A Big Adventure

Chapter 590: Trick

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Of course Cheng Peng's vomiting didn't affect Daze Longjun, because it is likely that this Longjun didn't even know who Drizzt came from.

If you want to be careful, it is very likely that the origin of this set of swordsmanship is "the origin is unknown, and it was created by a hero in the extreme west." Most of the time, even Drizzt's name will not appear in it.

So Long Jun ignored Cheng Peng's words at all, but just kept stroking the double knives to make it like two groups of golden lights, continually slashing towards Cheng Peng.

Of course, Cheng Peng did not intend to use his mouth gun to interfere with Longjun ’s operations. The reason why he suddenly appeared such a sentence was purely sentimental, without mixing any other factors, nor does it mean that he was really afraid of this set of origins. Drizzt's double scimitar method!

Drizzt's cutting technique is certainly powerful, but he is not without a way to deal with it.

Since ancient times, long weapons vs short weapons, all tactics are nothing more than one word.


One inch is long and one inch is strong, no matter how clever the user of the short weapon is, it ca n’t compensate for the natural hard damage of the attack distance, so when the long weapon fights the short weapon, as long as it can keep the distance apart, it can be stable Standing firmly in an invincible position, the next step is just to slowly work with the opponent.

To increase the distance, the most important thing is the speed and flexibility of the footwork. This is precisely the strength of Cheng Peng. Although Long Jun ’s basic attributes are high, at least this aspect is not as good as him, so no matter what set of swordsmanship is. Magical and weird, it can only force Cheng Peng to keep going back, but it can't really cause him a potentially fatal threat.

So this battle has always been in a stalemate.

But this deadlock will not last forever!

Both Cheng Peng and Long Jun know this very well.

After all, Cheng Peng is a human rather than a dragon. No matter how good his physical strength is, he can't fight a thousand-day battle with the enemy like a dragon like the Dragon King. He hasn't panted for a few years or even decades. Night is almost the limit.

For Long Jun, the guy who was killed three times a day by himself has grown to be comparable to himself. This ridiculous and hateful thing, would n’t it make me a joke among the dragons? What? He has been working behind closed doors all these years and has not wasted any time!

So even if it was just for face, Long Jun could not tolerate Cheng Peng really playing with him for a few days and nights.

In the mentality of "seeking change and winning", Long Jun is even stronger than Cheng Peng.

No matter how cultivating, no matter how he grows, as long as he has not broken through to the legend template, there is no possibility to truly overcome the inherent pride nature of the dragon family, and it is impossible to gain the upper hand of Cheng Peng in mindset.

So when the day was getting darker and the square was getting darker, Long Jun's face clearly showed an irritable look.

The battle started at about three o'clock in the afternoon, and it has now been more than two hours.

In these two hours of battle, Long Jun not only failed to wield his double swords as imaginatively, to kill the enemy easily, but to sacrifice the flag with the enemy ’s blood, he was kept short by Cheng Peng. The unfavorable distance of weapons, although he has indeed forced Cheng Peng to keep going back, taking advantage of the battle situation, but if it is not the true martial arts characters but some laymen who watch the battle, probably You can only see the situation of "Dragon Jun desperately chasing and rushing, but he can't always rush into the envelope of the Peng marksmanship, he has been pressed and hit all the time", right?

Although there are only two of them on the square, there is no third idler to wait for others, but at the thought of this possibility, Long Jun is very depressed and angry!

This situation must not continue!

They could not cause any damage to both sides in this battle. Cheng Peng, as a player, had no big deal in his last death. Even if he was shot down from the six stars, his realm is still there, and his martial arts experience is still there. It wo n’t take long. You can re-cultivate back; and as a member of the Dragon clan, the most important thing for Dragon Jun is all kinds of precious and rare treasures. Of course, there are not many things to save lives. Cheng Peng may be able to defeat him, but it is impossible. Kill him.

Therefore, this battle between the two sides is in fact fighting for face.

The face of a human hero, the face of a dragon.

What the two sides disputed and did their best to fight for is only that.

In this respect, Cheng Peng has a natural advantage. Humans can't beat the dragon race. That is a matter of course. As long as he can fight long enough, no one will question his ability. On the contrary, a human being, who fought for a long time with the outstanding characters of the Dragon clan, eventually defeated because of the difference in innate physique. This is not only a shameful thing, but a glorious one!

Of course ... Cheng Peng's glory is the shame of Long Jun. If things really develop to such a result, then let alone take the troops to attack Luoyang and even arbitrarily capture all places, even the face of the person who came out of sight is gone There is really no other way to go besides obediently continuing to practice at home.

In that case, will Long Jun allow it?

when! Of course! Do not! can!

So when the afterglow of the sunset finally disappeared completely, and the square on the bottom of the water was dark, Long Jun finally couldn't hold back, shouted, and showed his ability that had not been used.

Pale light burst out of him, like a blaze of burning flames, reflecting the surrounding light.

"After breaking through the bottleneck and being fully transformed into the true dragon bloodline, you are still the first opponent to force me to use the" Dragon Fire "!" Long Jun did not rush to attack, but stayed in place while making a deep Take a breath and say one word at a time, "I didn't intend to use this completely unskilled method, it would make my victory greatly reduced, but in any case, I must defeat you as soon as possible!"

Cheng Peng did not answer.

For him, what is needed now is to seize the time and adjust the breath to allow the body to recover more.

Long Jun must show his unique ability at the moment. In the face of that ability, every time he gets more physical strength, he has one more chance to win.

Although in fact Long Jun couldn't hold back, and he had already seen the dawn of victory when he wanted to exert a big move that was enough to decide victory or defeat.

An enemy with powerful power, an enemy with powerful power and falling into a grumpy state, an enemy with powerful power and still keeping calm ... Of these three situations, naturally the latter is the most dangerous.

If Long Jun always maintains that kind of calm fighting and fights like this, Cheng Peng, even though he has prepared a lot of backers, can't find a suitable opportunity to play, almost because of the disadvantage of the overall strength. Defeat in the endurance battle.

Now Long Jun can't help himself, and he wants to use those powerful tricks, which will allow him to show more flaws.

Perhaps those flaws were originally inconspicuous. Since Long Jun dared to use the great skill, he must have the confidence to make up for its own shortcomings, and be sure that even if some flaws are exposed, they will not fail. But the problem is that Long Jun does not really understand Cheng Peng.

For "players", the most important thing is all kinds of wonderful tricks.

The kind of "little trick" that can turn a small, unremarkable defect into a fatal flaw.

This is certainly true of Cheng Peng.

In fact, because of the sufficient preparation, the tricks he can use are not one or two.

So when the pale flame on Daze Longjun's body burned to the extreme, and he was really ready to perform the next trick, Cheng Peng shot.

This time he did not use the Ice and Snow Gun, but took out a small iron token, lifted it like a sword, and split it against the Dragon Jun void.

"Dragon Cut!"

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