A Big Adventure

Chapter 646: My path, I decide

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Conquered from the top, the situation was like breaking through bamboo.

Wilfred jumped from high altitude, wielding the flaming giant sword and slashing it down. The name "jump" is a powerful trick in European swordsmanship.

Others are still in the air, the sword has not been completely cut out, the powerful momentum has completely covered the range of dozens of steps where Cheng Peng is located, and a hot and sharp sword is falling down in the air, not only cutting off the monsters on the ground. , Even more steaming blood cloud, in an instant Cheng Peng turned out to be like **** in the blood sea hell.

This is the true strength of the "guilty person" Wilfred!

If faced with such an attack a few days ago, the only thing Cheng Peng can do is to retreat from Sanshe and try to avoid his sharpness to attack his lazy return. Although this method is suitable for the art of war, he loses his sharpness and will be seized with momentum. There is a sense of breath. Once it reaches such a point, it is basically the same as defeat. The rest is only early defeat and late defeat. It is a matter of failure or death.

But now, in the face of Wilfred's sword like a god, Cheng Peng not only dodged, but instead sneered and shot the game.

He didn't even use the Ice and Snow Gun this time, but just an ordinary Samsung silver-level spear.

However, this shot stabbed, but like a magic, he made a passage in the hot blood cloud, so that he could face the Wilfred without being disturbed by the blood cloud.

Not only that, when Wilfred was about to land, he suddenly found that this gun was referring to the key point that his sword would be released!

Any trick has a point of strength, which is generally well hidden, because if it is attacked by the enemy, no matter how powerful the trick will be deformed and deformed, the remaining power can be 30%. It is a good thing, and it is more likely to reveal flaws and be swept in by the enemy.

This is simple to say, but it is extremely difficult to do. Wilfred's shot is powerful enough to press the general master directly, and although the flaws in his swordsmanship are more obvious, there are several people in the world who can have the ability to Seize this flaw in the sparkle between fire and light?

At least the goddess of war, known for his bravery, can't do it.

But Cheng Peng did it!

One shot, hit the target.

Where did the three-star spear stand up to such a terrible collision, and it suddenly broke and shattered, but there was a sharp, knife-like blast at the point of the gun, which not only made Wilfred even The sword that the mountain could split in half was cracked, and even after the sword was cracked, the momentum remained undiminished, and he shot towards his throat.

Cheng Peng was actually able to fight back decisively under the cover of his jump-cutting sword, and hit the target with one stroke. This greatly exceeded Wilfred's expectations and made him slightly slower in the face of the raid attack.

Of course, with the strength of his best master, even the slow first half shot will not be really killed by that gang gas. The gang gas attached to Cheng Peng ’s gun was originally not much, after breaking the sword. There was very little left, so although he hit the target, it only gave Wilfred a sore throat.

This level of pain won't even make him move.

At this time, Cheng Peng had pulled out the ice and snow gun, the body of the gun was cold, and the dazzling white light was shining, just like a frozen lightning, taking Wilfred's eyebrows straight.

His shot was completely different from the last time he competed. Without any mercy, his shot was a trick!

Facing Cheng Peng's murderous offensive, Wilfred was not surprised and rejoiced, laughing and wielding off his sword, but it was the same trick he had done.

When they first played against each other, he used this trick to break Cheng Peng's marksmanship. If not for Cheng Peng, he still has a lot of punches and kung fu, just afraid that he will die under his sword in one move.

What will happen this time?

Watching Wilfred laugh out of the sword, Cheng Peng's look was as cold as iron, his feet did not retreat in the next step, and the guns had not changed at all. He wanted to fight hard with him.

However, if this shot is a hard fight, there will definitely be only one result. Wilfred will certainly be shot by a shot, and Cheng Peng will not be escaped by being cut in half from head to toe.

Alice was in the air, watching the two of them fighting only the second move, they would all die together, and she couldn't help but feel deeply shocked.

She knows how strong Wilfred is. At first, they traveled among the world together, fought against demons, beasts, heroes, thousands of horses, and finally even the goddess of war and the army of heroes. In the battles again and again, Wilfred, who was originally a talented swordsman, made rapid advances, and his power surged to an incredible level. In the end, one person defeated the heroic army with one sword and cut the powerful goddess Valkyrie into the sword. Next, it is truly a matchless match!

