A Big Adventure

Chapter 577: Blood river

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Players of big adventures often classify the world of martial arts into three grades of "low martial arts, middle martial arts, and high martial arts" according to their star ratings.

The more traditional world of martial arts novels such as Jin Yong Gu Long Liang Yusheng is low martial arts, characterized by the strength of martial arts masters compared to normal people in reality, and there is no overwhelming advantage, not enough to rely on one person ’s force against a large scale The army, shown in the game is that the general martial arts master does not exceed two stars, and some of the best masters can reach three stars, and the so-called "mythical characters" are only four stars, so for example, the Shaolin Unknown God in Jin Yong ’s novels Although the monks and sword demons are alone in seeking defeat, the land dragon king and jellyfish Yin Ji in the ancient dragon novels are already outrageously strong in their respective worlds, but they are actually only four stars.

The so-called "Chongwu" refers to the kind of martial arts masters who have reached the level of contempt for the actual army, even if thousands of troops can't resist them, this is divided into two cases, one is the ordinary people in the story world. The difference between the value and the reality is not too big. On the other hand, the force value of the whole world is very high. The grandmother on the roadside has the power to kick the full teeth of a **** teenager. In terms of stars, general masters have three to five stars, extreme masters have five to six stars, and mythological masters can reach seven stars.

Seven-star is the limit of Chinese martial arts, because from the eight-star, those strong men have reached the level of being able to sweep the army at will, not to say that it is the army of ordinary people, even the army composed of four-star masters, ca n’t To resist the supernatural power of the eight-star powerhouse, it is completely one-sided mowing. You have to have a five-star mid-level, skilled master in the field to be able to give a little shot in front of them. There is a need to knock down with probability statistics Opportunity, there is the possibility of "ant killing more elephants".

Like the Zhongwu World, the Gaowu World is also divided into two categories: "ordinary people are strong" and "only the strong are strong". The former is represented by those who have been promoted to higher ranks. The typical example is that they have been continuously upgraded. The world of the three-stage Gulong novel "Hua Hua Xi Jian Lu" was upgraded from the initial low Wufeng to the standard Zhongwu first, and then from the standard Zhongwu to the Zhongwu peak. The fourth generation of the recently opened Huanhua In the world of "Sword Washing", the white man in the sword demon from the East China Sea has been able to split the sea and the mountain directly with a sword, a proper eight-star strongman, and his duel with Ziyi Hou on the sea caused more than a hundred The raging waves of rice and the violent tsunami even affected the coastal provinces.

In the Gaowu world, the fighting characteristics of the masters are "natural disasters". Even ordinary people have the strength of three stars or even four stars. Even if the passers-by are the five-star masters, but in the lowest eight-star battle , They are all vulnerable.

Cheng Peng also once entered the Gaowu world. At the beginning, the world of "Magic Girl Madoka" he and Long Biao and other people started to compete in was the Gaowu World. The limit for accommodating players ’contributions reached seven stars. As the world ’s conventional final boss The "Witch of Compassion" is a super monster with a nine-star peak series. One can wipe out all modern humans with scientific and technological civilization. Even if the final BOSS "Witch ’s Night" is also a half-step nine-star monster, if not every time it appears If it is not too long, there is also the possibility of annihilating human beings alone ... No wonder Xu Xiaoyuan, the magical girl who settled in that world, once said, "For a once-in-a-life witch night or even a witch of mercy, we have no pressure, but the earth is king. It must have burst into tears. "

Cheng Peng has only seen battles of high martial ranks on forums; he often experienced firsthand battles of martial ranks; but for the first time he witnessed wars of martial ranks.

The 900,000 former Qin army and the 70,000 Eastern Jin army, even if the soldiers are all three-star, any subordinate officer has stepped into the four-star, and such as the commando or the guards have almost reached the four-star peak. All the famous generals, all of them take five-star jumps. At a glance, there are almost everywhere five-star intermediate-level death battles. The fields and fields collide, energy and energy are stirred up, and the soil and river are blown up. Soaring up dust, bombarding nearby rocks into countless fragments, and once the weaker soldiers are involved in the reach of this battle, it immediately becomes a mosaic or direct Q version for minor players. Fragments and blood mist.

In the previous Snake Warriors melee, Cheng Peng once personally experienced the fighting of groups of five-star masters, especially the final battle of tens of thousands of people. From the information on the forum, it seems that it is really tragic to the extreme, its scene Compared to the scene in front of it, it is more than that. It was just that when both sides had a full death without reservation, Cheng Peng had rushed to the forefront with his companions. When he experienced that battle in person, he felt only the excitement of the battle and did not feel how terrible the scene was.

At this moment, he was standing on the Bagong Mountain, and he watched the two Chinese martial arts ranks fighting on the not-so-wide front from afar. The thrilling scene made him feel deeply shocked.

For example, where he is looking now, a five-star middle-level warrior holding a long sword more than five feet, jumped high, and did not care about the six or seven arrows in his body. The whole person fell into the former Qin army. In the position, with the feet as the axis, the whole person spins like a gyro. The long knife tears the air, and the gas overflows more than two feet. With a sharp whistling sound like howling of a hell-hungry ghost, a large group of former Qin soldiers around Even the man was cut off with a weapon, and a scarlet blood rain started.

Such bravery, if it was in the battle of the unparalleled world of the three kingdoms, it was enough to defeat an entire army with one person's strength, and even the famous men and women were determined to be unable to resist, but the warrior only demonstrated less than five seconds. , He was blocked by a giant mace that rushed out of the former Qin army and was over two and a half meters tall, and then the two sides fought for less than ten rounds. The star warrior died under a long spear pierced from behind.

Such a battle can be staged anywhere on the battlefield.

And what happened the most is naturally in the sloping water between the two fronts.

Countless warriors are fighting on the river embankment that has just been filled out. Their martial arts are astonishingly high. A small stone and a small piece of wood are enough to make them stand. The figures are like wind and lightning. Some are good at The fighters of the light-up technique are able to run on the rapids, sink and float between the waves, the blade of light is like snow, and the fragments are flying.

If it is in the martial arts world of low martial arts, just pulling a pair of fighting people out here can be enough to make the whole river and lake debate, or even a famous duel that has been circulating for many years. However, here, they are just small fragments that are not mentioned in this **** strangling battle.

Countless heroes are fighting on the water, countless people fall every second, and many times with wounds and blood, still screaming and fighting, they will never retreat.

Their blood flowed to the ground, staining the earth and wood with a red and black color; their blood flowed into the river, turning the entire sap water into scarlet turbid waves.

Less than ten minutes into the war, the original clear water has already started from the battlefields of both sides and turned into a rolling river of blood!

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