A Big Adventure

Chapter 611: Laugh if you want

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After confirming his victory, Cheng Peng's next question was how to get out of this big pit.

It is very unrealistic to expect congenital qi to heal wounds, the character information clearly shows that he is now seriously injured, all the limbs, corpses and strange veins on the character chart have turned into dazzling bright red, almost impossible to find To the two green lines that can be connected together, that represents the meridians that can still function normally. Even if you want to use True Qi to heal your wounds, True Qi can't be transmitted from Dantian at all.

In fact, his injury is so severe that he is only breathless than the dead.

The reason why he suffered such a terrible blow actually left this breath, but because he filled his health in time before, the "Eternal Life" talent was activated, this trick can make the player in a full blood state No matter how terrible the attack is, he can still have a breath, which corresponds to this situation, allowing him to escape.

As the other side of the duel, Jin Yu naturally knew the life and death of Cheng Peng, so he sent an email, first of all thanking Cheng Peng for pointing out the flaws of that trick, and then to Cheng Peng actually able to "sun burst" Under the attack, he was able to pick up a life and expressed his surprise. He admired the admired words and wrote a dozen sentences. Finally, he honestly admitted his failure.

"You really deserve to be the most powerful master! You can't even kill the" Sun Explosion "! I am convinced and convinced! I won't come to trouble you again until I can fully control this trick."

After reading the e-mail, Cheng Peng smiled with satisfaction, but immediately because of this small movement, he hurt his eyes and turned black.

Life was picked up, but the problem has not been solved yet.

If it is changed to someone else, only private chatting friends, give coordinates, let Yun Yu and others dig him out of this big pit.

Fortunately, Cheng Peng is not someone else, he still has a way to think about it.


There is only a pitiful little bit of life left almost unclear. Naturally, it can't be taken out for transformation. The physical strength and true energy have been transformed before, and there is no way to recover because of serious injuries. It is also empty. The only thing Cheng Peng can transform at this moment is Wushuang Energy.

There is a special thing about the Wushuang system: when the character is seriously injured, the Wushuang energy will not only decrease, but will increase rapidly until it recovers to the full value.

Cheng Peng is very grateful for this system setting at the moment!

Although due to serious injuries, the effect of thorough circulation has also decreased; although in order to maintain the rapid recovery of dual energy, he cannot treat the body's injuries; although because the meridians are all broken, even if the true energy is converted, it cannot be used ... Anyway, he can at least restore himself to strength.

After about ten minutes, Cheng Peng finally stood on the wall of the pit with residual heat.

This usually easy action made him sore in front of his eyes, almost dizzy.

He took a few breaths with a tingling like breathing flames, and walked up the gentle slope.

At this time, Cheng Peng's tried-and-tested willpower was fully exerted. Rao was tingling all over his body with every step of his body, and his internal organs were as if turning over the river and the sea, but he still insisted on it. Although it was very slow, he walked out of the hole that was hit by himself.

When you go out and see, the scenery in front of you is spectacular.

Surrounded by lush primitive forests, there is a radial pit in the forest. In front of the pit is a long fracture zone, countless trees are dumped on both sides, and many of them are still blowing green smoke. It was probably ignited by high temperature.

"Fortunately, there was no forest fire ..."

Cheng Peng turned a not-so-reliable thought in his mind, opened the pet panel, and released the "Blue Arrow"

After being blown away by Jin Yu ’s activation of the “Wind King Liberation”, he simply took the blue arrow back into the system ’s pet bar, so the underage kid was lucky enough to escape. It doesn't have the "undead" stunt of Fuyuelong's "Xiao Bai". If it is bombarded by the "sun explosion" like Cheng Peng, even if the defense is not high enough, it will definitely become a grilled fish on the spot!

As soon as Blue Arrow came out, he happily turned around the host twice, and then he used his mouth to arch his arms habitually, letting the host touch his head, but found that the host was seriously injured at the moment, and the whole person was risking The air was hot, and the smell of roasted meat was even more frightening, and he was suddenly shocked, circling around Cheng Peng, and a series of "poo" screams quickly appeared in his mouth, looking very anxious.

"Don't panic, I'm okay." Cheng Peng confuses this little animal that hasn't grown up with conscience, letting it finally recover a little calm.

"Carry me on your back, fly out in the direction of this ditch, and fly to the previous battle site to see." Cheng Peng gave this order, and then lay prostrate on the back of Blue Arrow.

Although he was a juvenile arowana, the blue arrow was not too small, let alone one Cheng Peng on the broad blue ridge, even two people would be fine. And its power is also very strong, a human flying on the back, no effort at all.

"Oh, don't fly too fast, the wind is too strong, I feel uncomfortable."

Lan Jian's original flight speed was very fast, but since Cheng Peng had this instruction, it slowed down, just like a hot air balloon travel, and followed the direction of the ditch that Cheng Peng hit out all the way. Fly away.

After all, flying is the most convenient way to get on the road. About half an hour later, one person and one fish arrived at the battlefield and ruins of the previous battle between Cheng Peng and Jin Yu.

In other words, the remains of the explosion.

The former Valley of the End has not been found at all. There is only one lake on the ground that is constantly storing water. The surging river water poured down along the **** generated by the explosion and merged into the new lake. Because of the water The sediment has not yet settled, and the lake water is a bit turbid. Cheng Peng has no way to determine how deep this "artificial lake" is, but at least he can see from the slightly dry river bed downstream that the water storage work has not been completed.

With this artificial lake as the center, a large forest around it completely fell down, as if the radiation around the luminous body generally fell towards the "outside". A depression like a "tiankeng" was formed in the endless original forest. Peng estimated it slightly, and this huge tiankeng is conservatively estimated to be more than ten kilometers.

The power of Jin Yu's blow was really unimaginable!

"If this trick is on the battlefield, even if a thousand soldiers and horses can really wipe it out ..."

Cheng Peng sighed a few times, but laughed again.

Relying on this path to constantly transform Wushuang value for treatment, he has healed some key injuries, and the most important meridians have been restored to flow, and he has been able to start trying to heal with true qi.

Not only that, as the Kunpeng goddess, his powerful natural recovery ability also showed his power again, so that his physical condition improved quickly.

So now, although he can't move freely, at least he can laugh if he wants to.

He is qualified to laugh!

Take a look at the wooden leaf village in the distance that is as miserable as a typhoon crossing, see the gray-faced players in the wooden leaf village, and then look at this artificial lake that was once the Valley of the End.

Faced with such a trick, he not only survived, but also won the battle.

Of course he has to laugh!

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