running around in a world where wars are frequent and getting the resources you want from the battlefield.

For example, it is now.

The dead on this battlefield are all killed because of their own wars, and they have nothing to do with those evil players, but they have the corpses and souls needed by the evil players. Some, the soul, wait a little while, wait for those souls who are willing to return to Hades to disperse, and the rest of the love stacks do not leave are resources that can be freely controlled by evil players. After all, they refuse to belong to Hades. I gave up the guardian of the heaven and earth, and being steamed and braised is a matter of asking for bitterness, no one is special.

So at the moment on the battlefield, those players who are collecting corpses are constantly practicing, evoke some particularly strong corpses from the blood of the corpse mountains, and then either find their own souls, or stuff them with their own refined war souls. , And then carry out some simple refining, even if it is basically completed, the remaining work can be done slowly in the future.

They have to be fast, because there is a slight white light on the east sky, leaving them little time.

"Ha! Look at what I found! The body of Liang Cheng! This is the body of the five-star pinnacle master. It takes a week of sacrifice to make a five-star zombie!"

"Is it a five-star headless knight? I remember he and Wang Xian both had their heads cut off. It seems that they were sent back to Jiankang to win the victory. Could it be that you plan to sneak into Jiankang to steal their heads back?"

"If there is no head, there will be no head. Even Mengwang can have no head. My zombie has no head. It is not a problem."

"You wipe the bitter gourd juice on your face before you say this!"

After the first batch of players who collected powerful corpses searched, the second batch of large-scale players who collected corpses did rude and more efficient work. They exhibited various methods one by one, and saw that the piles of corpses quickly decreased. I don't know where it was received.

Of course, the system will not allow players to really deal with rotten corpses all day. Refining zombies is actually just turning props called "corpses" into NPC soldiers called "zombies." There is nothing particularly disgusting, but the success The piles of corpses are different. Unless some special hobby is abnormal, normal people must be grateful for seeing this stuff. Therefore, as long as the evil players put a lot of corpses into a special magic weapon, the rest of the work is to continuously inject the magic power into the magic weapon. The specific operation process is fully automatic, and it will definitely not pollute the eyes or the soul.

After the corpse pie was busy, it was the turn of the soul pie.

At this time, the sun is about to rise, and those souls who are in love between life and death also instinctively feel the danger, and are doing their final struggle.

For ghosts, sunlight is very dangerous, because sunlight represents the selfless rule of life and death. No matter how unwilling or painful these ghosts are, as long as they remain in the world, sunlight will ruthlessly wipe them out.

So the soul that has n’t left when the first ray of sunlight fell, completely cut off its connection with Heavenly Dao. It belongs to a completely black account and gave up its own rights, no matter how the evil players deal with them. , Will not increase their bad karma.

Of course, it is not easy to rob people from the sun, no, it is robbing ghosts. However, under the accumulation of the world and the years of the people in the sect, there is of course such a method of stealing the sky to change the day.

When the round of the fiery sun shone brightly from the east horizon, Cheng Peng, who had been sitting by the river, started.

He shouted and stomped fiercely towards the camp under his feet.

The gusty wind rose, and the Luojian, not far from the east, soared into a huge wave. The speed of the huge wave was faster than expected. It was like lifting a whole Luojian into the air.

Countless rivers flooded into the sky, mixed with the sand and dust lifted by the strong wind, turned into muddy mud, and then spread out overwhelmingly, turned into a dark cloud that completely covered Dongfang Tianyu.

This method can not be used to kill the enemy to win, but it can effectively cover the sun, so that players of the Soul system can calmly cast spells and complete the harvesting work.

Of course, making such a large cloud is very difficult, and today the sky is clear, and the wind is quite strong. The cloud is supposed to disperse as long as the extreme time, and it will not last long, but Cheng Peng's body slowly rose into the air, The violent wind revolved around him rapidly, but actually sucked all the wind on the battlefield, and even fixed the dark cloud in the sky firmly, and there was no sign of dispersing at all.


"Master is worthy of master! This operation ability is amazing!"

"Is this the effect of the bloodline of the ancient beast? Ooooo! I want the bloodline of the mythical beast too!"

"The bloodline of the beast and the spell are in conflict. People are controlled by sophisticated operation ability. We can't do that kind of thing. Rather than envy others, let's do things quickly!"

Hearing the comments of the players on the ground behind him, Cheng Peng smiled, but the smile was slightly tired.

Even though there are a lot of spell system players who have arranged the formation assistance in advance, it is still very difficult for Cheng Peng to control such a large amount of weight at the same time by controlling "wind" and "water" at the same time.

Martial arts and spells are not so easily compatible. What he does at this moment looks like spells, but in fact uses his own martial arts to operate the power of the innate blood, fully exerting Kunpeng ’s ability to control wind and water to complete this. Things that ordinary warriors dare not think about.

There is a vision when power is urged. This kind of thing is very common in the Gaowu world, but the so-called "Gaowu" refers to the field of seven stars or higher. Cheng Peng is now only half a step and six stars. To do this kind of thing, it is still somewhat reluctant.

"Perhaps ... should go to the academy city to learn superpower computing technology, and apply that technology to the control of blood vessel ability, maybe it can strengthen the effect in this respect."

The thought flashed through his mind, but he gave up immediately.

This kind of thought is a must! He is now pursuing purity, pursuing pure martial arts. Everything that may hinder this is not worth learning!

What's more, although the means of the academy city are powerful, but there is no means comparable to it in martial arts. Thunder and lightning surges in his hand, no less than a superpower.

Reaching the same goal, Cheng Peng now only needs to keep moving forward. Once he reaches that height, he will naturally have the same means as others.

Most of the martial arts are only in the Zhongwu world. When they reach the eight-star level or higher, there is no big difference between the two. Most of the strong people are bypassed. Can cast spells and fight melee. Those big demon kings and heroes of sword and magic world can also combine magic and swordsmanship, not to mention the world like dragon ball.

It is Cheng Peng's direction to advance from the direction of martial arts, and finally to the extreme on this road!

After a while, when Cheng Peng gradually dissipated, the players who collected souls finally ended.

After hurriedly returning to the safe area of ​​the temporary camp, Cheng Peng immediately went offline to rest.

The battle of Fei Shui is imminent. He needs to adjust his status as soon as possible, to participate in that battle with the strongest posture, and further perfect his martial arts in the flames of Liantian.

This is the ultimate goal of his trip!

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