Although he has been silent for years, as if the sword was in the sheath, he has been practicing hard and never put down his swordsmanship. That unparalleled courage is still alive, and because he is already a fierce soul, he is immortal The physical state is always maintained at the peak moment, and the strength is more than that when the goddess of war was beheaded!

In the face of such Wilfred, the so-called heroes in this world, the strong, are almost unbreakable, that is, the legendary heroes in the Hall of Heroes may not be able to beat him, perhaps only Thor Can a **** with a strong fighting power beat this "guilty person"?

However, Cheng Peng, a foreign stranger, fought with Wilfred twice in a row!

If the factor of water release was included for the first time, this second shot, Wilfred has really gone all out. The sword is cut down, indeed there is the determination to kill the opponent with a sword!

A stranger is so powerful!

How many such masters are in the group of strangers who cooperate with her?

Perhaps their ideal of "ending the age of gods and demons" is not exactly a dream.

Alice was pensive in the air, but the battle between Cheng Peng and Wilfred came to an end.

Cheng Peng's shot has reached Wilfred's eyebrows, and Wilfred's Flame Sword has also been cut into Cheng Peng's face. It seems that he will have a headshot and a corpse, and both will die.

But at this time, the weapons of both sides stopped abruptly!

Wilfred took the giant sword at the last minute. He was originally prepared to pierce his head with a shot by Cheng Peng. As a fierce soul, he can almost be said to be immortal. The headshot is just pain for him. Actually it's dead.

However, the expected shot did not arrive.

He looked at Cheng Peng suspiciously, and saw a smiling face.

"Why?" He asked.

"Why?" Cheng Peng put away the spear of ice with ease, no matter whether Wilfred's flame sword was still emitting heat on his side, as if to ask casually.

Wilfred frowned and put away the Great Flame Sword.

"Why are you taking that shot?"

"Why don't you cut it?"

"Do you know that with this shot, you can break through your heart barrier and become a real powerhouse?"


Seeing Cheng Peng seemingly carelessly, Wilfred couldn't help but get angry, and shouted, "Your marksmanship is very powerful, but why do you feel soft when faced with" companion "? A real strong man should face Any enemy is cruel and unaffiliated! Since you are on the battlefield, and since you are hostile to each other, you should stab them mercilessly even if you are a family member or a friend! "

"You are so radical."

"It's not extreme! This is the battle! You die, there is no third result. If you can't fight with the determination to kill anyone, your gun is always not sharp enough. As long as you don't pierce your heart You will never be a true powerhouse because of your emotional confusion! "Wilfred shouted angrily." Know who I met when I defeated the goddess of war and her army of heroes? I met. Since I was a good friend like a brother, I met my father who raised me ... But I cut it all! Because I cut it, so I can stand here today to guide you; because I cut it, so I It ’s the strongest swordsman in the world, it ’s the **** killer! "

Cheng Peng froze for a moment, staring at Wilfred's twin pupils that seemed to be burning.

Inside, he couldn't see a bit of sorrow and sadness, only a breath like a cruel beast, and a firm determination not to look back through the south wall!

With a sigh, he shook his head and gave up the argument.

There is nothing to dispute with someone like Wilfred. He has reached the end of the road, and there is no possibility of turning back.

No ... telling him "turning back to shore" or something is simply insulting him!

"Answer me! Do you want your gun to stop here? Are you willing to stand still on the road to the strong!" Cheng Peng's attitude angered Wilfred instead, his hand waved. The Flame Sword reappeared, "If that is the case, then my next sword will really be cut off! I promise, you will never catch my sword!"

Of course Cheng Peng knows his seriousness, and also knows that if this "guilty person" really made up his mind to kill himself, the hard-fought tired himself is afraid that he really has no strength to escape.

But he didn't mean to be afraid or upset, but just raised his head and stared at Wilfred's angry eyes.

"What you said, I understand, but I disagree. The path to the strong will definitely not be the one you said. I will not take your path, that is not what I want." Cheng Peng calmly and firmly said, "My path, I decide!"

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