A Big Adventure

Chapter 576: War Mode of the World of War

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Facing Xie Xuan's challenge, Fu Jian seemed to have heard the most ridiculous joke and laughed forward and backward.

He laughed wildly for almost half a minute before he snorted and replied proudly: "I am King Qin Tian, ​​the land of the Jin Kingdom projectile in your area will be crushed by my army in an instant, and you will be crushed first. Broken little bug ... Xie Xuan, why did you qualify for a decisive battle with me? "

This answer made the Jin army angry, and many people clenched their weapons. Only after Xie Xuan ordered, they rushed to fight.

Xie Xuan did not get angry, but instead smiled gently, as if he was calm when he was talking in Jiankang's house: "Since you are not afraid, why do you rely on Fei Shui to protect yourself? The situation, are you planning to stay close to me here? Forgive Xie for not being able to accompany him, although Xie will not discriminate against Longyang or the like, he has no interest in that respect. "

Although these words are very polite, they are very shady in the bones, just like intellectuals who call people a style without dirty words.

Fu Jian's private life is quite unchecked. In the past, everyone loved Princess Qinghe and Murongchong ’s brothers are well known, and even Chang’an even spawned songs of “one female and one male, flying into the Purple Palace”. It ’s not a special sin, and many wealthy clan secretly still take pride in it, but it ’s not a fair thing after all, it ’s unavoidable that it ’s embarrassing.

It ’s nothing shameful if a person is in front of his computer facing the film of Xiaolan Lan ’s kimono girl, but if someone asks him under the general public, “Is it stunned yesterday? How many shots? Questions such as "time" will certainly embarrass him.

Fu Jian is now the one who was asked this kind of question.

So he was very embarrassed, very angry, and he didn't know whether it was because he was shy or angry, and it was already red to black.

"Xie Xuan, you really don't know how to live or die!" He shouted angrily. "I was going to break your soldiers and horses and accept you as a military officer. Now I change my mind! When I catch you, I will take your Your tongue is cut, so you can be a speechless pen official! "

This threat is really nothing. Mo said that everyone in the Beifu army was very disappointed. Even in the former Qin army, many people secretly sighed.

Fu Jian is soft-hearted, which is a well-known thing, but at this time he is still soft ... It really makes his men feel insecure.

"Fujian, don't talk big words! If you have the courage to fight me, I will give up some places by the river, and I will cross the river and decide your life and death!" Xie Xuan shouted firmly, "If you don't Dare ... Then go home and hug your grandson. You are not too young. There is nothing wrong with keeping alive. "

Fu Jian listened to Xie Xuan's instigation, and was immediately angry, just about to say yes, but a man in black next to him suddenly stepped forward and whispered a few words.

Hearing this, Fujian's anger suddenly dissipated, and he laughed.

"Xie Xuan Xie Xuan, your thoughts are too great." He smiled for a while, and then raised his whip, "Isn't it just Fei Shui? Only your weak Jin talents will be blocked by it! My Daqin One million masters, even throwing their own whip, can cut off the water!

With that said, he slammed his whip down and ordered loudly.

"The generals listened to the order, cut off the water, and attacked the past!"

Fu Jian roared out the words, there was no shock in the Eastern Jin Army, Xie Xuan also only smiled a little regretfully, but the players on the back of Pakong Mountain were all dumbfounded.

"This ... which one is it!"

"This is different from the development in history!"

"If Fu Jian does not retreat, if he does not shake his own military heart and let the army fall into chaos, what will happen to this battle?"

"Go on like this, 900,000 to 70,000, don't Dongjin have to lose?"

"Yeah! It's not enough to fight ten people alone!"

Among the discussions, Cheng Peng's face sank like water, but he didn't have any sense of worry or surprise.

Now in his heart, only the cold killing intentions and high-spirited fighting intentions, all other emotions have been ruled out.

On the battlefield, all worries and doubts, all uneasiness and daze, are all unnecessary.

There is only one thing he needs to think about now, and only one thing he needs to do, fighting.

Only fighting!

As the strongest among the players, Cheng Peng's words and deeds were noticed by many people, especially when the military was uncertain, many people looked at him subconsciously, hoping to get some advice from him.

When seeing Cheng Peng's calm attitude, the players around him were quickly infected, and the team of thousands of people gradually calmed down.

Everyone's eyes settled again, their palms also held their weapons, and they were ready to fight at any time.

