A Big Adventure

Chapter 681: Richard Wallace

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"Robbspierre sent you to help me?" Looking at Cheng Peng through the cold spectacle lenses, it seemed that the eyes were colder than the lenses. There was nothing in the eyes that could be called goodwill. Correctly, There was no joy or sorrow in his eyes, only the complete coldness, as if the gods were generally standing high and looking down on the coldness of the ants.

Cheng Peng didn't answer, and looked back at each other calmly.

Neither angry because of being despised, nor fearing because of the other party's strength and evil, he just calmly looked at the man with silver hair that had become brown and black because of his own evil.

This man seems to be a little more than thirty years old. To be honest, he looks quite handsome. A magic robe is also a tailored fit. Unfortunately, his excessively cold eyes and the evil breath naturally emitted from his whole body make him attractive. At a discount, I am afraid that except for the very few heavy-weight women who like "evil men", it is difficult to get other people's likes. After all, even if it is the AI ​​intelligence of electronic program manufacturing, it will not be indiscriminately ridiculous, let alone real people.

In Cheng Peng's view, this person's cruelty really came from the bones, he really despised everything. However, this kind of coldness is no big deal. It can be felt from the breath of this person. He has not experienced a lot of pain and has not experienced many dangers. Therefore, his coldness is not only self-confident, but actually lacks enough strength. .

"Or many experienced some hardships and frustrations, can he have a real strong temperament ... just like Aleuze and Wilfred." Cheng Peng evaluated his temporary superior without any respect. But there are also It may not be able to withstand the blow and collapse ... There are many cases like this. "

After about half a minute, the man seemed tired of this nutritious look, lowered his head to look at the scroll in his hand, and waved his hand inadvertently, as if it was dusted off.

"I don't need a helper. Nothing can help me. I can't do anything."

"You need it." The words came from him.

The silver-haired man's body froze violently, turned his head to look, and met the calm eyes.

"You need help." Cheng Peng repeated, "There are many people in our organization who can help you, and I am one of them."

If this is said just now, the proud evil mage must sneer, but Cheng Peng has proved his strength with action. What he says now is particularly important.

Although the guardian spells resident on the evil mage may not hurt the opponent even if he was shot at this distance, since he can come to the evil mage in a flash, he can naturally chase after the evil mage, and the response is not enough. Fast, is the magician ’s biggest flaw, which leads to the face of high-speed enemies, even the most powerful magician will be handcuffed, Gandalf is not here, although the old man claims to be a mage, he is actually a humanoid **** It ’s self-evident that you can practice both martial arts and martial arts. Maybe martial arts practice is even better than magical practice!

At the speed of Cheng Peng, he is fully qualified to threaten the evil mage. Power means status, status means credit, so what he said now, even though it sounds ridiculous, should not be distrusted.

This is the difference in identity!

"There is a saying that the astrologer only looked up at the starry sky all day, but accidentally fell into the well. I Richard Wallace always thought that he was a wise man, and I did not think that he had also committed the nerds of ancient times. Error. "After all, the silver-haired man was also a hero. He quickly adjusted his mood and said self-deprecatingly," But fortunately, this error was discovered in a timely manner and could be remedied. "

"It is my negligence to underestimate your strength. I will adjust my attitude to get along with you." He said this, planning to let Cheng Peng go back to report the leader of the mysterious organization Oliver Robespierre, but then thought about it , But had a good idea.

"I remember you have a lot of staff, right?" After receiving an affirmative answer from Cheng Peng, the mage said with a smile, "I was born in the kingdom of Frensberg, where I once called the magic of" magician heaven " College study. It ’s not that I brag about it. Although it ’s just a student, my abilities have surpassed most teachers and professors! Those who only understand ancient languages ​​are not worth mentioning from the bones! At that time, I had already created my own magical language, and even completed the spiritual practice, which can exist in the form of flesh or soul at any time. As far as humans are concerned, this level has reached the apex! "

Speaking of being proud in life, the silver-haired evil mage's face showed a glow of excitement, but was immediately replaced by anger and resentment: "Those old and stubborn people, but I was expelled because I studied corpse art! You know me Was it angry at that time? Obviously it was about to succeed! But they were only mixed when they were almost there! "

"Not angry because of being expelled, but angry because of being hindered from research ... This guy seems to be a technical house ..." Cheng Peng nodded his head, but in his heart he posted a silver-haired evil wizard like Li Wei. s Mark.

