A Big Adventure

Chapter 578: Tricks

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After an upgraded second-generation border legend world, the former Qin army and the Eastern Jin army carried out a fierce death fight on the water above Fei Shui.

The brutality of this battle is staggering, and countless four-star and five-star powerhouses have fallen like raindrops, even for those who have experienced the battle of the unparalleled serpents.

In that battle, neither the player nor the soldiers they led, the body will not be preserved for long. Players will turn into white light at the moment of death, while soldiers will gradually disappear in about half a minute after death, leaving no trace.

So even though the two sides succumbed to life and death, even though according to later statistics, the two sides had killed more than one million soldiers in the battle, but they did not have a too intuitive **** feeling, and there would be no such corpses. The cruel scene of the mountain blood sea.

But now, the soldiers of the former Qin army and the Eastern Jin army will not disappear after death, but will leave **** debris. The flesh of their body is stained with a whole sap of water. Their body makes the ground of the temporary river embankment beneath their feet. From earth and stone, sacks and wooden fences to squashed flesh and blood, these flesh and blood come from the body that was still alive not long ago, and even some of them have not been cut off, still screaming or howling, looking for help or talking to the enemy Soldiers who died together.

This is the sight of hell!

"When do we have to wait to enter the war?" Many people have become emotionally unstable because they can't bear the impact of this **** scene. Many more players who have been **** have already held the weapon in their hands too hard to let The fingers are pale.

The murderous spirit pervades in the air, the fighting intention is boiling in the heart, everyone is calling for battle, calling for fighting, they need to use face-to-face fighting to vent the pressure in their hearts, otherwise this state will last for a long time, they will probably suffer Resist the pressure and fall into a rage.

However, including Cheng Peng, none of the leaders of the player team proposed to participate in the war.

Even Cheng Peng, who is only good at assaulting and not at commanding operations, can see that this is not the time to join the war.

Do n’t look at the fact that Sang Shui is fighting so fiercely now, but in fact both sides have not yet been hurt by injuries, the dead on the battlefield may be only a thousand people, the position is not big, let alone 900,000 The former Qin army, even the 70,000 Eastern Jin army, could not have launched a battle on a narrow battlefield. They could only rush forward, dancing the blood dance on the death line at the cost of life.

Such a battle is cruel, but it does not make much sense.

According to this rate of wear and tear, even the relatively small number of Eastern Jin troops would only have to fight for a few days and nights before they were killed or injured. Perhaps they would not be able to persevere in that era, when the casualties reached one third or even five points. It will collapse at one-tenth or one-tenth, but that must be a matter of hours later.

In these few hours, anything can happen.

"Is Xie Xuan an idiot?" Xiao Xiao looked at the **** battle of strangulation, frowning very tightly, and asked wondering, "Is this kind of battle not very disadvantageous for them with insufficient numbers?"

"In fact, it may not be necessary." Cheng Peng shook his head and put forward a completely different view. "Don't look at the fact that there are many former Qin troops and few Eastern Jin troops, but they are divided into several generals. As far as the teams are concerned, the two sides are not much different. The morale of the Jin army in the Middle East fell slightly slower even during the battle. If such a battle continues, the forward of the Qin army will soon fall into chaos due to lack of morale, even if Fu Jian is unwilling, You have to withdraw the striker and change other troops to continue the battle. "

"Then change it, is there any difference?"

"Look at the positions on both sides. The positions on the front of the former Qin army are relatively narrow and are not suitable for large forces. If they want to switch front-line troops, it will inevitably disturb the force of the entire army; and the positions on the Eastern Jin army are quite open. The front-line troops are easy to change. In fact, from the beginning of the war to the present, their front-line troops have been replaced three times. Each time the morale has dropped a little bit, Xie Xuan will replace the troops with strong morale. The striker is always fighting. "Cheng Peng called up his virtual map and enlarged the area where the two sides were fighting on the small map, pointing at the troops of both sides to Xiao Xiao," You see, their morale has been A very significant gap has been opened, and the morale of the former Qin army's forward troops is about to fall below the safety line ... If Fu Jian can't detect this situation in time, once the striker defeats, it will disrupt the entire army; even if Fu Jian discovered this situation and changed the troops in time. Temporarily changing the front-line troops on the kind of not-so-wide positions would also temporarily plunge the entire army into chaos. "

"What would happen in that case?" Xiao Xiao was basically a pure layman to the military. Hearing still confused, "Can it be defeated?"