After all, they are, after all, the bravest people in the world, the warriors who are truly fearless of death, even if there are millions of troops? Do not want to let them have the slightest fear!

On the battlefield, fierce fighting has already begun.

When the restraining power of the system is lifted, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers on both sides increases linearly, and the level of combat also rises linearly. By the way, the entire combat mode has undergone a fundamental change.

For example, it is not too wide sloping water. If it is in a realistic war, the Qin army needs a large number of boats to cross it, or it needs to let the death squad swim with weapons, or it needs to find the upstream and downstream waters. Wading in shallow places. No matter which method you choose, the speed will not be very fast, and in the process, you will be hit by the Eastern Jin Army. When you are ready to go ashore, you will be directly hit back. Ten percent of the troops may not be able to get through smoothly. river.

It is so advantageous to dominate the battle on the banks of the river.

This is the so-called "the weather is not as good as the ground"

But because of the improvement of combat effectiveness, what the former Qin army can do is very different from reality. With Fu Jian's order, many people came out from the former Qin army, and many powerful men with strong backs One by one wearing heavy armor and carrying huge sacks, the bags are all gravel.

At this time, the archers on both sides had begun to shoot through the water, and the scenes that were impossible in reality had now become reality. That water could not stop the arrows of the two sides at all, and it seemed that there was a piece of water on the water. Dark clouds and dense arrows crossed the long sky and fell into the opponent's formation.

If in reality, this level of arrow rain is enough to destroy the fighting intent of most of the army, and it may even cause devastating blows to those troops that are not well equipped, but also because of the improvement of the battle level, regardless of the Jin army Or Qin Jun, who didn't throw arrows from the sky at all. They raised a huge shield that was taller than people, lifted it overhead without any effort, and easily blocked the arrows.

At this time, the heavy armor of the Qin Army Hercules attacked the arrows of the Eastern Jin Army like a rainstorm, came to the river, and threw the sack they carried into the water.

One sack, two sacks ... Countless sacks were thrown out like raindrops, and the river bank on the Qin Jun side of Feishui quickly expanded like a piece of expanding dough, marching toward the Jin position with the naked eye.

In the face of this situation, the Jin army had no special way to think about it. This is the case with wars, and there are ways to break the strategy, but the upright tactics cannot be broken.

Therefore, since ancient times, the famous generals have paid more attention to the regular soldiers than the strange soldiers, because the rare soldiers may not be able to win, but most of the regular soldiers can win.

Fu Jian, with the mighty momentum of 900,000 troops, came up with the unreasonable method of directly filling up the sloping water. It seems ridiculous, but it is the most powerful and unbreakable offensive method in the art of war. Tactics, the Eastern Jin Army can only do one thing. When the position temporarily filled with countless sacks gradually approached the east bank of Fei Shui and approached the Jin army position, Xie Xuan took a deep breath and ordered the whole army.

"Fill the river to meet the enemy, fight them in the water!"

At the order of the order, many Hercules also rushed out of the Eastern Jin Army, but they were not carrying rough sacks, but rather huge blocks of wood.

This is exactly the method used by the Beifu Army to attack the Luojian Qin army barracks across the river at night!

Three or five soldiers **** the wooden fence that could hold more than a dozen people on their heads, hurriedly rushed to the river, threw it out, and then hurriedly returned to give the position to later comrades ... This kind of scene is absolutely impossible to see in reality. Such a wooden fence must be in the real world. It is absolutely impossible for three or fifty people to carry it, let alone move it quickly!

In reality, there is a Japanese man named Kishita Fujiro who used river water to transport the pre-made wooden fence to the downstream, and then temporarily erected a fence with a little defense, which scared the enemy and completed the so-called The feat of "One Night City" can be verified by future generations, the scale of that one night city ... cough, let alone say.

But when the level of war was raised from reality to martial arts, and then from martial arts to the world of martial arts, the scene completely changed!

Both Qin Jun and Jin Jun are really capable of cutting off this fairly wide range of sloping water in a very short time!

Moreover, it didn't take long for this moment to appear in front of the players.

When the sections of the two sides filling the river were less than ten meters apart, the Qin and Jin Second Army no longer dispatched Hercules in heavy armor, but the squads who played lightly.

These warriors with little armor, carrying light weapons, flew on the temporarily filled river embankment, and then crossed the distance that was enough to make the long jumpers in reality desperate, like a broken arrow, toward The opponent's position rushed past.

This is ... the war mode of the Chinese martial arts world!

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