"But that's all gone, now I'm drunk on research, and I have no time to ignore the worthless old people. When I last chatted with Robespierre, he said that the dog bit the man In one bite, people ca n’t bite it back, right. But I do n’t want those guys to get rid of it, so I ’ll give you a lesson. ”

The evil mage Richard Walles asks you to cause some trouble to the School of Magic in the Kingdom of Frensberg. Remuneration will be paid according to his satisfaction. Accept this task?

Cheng Peng nodded and took over the task.

"You will see the results soon."

After he finished speaking, he left and left the magic tower hidden in the shadows.

The Kingdom of Frensberg, an island country located on the southeast side of the world, is a country with a long history. And the country is most proud of the magic academy located in the capital. The long-established magic academy has won the world's scale. Thousands of people who are keen on magic, longing for knowledge and miracles gather here to study and inherit the brilliant magic knowledge. Because of this environment, the political circles in the Kingdom of Flensberg also have a deep relationship with magic. Many political figures are from the magic world, so in the folk, the Kingdom of Flensberg is often called "Magic Kingdom"

However, in recent times, scandals broke out one after another in the most glorious academy of magic in the magic kingdom.

First of all, a well-known old professor was killed because of the failure of the magic experiment. This is nothing. Studying magic is a very dangerous thing. Every year, someone will die in the experiment. Even if this time it is a big person who died, it is no surprise that people are in front of death. Equal, but worse, when surveying the site, the scholars were surprised to find that the old professor was actually conducting cruel and evil human experiments in an attempt to extend his lifespan by that extremely evil method!

It is supposed that this kind of news should be blocked directly, but it was awful that at the time there were several hostile persons who had serious political disagreements with the current dean of the Academy of Magic at the time, especially an old stubborn who had always opposed the "magic statehood" policy. , And even happily poke the news out.

To tell the truth, this is actually nothing. The magician is a very unprofessional profession. The things he does are inexplicable, and many ordinary people even think that "magic is knowledge learned from the devil." This prejudice, so it is not so surprising that a magician does that kind of evil.

As for insiders, there is a great horror between life and death. In the face of the slowly approaching death, no one will be panic-stricken, and it is not incomprehensible to make some mistakes. Anyway, "insiders" are mostly "big men". For the "big man", human experimentation is not a big deal. The life and death of a few civilians is not worth mentioning.

This matter has not subsided, but then there was a huge scandal, a famous professor actually plagiarized the research results of his students!

The student whose results were plagiarized was a child from a wealthy family. The family is quite powerful in the country, and he is also very hard-working, known as a genius. After the professor plagiarized his achievements, he also tried to use brainwashing magic to wash away his knowledge about these studies in order to monopolize the research results. Who knows that the student happened to have bought a piece that could resist various kinds when he happened to be on the market not long ago Abnormal state bamboo amulet, relying on the power of the amulet to avoid brainwashing, and escaped.

In this way, the professor was in a hurry. Facing the danger of losing his reputation, he desperately tried to kill the student, and even hired a killer from the underworld to help!

Ordinarily, a young magic apprentice who is fifteen or sixteen years old is unlikely to survive the pursuit of a great magician and several professional killers, but the student was lucky and happened to meet several passing rangers. . These people who travel all over the world and martial arts are naturally dead enemies of various evil forces. The enemies are very jealous. After a fierce battle, the professor who is seriously injured and the killers who are still dead are sent to the Justice Department. Then there were the genius teenagers who had escaped by chance and witnessed the battle, and the key was to hear the quarrel between the two parties, and fell into an angry crowd of people for such a despicable act!

In this way, even if the judicial officer has the intention to cover up, there is no way to withstand the pressure from all walks of life, and after the tracing, it is even more striking to find that the professor has started this kind of plagiarism and brainwashing since more than 20 years ago. There are already many, and some of them have even taken up important positions in the country.

In a blink of an eye, the once famous prestigious Academy of Magic fell into doubt and countless negative comments from all walks of life!

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