A Big Adventure

Chapter 680: Decide

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"This is roughly the case." After explaining the matter in detail, Cheng Peng asked everyone for advice. "What do you think I should choose?"

After listening to his description, friends began to discuss.

"If I were to say it, I would rather choose the first one." Qiao Xi, who also upgraded the magic weapon, said, "After all, the first one is the most reliable. In terms of your ability, Cheng Ping or magic weapon is not necessary. Indispensable, on the contrary, it is the weapons that you are already fully familiar with that can fully exert your abilities. Around the existing snow guns, you already have a lot of combat experience. If you change the weapons again, these experiences will be wasted. . "

"If you ca n’t say that, our players always have to change their equipment. If the equipment changes, it ’s better to adapt ourselves. If you keep refusing equipment replacement in order to maintain combat experience, it is simply to cut your feet for wearing shoes. This is called Brain pumping! "Zhang Channian, the most frequently upgraded weapon, immediately retorted.

"Then what did you choose when upgrading Sky Axe?"

"Strengthen the Dragon Slayer Attribute."

"That's not enough!"

Zhang Channian was choked by Qiao Xi, and he was unable to speak for several times.

Indeed, as Qiao Xi said, both he and Qiao Xi, when upgrading their artifacts, chose to strengthen their inherent abilities. The holders of several other artifacts also chose to work with them. Same, there is no difference.

The attributes of the magic weapon itself are already very good. Any of these four characteristics, the Dragon Slaughter, the Domain, the Divine Soldier, and the Psychic, are very practical. There is nothing to change. As long as they continue to strengthen, they are first-class and easy-to-use weapons. .

Except for the rod of the Virgin who was enshrined by Liu Xueji in the Boli Shrine and has been converted into a holy thing, the sword of fire, the axe of the thunder, the bow of the wind, and the ever-changing Divine Soldier are all raised in this way, the highest light The implied darkness and the cause of karma have been transformed into a part of Xiao Moran's three puppets, which will be omitted.

Of course, this is also because they are not as crazy as Cheng Peng. They actually use two artifacts as materials to upgrade their weapons. This approach is not so much a hero, it is a loser, even if it is good luck sister Bai Yu and White Wing. Chu Fengge, the president of the guild, can't do it!

"In my opinion, let's choose the second one." After a while, Chu Fengge said, "I remember that you are still good at double guns. In this case, you can use double guns in the future. Is it that our players still Are you afraid of the curse of a red-yellow brush? You do n’t seem to be the type with a mole of love that will lead to a scourge of death ... In fact, even if it is a scourge of death, our players are not afraid of death. "

Her statement is indeed very reasonable. Cheng Peng nodded repeatedly. After confirming the fact that "Cheng Peng is good at double guns", most of them expressed support for Chu Fengge's opinion.

In fact, Cheng Peng does n’t really need to switch to two guns at all, as long as he prepares a spare powerful spear, then the ice gun and the spare spear can be replaced at any time depending on the situation ... This approach can be expanded, He can prepare more spears and use them for different situations.

Players, you should make full use of the advantages of equipment!

Seeing that the discussion was coming to an end, Xu Tu suddenly coughed twice and asked lightly: "Do you need to be stronger, Cheng Peng? Do you need to be as strong as possible?"

"Of course!" Cheng Peng froze, replied casually.

"Then I don't see any need for you to hesitate." Xu Tu smiled and said, "No matter which gun you choose, the goal is to become stronger, so of course you should choose the strongest one!"

Cheng Peng froze.

Since the goal is to become stronger, then of course choose the strongest possibility!

The words were light, but like a flash of lightning, the confusion in his heart was shattered, and the sky was restored to a sunny day.

Not only Cheng Peng, everyone involved in the meeting was stunned, and fell into thought.

Most of them are great masters who are already on top of billions of players, and are looking for the road to higher peaks in their respective directions. Xu Tu's remarks not only pointed to Cheng Peng, but also inspired them greatly.

"Straight to the heart ... Straight to the heart ... This is the" Straight to the heart "!" Long Biao laughed, ecstatic, apparently realized, "Sorry, I'm going to retreat for a few days! Perhaps by the time I got out of the border, I would have made another breakthrough ... Maybe I could even reach the limit of the Silver Saint Seiya! "

"I have to retreat too." Qiao Xi said immediately, "I need to reorganize my martial arts, maybe I can discard some things that are not so necessary ... My knife can be faster!"

Next, everyone proposed to go to retreat, and the discussion group gradually became cold.

"What are you going to do?" After a while, when there were very few members of the group, Shen Qi asked Cheng Peng, who had never spoken, with some anxiety.

"No!" Cheng Peng smiled slightly, "I want to fight!"

With that said, he showed the newborn snow gun in the group.

Magic Spear Warrior This is a spear that condenses the power of the Chinese God of War God Chi You. It has unparalleled power. This power is too powerful. To the point that mortals cannot control it well, it appears as a form of curse.

