A Big Adventure

Chapter 575: Battle upgrade

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The plan hasn't changed fast, this sentence has been there since ancient times.

It was only after the two sides of the match that Fei Shui confronted each other that they started to beat the drums of war. Players who watched the battle from behind received a system message that was unexpected to them.

The battle of Fei Shui officially started. In order to improve the authenticity of the system war, during the battle of Fei Shui, the restraining power of this world will be lifted, and you can show your own strength!

"This ... what does this mean?" Some people who are slow to respond are still wondering.

And some people who turn their brains faster have already tried to condense their power, just find a target to attack, and determine the meaning of the system message through the change of power.

"Sure enough! Our strength is completely restored! Now the destructive power I can produce is completely normal, and we can show our true strength!"

The news seemed very good, and many people liked it, but some people who wanted to go further, such as Cheng Peng, were lost in contemplation, and some even expressed concern.

"Is there anything wrong with restoring strength?" Xiao Xiao was right next to Cheng Peng. Seeing him frowning, his expression was complicated, and he couldn't help asking.

In his view, the power can be completely restored, which means that he has regained the five-star combat power. More importantly, the domain power that has been used for this period has been restored. Xiao Xiao is the only one who can have domain power. Only Luo Hongyan, Xia Keyou Yu, and arrow-headed enemies like Fang Qianqian, who was so frightened by the enemies, could have greater confidence in this battle.

This is also good news!

Cheng Peng shook his head and sighed: "Maybe I think too much, but I always feel that such a change is not a good thing. We have restored the original level of destructive power, does it mean that the destructive power of NPCs has also increased to the corresponding level Level? I thought I might be worried about fighting seven-star Murong Chui. "

After saying this, Xiao Xiao suddenly froze.

In the big adventure, every time the strength is increased by one star, the effect is definitely not a proportional increase, but a geometric progression. The difference between one star and two stars may only be about 40% to 50%, and the difference between five stars and six stars is At least ten times, and what about six to seven stars?

Under normal circumstances, five-star players to kill six-star BOSS, you need to concentrate about ten people, everyone cooperate with each other in order to win relatively smoothly, this must be based on the premise that the BOSS template level is not too high If the template level of BOSS is very high, even if it is not a legendary template, as long as it is a relatively elite template, players have basically no possibility of killing it.

Before the system's restraining power is unlocked, the world of the Legend of Frontiers is actually only a five-star standard world. For example, Muronghui, the conventional highest level after legendary strongmen such as Sun En, should be six stars. A group of players who have only four-star power but five-star combat experience and vision are not very difficult to encircle or at least repel them.

But now ... he has become a seven-star enemy.

"In fact, the most troublesome thing is not Murong Chui!" After a brief discussion, several people in the player team responsible for intelligence analysis also reached a relatively pessimistic conclusion. "The most terrifying thing is ... the troops of both sides have upgraded together!"

After saying this, Cheng Peng was suddenly shocked and realized where the uneasiness he had just came from!

Murong Cui became stronger, in fact this is nothing. There are thousands of five-star masters here, a large number of five-star mid-level players, there are several high-end, and Cheng Peng, a leader who has already stepped into the six-star half of the foot, its combat power has far exceeded the original. The elite unit of the crusade in the Great Snake Warriors might have paid a considerable price for squatting the seven-star Murong Cui with such a team, but the result must be the defeat of Murong Cui.

But ... the problem that players are facing now is that this time they are the one who is being "encircled"!

The improvement of the whole world's combat power means that those NPC soldiers can also give full play to the strength corresponding to the star, ordinary soldiers are under the Samsung, elite troops are Samsung, and grass-roots officers such as Wu Changshi Chang or the pros of the generals. Wei then ranges from the four-star initial stage to the four-star peak, and many specially selected troops or those officers directly stepped into the five-star.

Fighting in such a battlefield, the pressure faced by players is obviously much greater than before, and the risk of death is much greater!

The designers of the game are really savvy, but only a small change has offset the advantages of thousands of five-star masters.

Of course, the five-star masters here don't have a fool, even if they are not very good at thinking about it, but as long as others can explain it a little, then within a few minutes, everyone is aware of the seriousness of the problem.

"We ... don't have much advantage?" Someone asked worriedly.

"No! We still have an advantage, but the advantage is not as great as before."

"Actually, the most troublesome thing is the defensive power. Our armor is all five-star. If the enemy only had two to four stars, our defensive power is enough, but now ... the defensive power is not enough!"

"However, after all, you still have to fight!"

"Of course! What are we afraid of? We are not afraid of anything!"

"I didn't even have a scar on my head! Two hours later, he was another hero! We are the undead!"

"Roar! Undead are full!"

"Kouhu! The undead are all evil ways! Sunflowers are full! Pea shooters are full!"

Disregarding those players who are already used to running the subject, Cheng Peng took out the ice and snow gun, summoned the jade chase horse, turned the horse, and adjusted his state to be ready to attack at any time.

When it has happened, don't think too much.

The enemy is very strong, so what's wrong?

He came to fight, to fight among thousands of troops, hoping to improve his martial arts through such fighting. The stronger the enemy, the greater his hope for success.

What's wrong with this?

Cheng Peng smiled coldly, raised the gun of ice and snow, and looked at the battlefield towards the mountain and river.

On the battlefield, two people were looking at each other across the sloping water that was not wide.

On the river bank side, Xie Xuan sitting on the war horse under the banner of "Xie"; on the river bank, Fu Jian sitting on the war horse under the banner of "Fu".

Xie Xuan's white clothes are like snow, and he doesn't wear armor at all. His clothes are like ordinary scribes, but no matter what his identity or the strong temperament that is revealed in him, no one dares to look down upon him.

Fu Jian's golden and black armor showed a faint streamer. At first glance, he knew that it was absolutely extraordinary. The people around him were even more powerful, six-star everywhere, even seven-star characters. Well, even though his own temperament is not as good as Xie Xuan, the luxury formation over there is enough to scare the dead.

The coaches of the two sides looked at each other's army across the river, and their eyes collided without giving back, as if they could burst out of the ignition star.

A moment later, Xie Xuan waved his hand, and the Jinjun ’s drums suddenly became fierce and suddenly stopped.

In an instant, the battlefield fell into silence.

In this silence, Xie Xuan's voice rang.

"Fujian, would you dare to fight me?"

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