A Big Adventure

Chapter 574: Che Fangzun Ma Xiaoxiao

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"Che Chongzun, Ma Xiaoxiao, and pedestrian bows and arrows are all at the waist." Cheng Peng stood on a big tree on the top of Bagong Mountain, staring at the army facing off across the river from the distance, and said a sudden thought in his mouth. Tang poetry.

On the east bank of Shuishui, the 70,000 large military shops of the Eastern Jin Dynasty were unfolded, and a vast area was magnificent.

The west bank of Feishui ... is overwhelming and boundless, and all the way to the horizon at the end of the field of vision, it is all the black army.

"I'll just go ... Doesn't it mean that the former Qin had fewer than 300,000 people in the direct battlefield of the Battle of Fei Shui? Why does it look like a cannibal ant colony, covering the whole earth." He murmured in a white voice, "This situation is too exaggerated ... all standing there to kill, but also to be soft!"

"The statistical results of the scouts say that there are 900,000 troops in the front of the Qin ... the uncle of the system is too open!" Xiao Xiao fiddled with the bowstring, and gave the Qin to the game designers. The behavior of opening a gold finger is greatly despised, "Do they still think that Qin Qin's advantage is not big enough? More than 200,000 to 70,000, this advantage is enough!"

"In fact, more troops is not necessarily a good thing. As far as the same battlefield is concerned, the more troops it is, the more difficult it is to command. As far as I know, in the cold weapon era, it is the most appropriate number to command one hundred thousand troops in a battle. Many words ... Unless it is the monsters that are as strong as a golden finger, it will only seriously reduce the command efficiency, and it is not worth the loss. "Cheng Peng smiled, not only did not feel nervous, but felt quite happy," Han Xin said However, Liu Bang can only lead 100,000 people. In terms of historical records, the army is blindly mobilized to crush the enemy. Once the enemy is a well-trained elite army, there are always seven or eight times out of ten. The side will lose ... If Fu Jian leads the 100,000 elite soldiers against the Beifu Army, the winning side is afraid to be higher, but leading a million troops to fight, an improper command is the collapse of the whole army, but the odds of winning are much smaller. "

"Really?" Asked players curiously.

"Theoretically, this is the case, but you know it, it's just theory." Cheng Peng didn't denounce the fact that he was talking on the paper. "Theories are not always in line with practice, otherwise the death of Changping's war should be white. Not Zhao Kuo. "

"Isn't Zhao Kuo wrong in command?"

"Zhao Kuo's command is not bad at all. It's just that he used the correct tactical theory in the wrong place. Zhao Jun took the initiative to attack, but he couldn't break the Qin army's defense line. Finally, he was surrounded by the regiment and the whole army was annihilated. If both sides If the fighting strength of the troops is equal, the defeat must be Bai Qi. Zhao Kuo regarded the actual war as a theoretical game of chess, and he died. "Speaking of history, Cheng Peng naturally came to hand," The problem now That is, in theory, Fu Jian ’s army does not actually give him an additional advantage, but in fact ... God knows! The form of war in the Chinese martial world is completely different from the low martial world! "

Cheng Peng's emotion naturally came about. Last time I witnessed the battle of Luojian, he found that in the legend of the frontier after the world upgraded, there was a big difference between the form of war and his impression. The soldiers here are too strong and can swim in the rapids. As fast as a fish, he can easily climb up to a wall of nearly ten meters high. Ten people shouted their trumpets and walked with a huge wooden fence.

In this case, the efficiency of the war is greatly improved, and the transition between attack and defense is often a matter of a minute or two. Even the most powerful general may not be able to accurately grasp this on the intricate battlefield. In the fleeting gap, the uncertainty of war has been greatly strengthened!

Not only that, Zhongwu World also has those generals who see the sword and the arrow as if there is nothing, Liu Liuzhi or He Qian, all of them are the figures who admire the last seat on the nine ranks listed by Qiao Xi, but they are already in the number. Tens of thousands of people charged in the battle, and attacked the enemy's fortress in one fell swoop. If the characters in the front of the ninth rank list shot ... Even if it is a million troops, I am afraid that they may not be able to stop them!

In the book "Broken Void", it is said that the eagle is alone, and the general will be cut between thousands of horses and horses, and after the murder, the broken void will go away. What a mighty domineering!

Will the battle of the Fei Shui decide the battle with the confrontation of the army as in history? Or will it end the battle in a strange way beyond Cheng Peng's expectations?

Cheng Peng didn't know at all.

All he can do is be prepared.

Yes, be ready to go to war at any time.

Regardless of whether the Beifu Army can successfully suppress the former Qin army as in history, players including him will participate in the battle and actively enter the most elite and strongest places in the former Qin army, acting as a sharp knife to use the former Qin army. The sharp edge of the team interrupted the discount and knocked their arrogance down.

At this point, the players in charge have already negotiated with Dongjin.

Although I do n’t know what conditions they have opened, but the East Jin Dynasty has already issued a banner to these players. It seems that their status is not low. At this critical moment when the country is hard to face, even if it is calm and thankful, it is a little uneasy. Of course, for the volunteers who bravely stood up to serve the country, he naturally did not hesitate to reward the honor and status.

There are only a thousand players in the game, but the degree of a school captain is nothing more. How can you leapfrog to promote it, and it is only the lowest level in the general? What are you worried about?

Cheng Peng's active wrist, tightening the shirt on his body, except the golden armor, a big "Jin" appeared suddenly on the slightly white cloak. This is a systematic decoration as a military emblem, and the cloak itself The performance is irrelevant.

The players around him have different decorations. Some people have the word "Jin" in their front and back, which looks quite like the words "Bing, Yong" in the front and back of ancient soldiers; It's just that there is a small flag on the back. The flag is the flag of the Jin army and his own name; there are people with a big "Jin" floating around like a magic circle. I really don't know how this aesthetics is. thing.

There is no doubt that once they step into the battlefield, they will definitely impress the former Qin army.

The costumes are in a variety of costumes, the formation is messy, the conductor, what is that, can you eat?

The army of players in this group honestly fully meets the standards of any "unified crowd", but they have any advantage that the unmatched crowd can't match.

They can fight!

They can fight more than any army in this era, not just a little, but a lot!

What is the concept of an army of five-star masters?

This is equivalent to saying that the average combat effectiveness of this Thousands team is almost able to touch the ninth rank master list!

No ... Actually, if we take the last place in the Nine Ranks Masters List as a reference, at least seven hundred of these thousand people can be listed on the Nine Ranks.

"Do you think this battle ... can we win?" Some players asked uncertainly, probably frightened by the pre-Qin million army.

"If it is only the Eastern Jin Army against the former Qin Army, the victory or defeat is difficult to say." Cheng Peng smiled, his smile full of confidence, "but the Eastern Jin side plus us, there is no doubt that victory or defeat!"

"We will win this battle!"

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