Six-star gold-level weapon, characteristics: artifact, magic gun, warlord, master; skills: slashing dragon blade, ice array, calling wind and rain.

Artifact: This weapon has divine power. Unless it encounters a higher level of divine power, it is almost impossible to be destroyed, even if it is damaged, it can be recovered by itself. Not only that, the characteristics of divine power will give it great help when the characteristics of the weapons are confronted, let it defeat the enemy more effectively.

Magic Gun: The power of this weapon is amazing. Whether it is a person or a weapon armor, it is particularly fragile in front of it. Its existence will become a nightmare for all enemies! However, its power has far exceeded the level allowed by its level, so when fighting with it in hand, users will easily be confused by the overpowering power, because of too strong fighting spirit and fall into fanaticism .

God of War: This weapon contains the power of Chi You. This kind of force will make the enemies on the battlefield frightened, and encourage their own morale. Even without fighting, their own coercion is enough to deter many opponents. If Chi You, the God of War, is fully stimulated, it can be transformed into a kaleidoscope of light to the outside, and the inside can make the holder show the strong posture of the head of the copper-headed iron forehead. Cannot be stimulated at the same time.

May the Lord: This weapon should not appear in the world, so as a cost of rebellion to destiny, people who use it will be more likely to be in danger than others, more likely to be injured in combat, and even become the enemy's priority attack target.

Slashing the Dragon Blade: Turning the grudge into a blade, it has additional damage to the Dragon Clan.

Ice Formation: Turning the magic into endless ice, not only can hurt the enemy, but also has the effect of freezing.

Breathing the wind and rain: Communicating the world with divine power, calling out the storm and rain, if it is at sea or in the seaside area, the power will increase additionally.

Bind: This weapon is bound to player Cheng Peng and cannot be transferred.

The newborn ice and snow gun should now be called the magic gun warlord. It is a bright red spear. Its style is similar to the five-hook gun used by Cheng Peng in the past, except that the barrel is slightly thicker than the ordinary spear. The barbs that are connected to the body of the gun are not five but three, and the tail of the gun is not an ordinary round ball, but the shape of a horn. In other words, even if the tail of the gun is turned upside down, it is still terrible. Sharp weapon.

There are many ancient texts on this gun. The texts are mottled and difficult to see. When Cheng Peng injects true energy into them, he will see the phantom of a tiger running. The mottled texts even reveal a faint red. Fog, the color is a bit like blood fog, but there is no smell, but it makes people feel energized.

Although he said he wanted to fight, Cheng Peng did not rush to find the enemy to fight, but stayed in the **** battlefield for another day, and got familiar with this new magic gun.

The magic gun warrior is worthy of the name "weapon that should not appear in the world". It not only has four characteristics like ordinary gold weapons, but also has three additional skills. From these three skills, it should be a **** Left behind by the violent storms of the ice and snow guns and the second-level artifact Ambori, even though most of their powers have been absorbed and become part of the magic gun, the most fundamental powers are not so easily absorbed , So it is for these three skills.

The four characteristics are self-evident. The power of the magic gun is unexpected. Not to mention the six-star monsters, even those seven-star monsters are particularly vulnerable in front of it. Many Cheng Peng used to struggle. Enemies for a long time can now be knocked down quickly.

It's just that ... if he can't knock down the enemy quickly, he will be infected by the magical effect of the magic gun, and he will gradually become fanatical. If the battle is dragged on for too long, he may even be completely engulfed in fanaticism. On one occasion, because he was completely fanatical unconsciously, he was still violently fighting while surrounded by several seven-star monsters. As a result, he was naturally hung back.

This is still due to the fact that he has several means to calm his mind and help him to persist for so long, otherwise he will only be fanatic once every battle.

It seems that he needs to find some more props that can help calm his mind.

As for the three stunts, apart from the ice array being unable to use because he has no magic power, both Dragon Blade and Hu Feng Hu Yu have actually been tested. The former is a skill with a short CD time, basically as long as the battle is not too intense Frequently, it can be used once in each battle. The effect is roughly similar to the characteristics of the dragon dragon that fired the snow gun, but it will consume a lot of extra energy; the latter has a long CD time. He tested a Back, a storm that covered more than ten kilometers was summoned beside a lake, but it was because of this storm that caused the surrounding monsters to attack him, and finally he fell into fanaticism unconsciously and killed him. After the six-star monster did not know the retreat, he followed the seven-star monster who arrived one after another and was besieged without suspense.

"So, this gun is completely a double-edged sword?" After Cheng Peng told Mr. Marco about the weapon upgrade, the founder and leader of the liberation front sighed for a moment, but first sighed with concern, but suddenly I figured out something and laughed again.

"Right! Is it powerful?"

Cheng Peng nodded.

"So, there is a very important task for you."

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