A Big Adventure

Chapter 612: The end of the war

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After laughing for a while, Cheng Peng contacted Yun Yu again through the private chat channel.

The battle over Yunyin Village is in full swing, but Yun Yu himself has been idle. As a well-known explosive powerhouse, he was taken care of by the players in Muye Village as soon as he entered the battle. Whenever they found this danger When the molecule is close to a certain plot NPC, there will be several players who are not inferior to him, rushing up and succumbing to his life, and resolutely not letting him have the opportunity.

This is definitely not that the players of Muye are overly nervous, and the name of the ninja broke out. In the last battle of Wuyin Village, the six-star middle-level "copy ninja" Qimu Kakashi died under Yunyu. This popularity The death of the character, I do n’t know how many boys and girls broke the glass heart, and also won Yun Yu the highest alert level in Muye Village. For players, this guy who can only erupt for a few seconds, even More dangerous than Lei Ying in Yunyin Village and several others!

Under this kind of focus, Yun Yu will hang back to life almost five minutes after each appearance, and even find a suitable plot NPC, there is no chance to use "burst".

So he is very busy now.

When I learned that the duel between Cheng Peng and Jin Yu turned Muye Village's holy land into a man-made lake, and caused a lot of trouble to Muye Village, at least one fifth of the buildings collapsed visually, and The number of dangerous buildings turned out to be about twice this number, and he laughed happily.

"Good job!" Although the video was not opened, Cheng Peng bet that Yun Yu must be raising his thumbs. "In this way, Muye's group of guys will be dull even if they win us!"

After admiring it, Yun Yu asked Cheng Peng's injury again.

Cheng Peng's injury is very serious. Up to now, he can't even walk freely. As for the combat effectiveness, he has absolutely no. Even if he does his best to heal the injury, and the taste produced by the system mall makes many people prefer not to drink. With the aid of a powerful healing potion, it will take at least two hours to recover a little bit of combat effectiveness at the earliest, which is about the level of competition with ordinary five-star opponents.

This kind of injury naturally can't catch up with the battle of Yunyin Village. On the battlefield of Yunyin Village, the four-layer front line arranged by the anti-wood leaf coalition forces has been broken through three layers, and the last layer is also in jeopardy. Those who survived from various battlefields The plot of the NPC is even more dead and wounded. More than 70% of the fighting power of the entire Yunyin Village has been removed.

Even the most optimistic estimate, this ninja unity battle will end in an hour or less.

Since it was too late, Cheng Peng could not return to Yunyin Village. He directed the dragonfish "Blue Arrow" to fly northwest, planning to find a remote place to recuperate.

The Valley of the End is close to the northern border of the country of fire, and it is Muye Village not far from the south. It continues to be the iron country to the north, and enters the country of soup not far to the east. To the northeast is the frontline base of Muye. In the Kingdom of the Kingdom, moving forward is the battlefield of the Kingdom of Thunder. Cheng Peng will naturally not go silly towards places where there are many enemies. The direction he is heading to is the Kingdom of Earth. There used to be Yanyin Village, one of the five largest ninja villages with the same name as Muye Village. This country also used to be One of the five famous nations of the Fire Kingdom and the Wind Kingdom ... but all this is already a thing of the past. The present Land Kingdom is just a country that has basically lost its fighting power, while the former Rock Hidden Village has been It is said that Muye, the first master of contemporary wooden leaves, combined with his former teacher, also overturned the surrounding mountains with great power of ninjutsu, deeply buried under the endless earth and rock, and turned into a stun Loess, for chasing Myanmar.

Cheng Peng found a nice cave near Yanyin Village. The two-star beast "One-eyed Evil Bear" that originally lived in the cave became his dinner.

After releasing his small and unremarkable size, and able to completely converge his breath, Fuyuelong "Little White" became a vigilant, Cheng Peng began to concentrate on healing.