"If the striker is defeated, the former Qin Jun basically lost, but if it is just chaotic, it should not be defeated directly. However, I guess Xie Xuan should be waiting for the opportunity." Cheng Peng nodded and made a bold Guess, "You see, the elite troops under him haven't been engaged in battle. They are always using the slightly weaker forces to rotate and fight elite battles that the former Qin army directly put into the battlefield, so the loss of each army is There are more than the former Qin army. This approach can not be considered wise, I think he may have deliberately retained elite troops, and when the former Qin army forward collapsed or was temporarily confused due to temporary scheduling, he launched a decisive blow. "

"This guess makes sense, but there is a flaw." A player in a military uniform standing next to them shook the fan in his hand and joined the discussion. "In the Chinese military world, it is much easier to mobilize the army than in the real world. , Because they can jump directly from other troops, this three-dimensional means of mobilization will make the team into chaos for a very short time, I guess it will be at most half a minute ... Xie Xuan They may indeed be Waiting for this opportunity, but can they defeat the vanguard of the former Qin army in half a minute? "

This problem also made Cheng Peng feel a little embarrassed. After thinking about it for a while, he shook his head after all.

"That is impossible, the former Qin army is not weak, and the most powerful Xie Xuan in the Eastern Jin Army is only a six-star peak figure. It is a seven-star thing that can be done with a map gun. Xie Xuan does not have this strength."

"Ordinarily ... in terms of military common sense, Xie Xuan should look for opportunities to personally lead the elite cavalry of the Eastern Jin Army to attack the position of the former Qin army from the side and take the command center where Fu Jian is located. This is for the elite cavalry in reality. Classic usage, but it is impossible to look at it. "The military division player shook his head and pointed to the narrow battlefield." Look, the battlefield is so wide in total, there is no possibility of going around! "

Their speculation attracted a lot of players, and everyone was talking about how to develop the next battle.

Some players who believe in Xie Xuan Xie An believe that Xie Xuan must have a good sense, and sooner or later, he will show a lore that is enough to hit back to the sky; while some Tobo Yang ’s blessings, players who are very cold to Xie ’s uncle and nephew insist The Eastern Jin Army was just reluctantly fighting, and it would soon be defeated. Xie Xuan would at best serve the country with death.

No matter how the players discuss, it will not affect the development of the entire battlefield. As Cheng Peng expected, after a while, the morale of the former Qin army vanguard has fallen to the bottom, and even began to run away, although only a few .

In this case, even if Fu Jian is no longer willing, he has to mobilize his troops?

However ... Fu Jian's reaction was far beyond everyone's imagination. He did not let the vanguard troops withdraw, but waved his hand. While sending a few troops to join the front to maintain the morale of the vanguard troops, he sent a second wave of refills. The river force, from the left and right sides of the previous battle line, began to fill the river channel at the same time!

He even wanted to fill out the second and third fronts on Fangshui to expand the strength of his forces and attack from both the left and right sides. He took three steps and attacked the positions of the Eastern Jin Army in all directions!

This scene made everyone stunned. The military division player even dropped the fan in his hand and muttered in his mouth: "This ... what's going on! What is the level of Fujian's military capabilities?" Yes! "

However, in the next moment, the reaction of the Eastern Jin Army really made everyone completely stunned.

Facing the lore method released by Fu Jian, Xie Xuan did not move at all, but turned around and retreated with his elite into a place where the tent was connected to the tent in the center of the Eastern Jin Army position.

As they arrived, the tents were lifted side by side. The tent below was not a camp for rest, but a huge catapult that had been prepared and ready to go!

Headed by Xie Xuan, the strongest elite troops of the Eastern Jin Army boarded the catapult without changing their face.

A moment later, with a dull sound, Xie Xuan and their catapults flew high into the sky with the power of the catapult, crossed the long distance between the two armies, and swooped towards the former Qin army command center where Fu Jian was located !

In the face of the absolute superiority of the former Qin army, the tactics adopted by the Eastern Jin army were king to king!

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