The congenital qi that has been integrated into the eight-star martial arts has a good healing effect. The powerful self-healing ability provided by his Kunpeng bloodline also makes the healing work more efficient, not to mention that he can continuously transform the useless physical value into life. Value, so that at least the skin-related injuries can be recovered more quickly.

So, as he expected, Cheng Peng, who had been sitting quietly like a rock in the cave for about two hours after finally concentrating on the wound, finally stretched out and stood up.

The injuries on the surface of the body have healed, and at least they will not be injured or injured due to fighting. Recovering to this point, the healing work is done.

However, even though the healing is complete, the negative state of "serious injury" on the character's attributes is still there. The system prompts that it will take another 17 hours for this state to disappear.

This is the inherent setting of the game. After being seriously injured, if you can't get special treatment, then in any case, the serious injury state will remain for 24 hours.

It has only been seven hours since he was injured.

Cheng Peng moved his body and walked out of the cave. He recalled shrinking himself into a ball and hiding on the top of a big tree to pose as fruits. He was very careful to guard him against any dangerous Fuyuelong "Little White" intimacy. Touch this little guy ’s head happily, let it dance tentacles happily, fly around happily in the air, and continue to make strange sounds of “boom”, perhaps cheering, after all, we ca n’t consider combat power at all for this For the little guy, it is really not an easy thing to get the opportunity to show their strength!

After eating a little dry food, Cheng Peng contacted Yun Yu again.

Unexpectedly, Yunyin Village was defeated and ruined.

Lei Ying and the water shadow who fled here, the three survivors of the column force, the plot of more than 30 people NPC ... all destroyed!

A total of about 150,000 player troops supporting the anti-wood leaf coalition forces ... all destroyed!

More than 10,000 five-star masters including Yun Yu ... all destroyed!

The army formed by Muye Village was thunderous and fought in less than six hours, fighting from 3:30 pm to 9 pm. After paying a huge sacrifice, it finally moved away and blocked the unified road of the ninja world. The last big stone on the board completed this great feat.

For this battle, they also suffered heavy losses. Players ’deaths and injuries were difficult to estimate. The NPC troops also suffered losses. They were born in the“ Dawn ”organization of the puppet divisions“ Red Sand Scorpion ”,“ Explosion Artist ”Dedara and“ Suzaku ” Uchiha Itachi all died in this battle, and Konoha itself has damaged one of the famous generals in the third ninja war, "Muhabaiya" Qimu Maoshuo, "Muye Sanren" Among the young snake ninjas of the new generation, the only survivors from this battle are Uzumaki Naruto and the "genius ninja" Nisshin Ningji who are the protagonists of the story.

The brutality of this battle is unique in the entire history of ninja wars. The total number of S-class ninjas that have fallen is more than one hundred, which is almost 80% of the total number of S-class ninjas existing before the entire ninja war!

After reading Yun Yu's collation report sent to him by email, and comparing with the impression he got after reading almost 20 comics, Cheng Peng couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

It's really miserable!

"Then ... this world has come to an end like this?" After being sentimental for a while, Cheng Peng contacted Yun Yu again and asked, "What are you going to do next? Are you going to stay in this world? Or find a brand new one?" World development? "

Yun Yu looked a little listless and replied with a sigh: "I plan to take a rest for a while. I died more than 20 times in this battle, and the weak time has accumulated to a week. Even more annoying is that it has never been Find a chance to break out ... Depressed! Really too depressed! "

While speaking, they received a system message at the same time.

The brothers and sisters of the ninja world, no matter where you are, whether you have met our soldiers or not, all the grudges and contradictions have gone with the battle of not long ago. On the occasion of the peaceful coming, Muye Village will hold a peace celebration meeting and cut the ribbon for the newly completed "mission center". From now on, all ninjas, even if they used to be our enemies, do n’t matter. They can register here to gain greater freedom in choosing missions, and can issue missions for more effective communication and mutual assistance.

I earnestly hope that you can come to Muye Village to attend the celebration meeting.

Conference time: 10 am on May 1st.

The publisher, the last "shadow" Zhicun Tuizang who will officially resign at the conference.

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